Simple exercise

poorfag with tight budget here

what are some good exercises to do with very minimal equipment?

i currently have
one 20 pound weight
one 35 pound kettle bell
pullup bar

i'm not looking to get ripped or anything. i just want to get into shape, and possibly not have noodle arms. i cant really afford any new stuff or a gym membership right now so post workouts i could do with the stuff i have now.

btw i'm basically skinny fat but used to run long distance and still have some leg muscle

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Other urls found in this thread:

dont buy static weights. now you know.

didnt buy them, i honestly dont remeber where they came from but i took them with me when i moved


hammer curls with the 20lb weight, maybe some overhead stuff with the kettle bell

With the 20 pound weight you can do curls (biceps), overhead presses (shoulders), triceps extensions (triceps), and rows (back/lats).
The pull-up bar is.really good. If you can't do a pull up then try a chin up, and if you can't do that do negatives (start yourself with chin above the bar by standing on a chair or something and then lower yourself slowly).

you could also do calisthenics. use household items like 2 chairs to do knee raises etc

i can do about 2 or 3 pullups

look up PPL? and adjust the workouts according to your needs

Here's some stuff from poorfag-mart(aka shit I bought)
(Just buy cast weights because you'll get tired of 20lbs on each arm)
(once again you'll run out of weight fast)

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That's good. Pull-ups and push-ups are very good exercises that hit a lot of muscle groups.

>dont buy static weights

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OHP with one weight?

jeez, all of these people with shit ideas.

Here's what you do and it'll last you a long fucking time. Go to a local hardware store and get two 5 gallon buckets with lids. These should be pretty cheap. Make sure you get some with good handles. Take them home and fill them with water. If you fill them all the way you can get at least 35-40 lbs of weight per bucket. If that's too heavy then fill halfway(i'd recommend this). Take them outside and do farmer's walks around the block. Farmer's walks are a full body exercise and will get you a big ass upper body and fix your probably slacking posture.

The best part is you can adjust the weight as you get stronger. Once you can walk for a good amount of time with them full of water, move on to sand. If you can go far with a full bucket of sand then fill them with concrete. I got mine to at least 70 lbs per bucket. But you'll have to make handles out of metal pipes because the plastic won't be able to hold that weight. Walking for distance with 140 lbs will get you ripped and strong.

Make sure you study up on farmer's walks though because you can fuck your shit up if you don't do them correctly from the beginning.

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you're not going to get rid of noodle arms with 20 and 35 pound weights no matter how much you use them. they're too light.

Not OP, but buckets are damn hard to move around with.

you should work on calisthenics(pushups, hangups, situps, squats) try to do as many as you can each time.
the kettlebell and dumbbell can be used to train single muscles like biceps, triceps, delts (shoulders).
You obviously have internet so study up on which muscles do what, which "Diet" to use, etc.

Remember to stay at it and keep training no matter what you have and the gainz will eventually come. godspeed, user

He can do presses with one arm at a time

Bruh a decent chain gym membership will cost you like MAX $30 a month
You can make $30 a month from doing a couple odd jobs on Craigslist, selling shit from a thrift shop on eBay, etc
Tons of ways to make $30 in a months time.
Just get a gym membership, don’t waste your time

Adding to this, Planet fitness is like $10 a month. I know everyone shits on it but it’s infinitely better than a couple dumbells and a kettlebell

depends a lot on where you live and the "quality" of the gym. there are two gyms in the town I live in and one is 60$ a month while the other is somewhere under 30$.

Are you fucking serious? It'll be a while before he stagnate with the 35 lbs. Keep adding reps kiddo.

Neck yourself faggot. It might be a little awkward doing neck curls with a kettle bell and dumbbell however.

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>you're not going to get rid of noodle arms with 20 and 35 pound weights no matter how much you use them
You don't know shit, don't try to give advice.

You're gonna make it OP, peep this for inspiration. Dude only used 2 20 lbs dumbbells.

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u have the face of a 6 year old

>being this new

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