What's the procedure for helping strangers with their form IF they are clearly dyel and struggling?

What's the procedure for helping strangers with their form IF they are clearly dyel and struggling?

Do YOU just go for it and help them out or not say anything?

Attached: boy.jpg (614x767, 90K)

fuck em
not helping retards who have obviously been training for years and still cant hit 1/2/3/4

That's why I said if they're dyel and seem new to lifting.


“”””correct””””” form is a meme just mind your business and don’t annoy other people

I sometimes have bad form and if someone wants to put their 2 cents in about it i'll knock em the fuck out

You alright there big guy?

I appreciate it when someone tries to help me out. But only if they know their shit. Unfortunately most people don’t and will tell me things I constantly read are wrong or outdated. Or they flat out have never known the proper form and get confused. Can’t tell you how many people freak out when I lowbar squat because “I’m placing the bar too low” and I’m not “keeping my back straight up” or “looking up”. Or when I diddly they might express that I should do that back arch thing at the end of the motion.

Who hurt you friendo

Only dyels fantasize about form checking strangers.

Most people come to the gym to be left alone. While you're still learning the ropes, you're going to be self conscious and hope no one is paying attention to you.

Only step in if its a life-threatening situation.

What is 1/2/3/4 ?

1 house 2 kids 3 cars 4 close friends




1/2/3/4 reportan in.
Oh wait, I forgot the "-" sign
> -1/-2/-3/-4/


hol up


Attached: NotEager.png (603x667, 599K)

There are two kinds of people in this world
Those that want to learn and those that don't
Most people don't want to learn, they're not willing to listen to other people, they stopped growing when they were about 20 and will live the rest of their life believing they know everything they need to know.
You can't change these people, don't waste your time, seek out people who want to learn

0/0/0/0 hahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Fuck you and fuck off, fucking spics never stopped bothering me my first year and whats worse is that they were even wrong back then

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If that’s you in pic then they were probably trying to prevent you turning into that

Should be house/cars/kids/friends

Wut why?

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Unless you are squatting around 500 for rep work and making it look easy I probably wouldn’t appreciate your thoughts on my squat, if you are actually wondering how a stranger(me) would react to your unsolicited advice. I would be more inclined to ask someone who I thought was strong and had good form about their squat though desu


shaolin monk lookin nigga

U look like shit

If you can 3x bw dl and 2x bw bench you can critique form, until then keep your opinions to yourself.

If their form is so bad they risk injury let them know.

kids and cars are overrated as fuck, invest in fucking houses if you wanna be rich.

>don't workout
>eat like shit
>live a shutin life
And my body is at least on par with yours