Am I about to get cucked bros? My gf went away to college and just texted me this she’s going to a frat party tonight

Am I about to get cucked bros? My gf went away to college and just texted me this she’s going to a frat party tonight...

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Lol yep, I'd tell her to fuck off as soon as she asked that.

Time to find a new girl my dude. Pick better this time.

who needs to ask to go to a party? Second, why is there a need to ask for boundaries? Tell her you give her the greenlight to hook up with 1 guy. You need to shit test her homie

She’s already done the thing she’s about to ask permission for

This right here or just break up straight up

>if you need clarification on what behaviour is accepted in a monogamous relationship then there is no longer one to discuss

What did she reply

Also this

>She’s already done the thing she’s about to ask permission fo

yea almost certainly this. That or she will do what she asks about either way, and is just hoping youll be fine with it.

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Put a fork in this relationship because it's done.

You don't just not tell your gf/bf that you're going to that type of party.
It's a recipee for a break up.
Asking for boundaries?
She's either fucked one of the dudes there or is going to fuck one of the dudes there and is just saying all f this so she doesn't feel like a total skank.

user, i...

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>with other guys
You're still a cuck if she's munching rug m8.

this. permission = okay. no permission = she still goes but doesn't upload any pics and tells her friends not to mention it

After reading the response she COULD be being genuine, it's kinda up in the air. Women are such snakes.

Hopefully a troll, if not she's going to get a train ran on her and tell you she kissed a guy on accident when she breaks up with you next week.

>Just making sure we're on the same page
What a cop out

You should have asked her what she thinks they are and seen the response.

Fucking bot.


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Apparently she’s telling all her sorority sisters were dating and how awesome I am and also I FaceTimed her yesterday with all her friends and I’m planning on visiting her tomorrow and seeing all her friends.

Idk bros I’m getting mixed signals. Why would she do that if she’s planning on cucking me?

>what are the boundaries set by our relationships

She literally asks you if she can suck Chad's cock. Dump her sorry ass already before you get hurt. If you stay in this relationship you are a faggot and deserve to get cucked

Obviously no respect for you but I cant really blame her when you dont have any for yourself

op dump this fucking bitch
this man knows his shit

How would going to a party be any different than any other social event?

Tell her if she hooks up with other guys to MAKE THEM wear a condom

She's keeping you on the chain so she has someone to talk to when Chad ignores her. 100% you've already been cucked and you should move on. Sorry bro.

>Believing this is a real relationship that actually could exist in real life...

I'll bite..

I've dated hundreds of girls from straight thot Instagram whores with preimum Snapchats, to the shy homeschool girl that's never had a boyfriend before.

And I can tell you that a question like that has never in my entire existence ever been uttered or even thought about.

Your either a willing cuck or this shit is 100% fake

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dude.. leave her. Not even shilling some advice or trolling you. You are going to get absolutely devastated if you 'trust' her which you don't because you posted this here. But beyond what you are doing, shes literally throwing it out there that maybe perhaps you wouldn't mind if she fucked other guys. LEAVE HER NOW. the only way she wouldnt do anything is if she felt you didnt care about her. It would drive her mad. But you've already shown you do by saying that "its something we should talk about in p-perrsson b-b-babe." shes going to fuck with your mind if you stay.

Women are never worth this trouble and you win by absolutely ghosting her for this.

It's over already, move on

>just to make sure, you dont want me to cheat on you right?


op please respond and update

Kek, this

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I know you feel like this board is biased as our main perfection of women is largely negative.

BUT, nonetheless, whether or not your truly think she is or isn’t doing anything. It’s best to cut yourself off emotionally in the sense that you wouldn’t care about her no matter what happens. But if you are long distanced ya may as well cut that op. Rip the bandaid off early.

> Fbpb
It doesn't matter what you say to that, that bitch is going to get picked the fuck down tonight. Sorry OP.

>babe all over every message

I can tell you are getting cucked all the way over here thru the internet by how you text

Keep practicing

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Because she knows frat chad won't call her after tonight

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Bruh I hope OP reads this. Hire a private detective op no joke

>Why would she do that?

First gf huh?

It’s real.

Im not THAT emotionally invested in her but I want to keep fucking her so what should I say now?

I’d be fine with an open relationship but I feel I’d just end up as an emotional tampon then

Don't even bother with that. Just say "it's ok babe" or whatever you might say, and then never text her again.

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Should have played dumb about what she was asking and allowed her to give your more information. The second she indicates that she was even thinking about sexual stuff with other guys, you drop the mask and let the hammer fall.

>I'm fine with being a literal cuck

OP Start acting distant IMMEDIATELY. You need to gain control of this situation....even if you are getting cucked.

Poor lad. Should have shat on her for even mentioning this.

>My gf went away to college and just texted me this she’s going to a frat party tonight
She wouldn't ask if she didn't already feel guilty.

Walk away OP. Dont respond to any texts or calls. No decent human being asks that. She's a self entitled cunt and dont count on that changing.

>inb4 incel

Married 10 years. Fuck anyone that doesn't respect you and that includes women.

>Im not THAT emotionally invested in her
Yea right, keep telling yourself that, brah
Anyway, I agree with the other anons, she is literally asking you if it would be okay to fuck other dudes because she hopes you'd say anything that would allow her to do it without feeling guilty. Now that you said you don't her fucking other dudes (any relationship should be like this without even needing to ask, what the fuck) she will do it anyway, hide it and feel guilty.

>but I want to keep fucking her
Still, I know that feel. Brah, it is time to downgrade her to friends with benefits (or breaking up completely) and allow yourself to move on.

It's okay bro, I too once had the same line of thought as yours

break up with her now, the fact she even asked that question means you're fucking toast

it's too late user. we all know your email

>100% you've already been cucked and you should move on
this guy knows what's up, take the L and move on. although you could still fuck her a few times but don't be attached or you're going to get hurt bro

Lmao dump her if u havea rep to keep and if u dont then just cut her off emotionally use her for sex shes a wicked whore

Is this fucking grade 9 lmao


Get an account on Tinder and cheat like crazy.
If you can still stand her, keep her. If not, dump her.

OP drop this bitch. If she's asking the boundaries of your relationship she's already seeing where she can "get away" with doing certain things.

If she's got to ask this, she's not right for you. I would feel incredibly insecure at this situation if this was my gf.

Sex is not worth being a cuck.

Holy fuck.

Brainlet with no dating experience here, is it that bad to say babe that much?

fucking LMAO

I thought distance/long term relationships where the chick goes to college were a fucking movie trope, guess there are literal retards who actually sit in them LOL

if you don't think shes getting dicked by dudes magnitudes more attractive than you just fucking lol


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What did she reply

Been there.

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Ask her if she plans on having sex with other guys and if so is it ok if you hide in the closet and watch

A girl planning to be faithful doesn't need to ask what the boundaries of a monogamous relationship are.

Stop being a loser stuck in the orbit of an unfaithful long-distance relationship. Go date other women who actually exist in your real life.

She already kissed another guy? LOL tell this girl to FUCK OFF

"i stopped kissing another person...." congratulations you were cucked, anything women ever say or admit you can multiply x10 just like their partners counts




>stopped kissing another person
drop that bitch OP

This isn't real. If it is, dump her.

> The fact that you think I'd want to do anything else bothers me
> I stopped kissing another person
> kissing another person

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>I stopped kissing another person...
Ohhhhhh no OP...

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>i stopped kissing another person
yeah we're gonna need more, Steve

>I stopped kissing another person

Lad. She was actually blowing his cock, and she told him she didn’t want to fuck on the first date.

Hey man herpes isn't that bad.

Nailed it. You’ll be alright, OP.

>I stopped kissing another person

Absolutely cucked.



Like fucking kys, you dirty motherfucking bitch. Drop her.

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>I stopped kissing another person

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>Not preemptively cheating on your gf and emotionally detaching yourself from the relationship to safeguard yourself against the emotional evisceration you feel when she cheats first



dump her arse, right then and there, once a cheater always a cheater

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Lmao ok ok this has to be fake, good job op

dude honestly is anybody surprised?

fucking 18 year olds fresh out of high school mingling with alcohol with the hottest guys they've seen in their lives? Who the fuck is retarded enough to be in a relationship with a college chick while living away?

GONNA NEED TO SEE MOAR OP. Don't be savage with her though. Be calm and collected so you always maintain the upper hand.

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The dude already got cucked. His girl beat him to it

In OP’s defense, it sounds like he and his gf are just starting college after dating in high school so give him a fucking break. Not like that relationship was going to work out anyway.

if she considered you at all, she wouldn't of done that bud.

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You almost made me believe this was all real for a sec OP

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