Alright gather round lads...

alright gather round lads. im gonna tell you a story thats probably gonna ruin your day since youre all DYEL incels but fuck it. This is a true story that I witnessed in the gym so I figured id share it here..

I should warn you now that there isnt gonna be some happy ending or anything. More like rage fuel, i guess

> The time is December 2017
> I've been going to the gym for a bit over a year, i know my way around, have a few gym buddies, etc.
> go to a pretty commercial gym, so a lot of gym noobs, but overall its a chill atmosphere and theres rarely anyone standing out

then one day
> he comes in
> scrawny dyel white guy. whatever no big deal

a few weeks later
> starts bringing his girlfriend with him to the gym
the most annoying fucking couple ever. Both white and blonde. Both DYEL and skinny fat (The girl would be the female equivalent of skinny fat, i guess)

theyre incredibly cringy
> Always fucking around
> doing dumb shit with the weights
> wearing weightlifting belts for shit like dumbell curls
> correcting gym veterans on their form

you get the gist

> i start to see them more frequently, always work out together
> always show affection in the gym

whatever. they were annoying i guess, but at least happy together. more than what a lot of you losers on here could say

fast forward a few months

> girl starts getting cocky, i notice she starts to leave her boyfriend to lift alone

> starts doing meme gym thot exercises

this continues for a few months until eventually her boyfriend decided to stop coming with her

fast forward, probably about june 2018

> shes not a certified gym thot
> befriended group of powerlifters
> ex still comes in sometimes
> she constantly tries to make him jealous by hanging out around me and a few other big guys (4u)
> touching arms when talking and such
> guy is always lifting alone

i genuinely feel bad for him. he introduced his girlfriend to some new hobby he found and she completely hijacked and ruined it for him

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> Both white and blonde.
So basically tldr jealous shitskin detected

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Fuck that, Tbh you should get friendly with him. But then again idk them so I'm not sure what it's like but I would switch teams.

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You seem like a faggot, OP. Your story sounds fake.

mate im literally born in one of the whitest countries that exists we beat gypsies in the streets

If that were true you wouldn't have felt the need to point out them being white and blonde

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>born in a white country
>beat up gypsies in the streets
But are you white?

This story is literally nothing. Same as you OP for thinking this is significant at all.

lel this is why I do MGTOW

Fuck off and die

that hurts guys

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What's mgtow?

shitty abbreviation Jow Forums made up that means "men going their own way" it about as stupid as it sounds.

Didn’t end as badly as I thought it would. She sounds like a cunt though so have they broken up or what?

Fucking sex dolls and feeling superior to people who fuck women.

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>both white

stopped reading there, fuck off nigger

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You must be pretty autistic to
a) care about strangers personal lives
b) obsess over them for 1 year plus
c) type all of this up and post it

Incel confirmed. Please report to >>Jow Forums, thanks.

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Men going their own way. It means being so bad with women that you you yell “you can’t fire me, I QUIT”, buy a sex doll, and spend the rest of your life making posts on the internet about how 100% of women are all machiavellian master manipulators (kek) and your sex doll is a much healthier form of male-female relationship. Not caring whether you get women or not and improving yourself is fine but mgtow swear off women because they are afraid of getting hurt. They have generally had bad experiences with women and cope by making themselves believe that every woman is a psychopath and they are better off never experiencing a real relationship again.

Hope the guy will dump her and hope nobody will fuck a filthy slut.

A thread died for THIS?!

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