

Attached: Dumbbell_Lateral_Raise_Power-Partials.png (540x360, 47K)

my tongue comes out during lat raises


Name a more useless exercise than this?

Enjoy your rolled shoulders Mr. Big 3


this is the #1 exercise for aesthetics dude


how to get bigger delts?

I hate it because it hurts, I love it because it hurts and I can feel the gains

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I do plenty of rear delt work
OHP, push press, high pulls, Rows

Deltlet detected


You did do your 6x20 lat raises today right?

Attached: IMG_20180821_161506.jpg (960x917, 136K)

post body

6x20? Mate I do 45 minute sessions dedicated to lat raises. Whatever it takes

Attached: 1731.jpg (350x308, 41K)

Squats, Deadlifts

I've been trying 3x5 heavy ass cheat raises, squeezing on the way down.
Followed by 4x12 normal.
Guess I'll have to up my sets.

>high pulls
I've been thinking about incorporating these. Do they carry the same potential for shoulder issues that upright rows do?

Front raise is good for forearm extensors.

It's not useless but the bent-over version is superior considering the rear delts are almost always lagging according to Journal of Sport Medicine.

literally just isolate them instead of doing that exercise just to hit them.

Post body you dyel beta faggot.

Not if you use a snatch grip

Cool, thanks

He's right and you know it