>tfw depressed and want to get shitfaced
>only have beer which will mess up my keto
Tfw depressed and want to get shitfaced
>not smoking the doobie
Keto misses with ur hormones eat some anchovie pizza and drink some chocolate milk, i love you we will get thru this together
Drink a bottle of ‘Tussin instead. You’ll thank me later.
I've done 3rd platue and 3.5~ platue of dxm before and never again. Last time I did it I dissasociated so hard I thought I was myself,my online self and kurt angle all at once then spent 4 hours trying to figure out how to reconcile all this.
>Take like 35 pills
>don't feel anything
>Suddenly hits all at once
>stumble to bathroom
>Regret the trip but know it won't stop
>Puke and proceed to space out for 4 hours
DXM will fuck you up
Preaching to the choir bro. We use to hop on the C’s all the time. Literally shit my pants on them
why do you not have a stash or liquors?
If you can get yourself one of these bad boys. I reckon you'll feel better in no time ;p
There's only like 3g carbs in a glass of red wine.
tramadol + codeine will get you right
Reminds me of
>I have no brother
I've though only slavs hit this stuff
Spoiler alert: the keto is the source of your depression.
Do yourself a favor and drop keto for a week. Buy a bunch of fruit and eat it whenever you feel the slightest bit hungry.
See what happens to your mood.
Not sure how slavs can afford tram/codeine unless they know someone perscribed.
Its fucking great btw
Smoking dope crashes your sugar so it could actually help ketosis.
all alcohol will fuck up your insulin and end your keto my dood
get out of your apartment
Brother, you need more fat, zinc & lithium.
All the science disagrees apparently, but I concur. 7 shots of whiskey bought me a 36h hangover and a reset from 5 weeks of ketosis.