How do I reduce double chin?
I'm not fat.
How do I reduce double chin?
I'm not fat.
stop eating meat
Is it a bad posture double chin or do you need to lose weight?
>has double chin
>isn't fat
I'm calling bullshit
>double chin
>isn't fat
I'm getting mixed messages here
You're skinnyfat. Lose some weight.
Not the same user but I've been a skinny fuck all my life (barely 140 lbs at 5'11) and I always had a double chin. There is not one single person I know (friends, family, colleges, etc.) who didn't tease me about it at some point. Its not even close to OPs pic but it sucks.
The worst part is I can't manage to grow a proper beard to hide, its getting there but only since last year (25 yo now).
Stop eating transfats.
Considering I've never been fat, you guys think the neckpill could help me eliminate or atleast mitigate the dub chin?
>double chin
>not fat
user you’re fat
it would make your neck bigger, therefore probably making your doublechin look even larger.
it's like saying "i'm kinda fat, i'll just lift weights and put on muscle mass, then i won't look fat anymore"
I weighted under 140 lbs all my life. What gives?
stop being a chinlet
How tall are you? Your weight doesn't really tell us that much. For all we know, you could have barely any muscle at all, making you fairly light on the scale, but still have a high bodyfat%
I'm 5'11
Keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth
He looks happy - got 3 smiles.
Proper tongue/jaw posture should help a bit
Jesus, lift some weights
You have a shallow jaw.
I'm 5'11 and barely 140 lbs (always fluctuate between 135-140). When I did a real BMI test with the machine I don't remember the number but I was told I was borderline too skinny and it was almost to the point where it could mitigate my health.
I never looked that much into it but I think its a jawline problem, like either bad posture or genetics. I started to push my jaw forward all the time when I'm out and I look so much better its not even funny.
You mean eat more food yes, which I'm finally taking very seriously.
If you are actually not fat then I pity the absolute state of your jaws.
OP here, I'm 173cm (5'8''?) and I weigh 72kg (159 pounds). I don't think that's fat.
genetics. take care of your skin as you get older, sunscreen is important, maybe dermarolling. I'm a 31 y/o boomer and I'm trying my best to avoid the inevitable.
That's fat.
>tfw he is actually fat
Fuck you OP, unlike me you have good jawline and you're just a lazy fuck.
If youre really not fat, post pic of your body so we can see your scrawny form and double chin in the same picture. Anything less and you are confirmed fat in denial.
Im was at 12.5%bf when I was 6'2" 165lbs. Youre fat, user. Lose some fucking weight and maybe god will take away your mcdonald's chins.
Not posting my face sorry,, why would I LARP about having a double chin lmao? Its not that big but I have received teasing comments from it.
I dont care all that much desu, pushing my jaw forward seems to fix the problem but for how long am i gonna keep doing that...
>I don't think that's fat
shove your opinion up your fat ass, retard
I’ve got the same problem, got double cheeks even if I’m down to 79-80kg (I’m 196cm).
Don’t have the answers but I’ve snaped up some leads during the time I’ve looked for a way even if I’m too lazy atm to make it in practice so I’ll just share some thoughts.
Look into Mewing, correct breathing and toung posture. And reduce sodium and beer intake, apperently beer sticks on your face.
Not sure this will help but I’m gonna try it so hopefully this is it!
Godspeed user
Just looked at this tongue posture thing and I remembered all the threads were anons randomly suggested sticking your tongue up to your palate. Seems like a meme but what have I to lose. I'll post back results in a few months if this shit works. Thanks for the tip user.
Yes, you are lol.
Yeah I’ll do the same, good luck m8
>I have double chin
>I'm not fat
pic related.
Anyways OP if you want us to help you should post a pic.
I weigh less than you and am 4 inches taller. I have pretty noticeable fat hanging off my gut and ass.
How can one be this delusional?
Lose fat.
high body fat
Nope see pretty sure its my bone structure or/and maybe, MAYBE, tongue posture.
start mewing you mouth breather
chances are your chin is underdeveloped
I'm starting to think double chin is genetic. At my peak (255 5'10") I didn't have a double chin lmao. God tier fat distribution.
But mostly lose weight you fat fuck
>And reduce sodium and beer intake, apperently beer sticks on your face.
i literally eat chips and beer as a cheat
Not the OP, but I also have a double chin despite not being fat.
Weak jaw and low hyoid. Surgery can fix this but u will be an unrecognizable chad.
Example: tom cruise
You're skinny fat you fat piece of shit lift some weights and drink water you fuck
Here's the thing though, you actually are fat. You're what we call skinny fat. There is virtually no way to have a double chin without fat.
Yes you are.
Dubs of truth. I figured a while ago that if I went on a diet I could shed my face fat, but I never got around to doing it. Thanks for the wake-up call.
I don't know who this is but this person is also fat
>5'11" 140 lbs