Why hello there Jow Forums

Why hello there Jow Forums
I come from Jow Forums in peace. As a proof of peace and respect, you may me anything Jow Forums related and I'll help you.
Yes it's me, the IT Fatlard. You may have seen my post on Jow Forums where I was asking for a way to into anorexia, but I was discouraged by people here urging me to read Jow Forums sticky and trying intermittent fasting.
I'm doing intermittent fasting right now, I don't eat anything on Monday and Wednesday, and the rest of the week I don't change anything: I did not lose a single gram - but at least I did not take any so there's that.
While we're at it, here my infos:
>26yo male
>IT Tech aka sitting on a chair all day
>Weight vary from 100 to 110kg
>Obese since born, eating fast-food an average of twice a week
>When to the gym during at least 6 month last year, hated every second of it, and literally did no progress whatsoever
>Obviously afraid to have the 30yo Grand-Heart-Attack™

Reading the sticky I learned that it's important to eat less calories that I consume. I calculated my TDEE (2630) and I installed MyFitnessPal™, ready for the diet.

Here is my question:
>Is there a way to cook the biggest amount of meals at once, and then put them in the refrigerator so I don't have to cook each time ?
Also please provide examples of meals I could cook in mass so I don't have to cook several times a day.
This comes from 3 factors. Firstly I HATE cooking. Secondly my kitchen is really poorly made, I just have one cooking plate. Thirdly, I'm into time efficiency and cooking each meal individually appears to me as a huge loss of time.

Also I'm following because I want to start exercising at home and because I too hate vegetables.

Thanks for reading my blog.

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Fool that I am, I forgot to declare my height:

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Meal prep chicken broccoli and rice. You can buy a big fuckoff pack of chicken breasts and cook them in the oven/fry them with what slices you like (easy on the oil fatty). Rice is easy to boil a massive amount, just make sure you put it in a sealed container and refrigerate asap to avoid poisoning yourself. Broccoli you can buy frozen. Stick a portion into a microwave and wa la a Jow Forums meal.

Hey buddy. Meals that are fast and nutrient dese are
Greek yogurt, with gogi berries, golden berries, or dried mulberries, no sugar added on all those from the natural isle, or if you do not really care add raisins and other things that are a bit more syrupy. Get a good non,stick pan from anywhere, or somehow IKEA sells a really good one for 11 bucks. Fry eggs on that by setting your pan to high heat with a bit of olive oil and cook 6 eggs. Cottage cheese, other cheeses avacados and tomatoes also should be eaten. Eat the veggies all of them raw you can even use some ranch or healthy dip if you want. Nuts buy bulk nuts and put them in your yogurt, get some oats and even just turn your faucet on high heat and add the water. Eat that add honey or molasses if you want.

Get a rice cooker and buy frozen veges, literally all u will have to do for a meal is cook some meat and heat up the veges in the microwave.

if your question is all you want answered, then the answer is yes;
cook a lot of food and put it in the fridge
I don't understand, you answered your own question?
If you want examples of some good foods that are quick or able to make in bulk, then search youtube for scooby1961, and then search his videos for all vids containing the word "meal".
There's also some Jow Forumsck/ recipies images floating around if you want some more ideas.

If you just want some quick ideas now then;
>chicken and rice. Cook up a ton of chicken, and cook up a ton of rice. You now have at least 7 meals.
>Beans. Black beans + salsa sauce + 1 minute microwave. Takes 2 mins to prepare.
>minced chicken + broc + onion + spuds.

what distro you use?

Watch out with nuts, they are calorie dense and you can easily eat far too much

>>chicken and rice. Cook up a ton of chicken, and cook up a ton of rice. You now have at least 7 meals.
Unless you are planning on cooking chicken then freezing it chicken only has a fridge life of 4 days and 5 is pushing it imo. Dude literally get a kitchen weight scale asap, you can get one for around or less than 60 dollars. And get Tupperware at dollarama or get the nice glass ones. Tare off the scale with the Tupperware on it and put in atleast 7oz of chicken. I do breaded chicken in the oven because I'm broke and it makes being broke less miserable when things taste good while still being healthy also no cooking oil or spray needed for this. Then steam rice or cook it stove top and portion out 140g of rice and the rest should be veggies around 200 to 275g basically until the container is hard to close and eat that once a day and meal prep twice a week. I generally make up a 5th and have it the night I meal prep so it's a nice hot fresh meal, also I like bell peppers so whatever.

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IF is a good choice. I made my father do it and he went from 98kgs to ~92 in about a month. I'd suggest you keep it all week long (maybe take one day off on a weekend and eat normally). Point is, IF is superior to simple calorie restriction diet, because of its fasting benefits. When your body is in fasted state, it burns fat more effectively, prefers fat over muscle mass, body releases HGH and many more. You also don't feel as hungry as you would with simple calorie deficit diet.

What window do you follow? My favourite plan to go with when fasting is:
At 6/7 evening eat something (I don't like to work out in fasted state)
At 8 gym
At 10 huge dinner (your muscle and strength is being build mainly while asleep - watch the link)
Have a good quality sleep afterwards


I've been lurking Jow Forums from time to time, but I'll always be amazed by the kindness and absence of judgment from people here (at least towards a fatlard like me). Thank you all very much for your participation. You give me hope about Chads and Virgins reconciliation.

Thank you very much ! Is there portions I should not overcome, or can I eat as much rice and broccoli I want ?
Speaking about poisoning, how much time can I keep a meal in the fridge between the time I cook it and the moment I eat it ?

Thank you very much for the recipes. I have many questions:
You say to eat yogurt and cheese. I read somewhere here that lactic acid is bad for muscles. Also I have troubles digesting dairy products. I already replaced "cow" milk with almond and rice ones and milk yogurt with onions ones (but I barely eat 2 per week). What do you think about that ?
Also what about the portions ? I guess I cannot just eat as much as I want. Specially the yogurt which is full of fat and the honey which is full of sugar.

Yeah I've been thinking about getting a rice cooker for years. But tell me, don't you have issues digesting so much rice ? They say rice "clog" you up at some point.
Also I've seen people adding mushrooms in this. What do you think ?

My question was more like "What is the most meal I can cook at ones (without poisonning myself eating meal I would've prepare one month ago of course) and what are the ingredients and their quantities that I need ?" but I got pretty solid answers already. And yours is nice too !
I use Win7 and Win10 (pros and enterprise) at work and at home I have Win10 pro, Win10 Home, Mint 'Sylvia', Debian and Solaris depending on my needs and mood of the moment. What about you ?

Yes I fell in that trap once, while doing a diet like 10 years ago. I hate 1kg of nuts in like 2 weeks. I've been told this would cut the hunger but it did not, it was just something I could overeat without feeling guilty.

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Ah yes, thank you, I was just looking for that "fridge lifespan" of the meals. I now have all the data I needed, thank you all !
I thought that MyFitnessPal would avoid me buying a kitchen scale. I actually have one but it's quite shitty (like 2 bucks on aliexpress).
You say "eat that once a day", so just one meal a day ?

>I'd suggest you keep it all week long
Do you mean not eating anything for a whole week ? Man I tried fasting for two days, I was ready to eat my hand on the second day's evening.
>What window do you follow?
I'm not sure I understand the question so here is my schedule:
Wake up at 7, no breakfast, get to job (mostly by car, by bike once in a blue moon) for 9, try to get up every two hours to drink coffee/water. At 12 either eat ramen noodle or just keep working if fasting, then work until half past five, get home and computer until I eat at around 7 (either pastas and chopped steak or sometime corn with tuna and mayo) and then computer until I go to bed at around midnight. Rinse and repeat.

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for me if i eat too much rice or sushi i get indigestion but be weary of how much rice u eat, in regards to green veges u can eat as much as u want. i would strongly suggest to track your calories even how tedious it may be. it got me down from 115kg to 85

Stop eating completely

>you may me anything Jow Forums related and I'll help you.
my cpu and gpu are performing significantly worse than when i bought them (4 years ago). i can't play the same things at the same settings that i used to. any ideas? i haven't cleaned the dust out of my pc in a few years, not sure how much that'd matter for performance

>When to the gym during at least 6 month last year, hated every second of it, and literally did no progress whatsoever
self-consciousness? honestly, if you'd really rather work out at home, it's an acceptable alternative.

what's your goal? do you want to gain muscle or lose weight? it's true that weight training CAN be the best of both worlds, but if the goal is to lose weight, i might recommend cardio over weights because it can be less intimidating and more consistent.

>Also I'm following
if you want dumbbells, i'd STRONGLY recommend getting adjustable dumbbells. you'll outgrow fixed-weight dumbells quickly. trust me, i started out with 10 (yes, 10) pound dumbbells and i had to start doing 30+ reps per set after a month.

Not when you are trying to get big, I have noticed since i started 12 eggs a day other proteins anything with high protein. High calories, if you sufficiently exercise and have never been fat, it all seems to turn into muscle.

The yogurt thing is fine I think what I meant to say was buy a wedge of any cheese you enjoy. High quality Parmesan, cheddar, blue cheese, any kind of cheese you want just make sure it is a nice wedge, not packed slices or shredded crap. Have a little bit of the cheese everyday. I would completely avoid soi because it gives you gyno. Any other milk is fine. You do not have to consume a lot of dairy, it is just good to have cheeses like that in small pieces

The thing is restricting calories and exercising to failure. So body weight workouts to failure for the start. This will make you start to enjoy exercise.

I use a slow cooker all the time. Recipes are easy to follow and can cook a huge batch of food at once that can last a week. Fuck, now I’m gunna make some chilli

I think you need to learn how to cook and be ready to cook at least every two days, but thats my opinion.
IMO you should stop focusing on what foods are good to be cooked once a week but focus on foods that are healthy and fill you up. Cooking can also be fun and relatively easy if you learn how to do it.
For starters, boil your eggs instead of frying them, oil is calories dense.
Learn en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanching_(cooking) and eats lots of green veggies with your main dish. Blanching is quite simple and makes for tasty veggies.
If you already have MFP I guess you know at least a bit about calories so be aware of ALL sodas and drop them, dont sweeten your coffee, try to always buy unproccessed food.
As for meals you mentioned, try goulash and soups, they are healthy and make you feel more full.
Also be aware of the fact that high fiber and protein foods make you full longer.
Finally, for heavens sakes, dont just be in a calorie deficit but start lifting and perhaps swimming. Lifting so you will have at least some muscle when you lose weight and swimming for cardio, as it doesnt fuck up your joints when fat.
Ps frozen broccoli, spinach, califlower, ... are your friends

Also as someone already mentioned, use scale, people tend to underestimate portion sizes.
Eat quark and skyr and maybe try overnight oats with skimmed milk or even water (it tasted better than you expect)

Hey fellow /fat/ lard over the past 12 months I have dropped from 110kg to 85kg. I'll try and give you some advice that helped me out.

You do not need that many calories, try and start by eating 1800 each day in order to run on a deficit.

If you do not eat vegetables you will never make it, either you hate your fat fucking pig body or you hate eating vegetables. I have heard that going on fasts will reset your taste buds so that it makes them more palatable on your refeed.

Try not to beat yourself up if you make mistakes, instead focus on making sure you can succeed tomorrow.

Just remember that it took your entire life to become a fat fuck and that you won't be happy with your results any time soon, the sooner you accept that fact the better.

Oh and drink lots of water and drink yerba mate if you dont hate the taste. It suppresses hunger big time. It also has some vitamins and minerals together with a small amount of caffeine.

>Just remember that it took your entire life to become a fat fuck and that you won't be happy with your results any time soon

this pill is harder to swallow than any amount of broccoli

>I've been lurking Jow Forums from time to time, but I'll always be amazed by the kindness and absence of judgment from people here (at least towards a fatlard like me). Thank you all very much for your participation. You give me hope about Chads and Virgins reconciliation.
We're not all Chads here. In fact, you may have more in common with Jow Forumsizens than you think. Most people here work out, but even then you'd be surprised how many people here have similar social anxiety issues you'd see on Jow Forums.

Generally 1 week is a good rule of thumb for leftovers in sealed containers in the fridge. Just don't leave rice unrefrigerated, if you do then you should throw it out. Also 1 week prep works well since you can pick 1 day a week as your "prep day". Measure out your rice (and all food) with a food scale so you can count calories. Eat however much fits your calorie budget. Eat as many vegetables as you want since the amount you would need to eat of broc to go over your calories is kilograms worth.

Also, something Jow Forums related. My PC is stuck on a Win10 update from October 2017 and refuses to update, ran the troubleshooter and jackshit came of it. Do I need to make a backup and do a full reinstall?

It doesnt have to be this way. I lost 19.5kg in 10 weeks and slightly increased muscle mass natty. Currently my abs slowly start to show and I started as a fat lardass with 29%bf. All it takes is extensive initial reaearch, being smart about it and sticking to the plan.

As long as your genetics aren't JUST tier of course.

Look into gastric bypass surgery.

>wa la
It's "voila" as in "voi la" (look there/there you have it) you turbotard.

Yes I took MFP to track the calories.

That was the plan initialy, but the amount of people telling me not to was far superior to those telling me to do it.
Plus I cannot even stand 48h without eating, so simply stop eating may be too hard for me.

About your computer problems: you definitely want to get rid of all the dust in there. Use "dry air" or "dust off" cans. This is the first step. This needs to be done at least once a year.
Also I would recommend to change the thermal paste (or thermal compound) for better efficiency - and don't take a cheap one! Be careful with thermal paste though, unless you know exactly what you're doing I would recommend to get this done by someone who does.
Not that much actually (except around turbo-thots which are actually quite unusual in my city) but it's just that going to the gym for at least one hour, five days a week, and seeing that you have exactly the same performances the last day of the sixth month than on the very first day was definitely a huge deception.
>what's your goal?
To lose fat. I think I do have a decent (understand "more than average") muscles under there. So I want to lose the huge fat layer, and if I can make muscle meanwhile I won't complain.
>it's true that weight training CAN be the best of both worlds, but if the goal is to lose weight, i might recommend cardio over weights because it can be less intimidating and more consistent
Yeah but the thing is I fucking HATE cardio, and they won't let me do anything else at the gym. I want to lift weights, I don't want to run, I don't even want to bike. I would go to the pool (tried that a couple times) but I have a kind of agoraphobia and -well yes maybe- I'm aware of my gyno.
About the adjustable dumbbells, that's what I wanted to go for.

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Gotchu senpai, thank you very much.

I don't have the income, nor room for a slow cooker. I think I'll just go for a rice cooker, way cheaper.

>IMO you should stop focusing on what foods are good to be cooked once a week but focus on foods that are healthy and fill you up.
I want both actually, never intended to focus on the first one.
>boil your eggs instead of frying them
I just cook them in a pan without any oil or butter or anything. "Dry".
> be aware of ALL sodas and drop them
I never drink sodas, except when I go to fast food. And now in my country they consider fruit juice as soda - wasn't drinking it anyway.
>start lifting
Could you point me one form I could follow to get into it at home ? Planning on buying adjustable dumbbells as stated before.
> frozen broccoli, spinach, califlower
What about corn and carrots ? I love them but I heard they contain too much sugar.

>people tend to underestimate portion sizes
Not me. I can make spaghett for 3 people and eat it all in one sit.
Thanks for the other advices I did not mention.

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>start by eating 1800 each day
I was thinking about 2000 calories, calculated this following the sticky and MFP told me something like 2065.
>it took your entire life to become a fat fuck
Well that's not exactly true, as stated in the OP I was born obese, went to macdonald's at least once a week during all childhood. At 12 I weight 70kg, at 16 more than 80kg. But I do see what you mean, thanks.

I try to drink 1.5L of water everyday, and I can do it most of the days.
I don't know "yerba", I will look it up. But to this day nothing could stop my hunger (except overeating ofc)

Got it, thank you.

If you ran the official troubleshooter and it did nothing, try looking about "sfc /scannow" command, and try disbling any antivirus, but honnestly I think you're good to reinstall everything. Make a backup just in case but with a proper Win10 installation media you can basically reinstall windows without losing your data, and it will even provide a full list of previously installed software at the end. If your computer is decent it would take like 1 hour at most.

Already looked it up, it's too expensive for me at the moment. Maybe one day !

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Oh you want to be mean huh ? Well I'll have you know it's voilà with an *à* .
Jokes aside, I understood what he meant. My english is far from perfect, so I pardon his french.

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Even though you said you dont like vegetables you should really try to look for those which you can stand because they are great when yo uare trying to lose weight, since you can eat a higher volume of food without that much calories.
That kid has some decent recipes both for bulking and cutting, would not recommend for anything else tho he is kind of a tool.

Also, im thinking about buying a new pc for gaming, and i saw that the new gpu gen was just announced. When do you think the current gen(1070/1080) is going to drop big in price? Should i wait til christmas or black friday? Im thinking about sepending about 1K and was hoping for a 1070

For once the user asking for advice is not some entitled shitter giving out excuses

You should be cooking smaller meals

>you should really try to look for those which you can stand
As I said, corn, carrots, but you can add beetroot, iceberg lettuce ... When you think about it I only seem to like really sweet vegetables (with a lot of sugar).
About the GPU it depens on where you plan to buy it. Basically, sellers with high selling volume will drop their prices of the old models faster than the one selling fewer. So ask IT guys you may know around you where they would buy their hardware, and buy it there - but anyway I would wait at least two month after RTX's release so sellers have their mind on RTX profit and not on GTX anymore. So yeah, black friday might be what you want, just remember to look at the price 4 weeks before, then 2 weeks before, to be sure you don't get ripped off on actual black friday. But you chose 1070 and it's an excellent choice, just stay on GTX and don't jump on RTX as it's straight up scam at this point.
Also if you want I can suggest you to look to the side of second-hand market right now: bitcoin mining profitability went underground and miners are selling their cards by dozens. And no, mining does not destroy cards - if not performed by a monkey.

I have to confess that sometimes I use the "but I was born like that and raised like that so change is hard" but fuck that. Yes, it's hard to change, but in the end it's all up to me.

Yes, thanks.

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Carrots are good stuff mate, the sugar is nothing awful. Corn on the other hand, well, in moderation it is okay.
>lifting at home
If you have a small disposable income, you should have a problem, space is the problem.
So far you can do bodyweight exercises like crunches, push ups, squats, tldr anything you can find online.
I do recommend you buying at least a pull up bar and start doing pull ups, chin ups etc. Its cheap and you can hang it almost everywhere. You can also buy resistance bands that are okay but you should aim for buying 2 dumbells with replaceable plates, maybe a barbell. If you are crafty you can easily make a power rack and a bench for cheap.
>overeating spaghetti
My man, how can one stop eating that? I love it with everything.

I think you should give mate a try, its not expensive and is a much healthier than various supplements that suppress hunger.

I am glad to help user, we are all going to make it, you included. But only if you go swimming!

Straight up OP you are not fasting properly. Fasting is really just getting your body to run on it's own stored energy.

If you change nothing else and only stop eating two days a week you're doing it wrong.

Stop eating everyday and if you are starving by the end of the day eat something.

Repear next day.

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2000 is your TDEE or your TDEE minus 500?
Taking 500 off is the generally safest way to go to calorie deficit but if you want to you can go lower

Does it make me gay if I want that pizza more than that booty hole?

A pull up bar ?
For the record I weight 105kg and live in a shitty apartment. I don't think any pull up bar / wall would hold me !
>I think you should give mate a try
Sorry, what ?

I read about IF that there are several usual forms, one of this consist in not eating two non-consecutive days a week.
Also, basically I'm always hungry, so "not eating until you feel like starving" could be just "eat all day" for me.
Also there you condradict everybody else that said that you should eat less than your TDEE but not TOO less.

My TDEE is literally pic related. As previously stated, I don't trust me or anything when it comes to "not being hungry" so I think that starting with minus 500 is the safest way. I can still eat less later when/if I feel like it.

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They're warning about eating less than your TDEE, but it is different than fasting. When fasting you simply don't eat. Eating TOO less is simply not eating enough but planning to eat.

Meal prep and exercise. Buy a food scale/balance if you don't have one already. I'm guessing you can't run yet, but go walking everyday at 100bpm or faster. And don't stop until your shirt and underwear are soaked.
Intermittent fasting really does work fast. I would do it every day- I'd skip breakfast and lunch, sip coffee throughout the day and tolerate the hunger. Then I'd get home, eat a half to a whole rotisserie chicken with a big box of salad on the side. And I'd end the day with a bowl of Greek yogurt+nuts+berries.
This was enough for me to lose weight. You just have to accept that you're going to be hungry most of the time for a few months.

>ask Jow Forums related
Prove to be from Jow Forums by telling me who Jow Forums's best girl is.

>Sit on ass all day
If you have a standing desk, then stand as much as you can, look up how much is recommended though.
>eating fast-food an average of twice a week
>When to the gym during at least 6 month last year, hated every second of it, and literally did no progress whatsoever
Try swimming and/or walking to spare your knees, look up if running is recommended at your weight. Start walking/biking to work if you can.
>Reading the sticky I learned that it's important to eat less calories that I consume. I calculated my TDEE (2630) and I installed MyFitnessPal™, ready for the diet.

>Is there a way to cook the biggest amount of meals at once, and then put them in the refrigerator so I don't have to cook each time ?
Yes, literal cook more. Get bigger pots and pans. If you have problems with eating too big portions then divide the food before you eat and put away all but one portion. Also the freezer is good to store food in for longer, so you can vary your eating more, eating the same thing every day gets boring fast.
>please provide examples of meals I could cook in mass so I don't have to cook several times a day.
Most stuff honestly, especially saucy things as spaghetti bolognese and stews erc.

You should try to take progress pics to keep you motivated, perseverance is key.

>best headset for gaming?
>mesh WiFi meme or not?
>best budget phone? since IPhones now cost too much
>best cheap professional headphones
>is web dev worth it? I’m studying right now at home after graduating with a liberal arts degree, and I’m continuing my Japanese studies that I got a minor in so I can speak that but that’s about it for hard skills I possess. I hope to be able to make a decent website within a year.

Not him, but.
>>best headset for gaming?
Pic related
>>best budget phone? since IPhones now cost too much
Some Xiaomi meme phone, check /csg/
>>best cheap professional headphones
Probably some senheiser, possible HD579
>>is web dev worth it? I’m studying right now at home after graduating with a liberal arts degree, and I’m continuing my Japanese studies that I got a minor in so I can speak that but that’s about it for hard skills I possess. I hope to be able to make a decent website within a year.
Don't know about webdev, but Japanese seems worth it just to be an anime patrician and to be able to flee to Japan, the last bastion of white Christianity, if the West falls.

Forgot the pic related

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Mmmh I see, interesting.
About that: if you know you'll end your day by eating, why not eat the same meal but in the morning instead, so you are full of energy for the stay instead of letting your body stock all the fat during your sleep and feeling empty all day ?

The thing is that I almost don't sweat. This afternoon I fast walked during 30 minutes under the sun (34C° here) and barely got my armpit wet and my cheeks barely moist.

>telling me who Jow Forums's best girl is
Sorry I'm not into anime.
>If you have a standing desk
If I had a standing desk I would spent like half the day up but obviously I don't. (I'm moving to a new company in september and I might be able to ask for one though)
No shit ? Gf works at burger king so I go there and just use it as an excuse to eat there... As I said I've been eating there twice a week for the past 26 years so I can't change that in a blink. I'm trying and I will, though.
>look up if running is recommended at your weight
I don't want to run anyway. I bought a bike.

I don't know man... As I told y'all I did not see any progress in 6 months of gym so I feel like taking pictures of my -fucking gross- body each week (month?) would just be a chore and useless.

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>best headset for gaming?
Hyper X Cloud II or Corsair Void Pro
>mesh WiFi meme or not?
WiFi is a meme. Leave your doors and windows all open when leaving to work while you're at it.
>best budget phone? since IPhones now cost too much
Xiaomi A2
>best cheap professional headphones
Seinheiser PXC 550 for your comfort, Plantronics Voyager Focus so your interlocutor will hear you the best
>is web dev worth it? I’m studying right now at home after graduating with a liberal arts degree, and I’m continuing my Japanese studies that I got a minor in so I can speak that but that’s about it for hard skills I possess. I hope to be able to make a decent website within a year.
You can maybe do something by combining webdev and your japanese skills, but webdev on its own settles you on a freelance -aka newslave- career full of crazy clients and unpaid bills. Nowadays everyone thinks they can do a webdev's job using stuff like Wordpress (and they are almost not wrong). Maybe enhance it with a strong java, then python, so you'll have more stuff to write on your CV.

reading your first answers I thought : are you me ? Then Seeing the image I understood the poor dude asked for a headset and I gave him headphones... Well I wasn't gonna give him headset either so, yeah still agree.

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>standing desk
You can't ask for one now, even if you are about to quit?
>I can't change that in a blink.
Only you mind is telling you that, it's not like your body is needing it. Change it to max once a week at first if you can't quit cold turkey.
>bought bike
Good now start using it every day to work, if it's in bike distance.


Bretty late reply. But don't worry too much about other things.
You've fucked your body for all these years, so don't expect results in 3 months and then quit later.
This is gonna take time. Be patient.

I think like the other user said, 1800 calories is a good number for you.
Try to do light exercises. Don't push it. Let your body get used to 1800 calories.
Try Intermittent fasting from second week.
Its not some fad diet. Its just restricting eating. Try with 16 hours fasting and eating 3 meals in the next 8 hours.
Then the third week, move to 18-6.
And fourth week 20-4. And keep it at this.
You don't *have* to do this. You can eat 3 meals of 600 calories or 2 meals of 900 calories or one meal of 1800 calories. However, this will keep you full and if you get used to this, you'll feel mentally and physically better. Not memeing.
I feel more energetic when there's no food in my tummy.

Do this for first two months.
Learn to cook, and slowly add more exercises.
Don't worry about carrots having too much sugar etc. You've eaten shit food your entire life. Carrot is GOD tier food compared to that.
Worry about such little things when you have to lose those last 10 pounds. Not now.

Buy a foodscale if you haven't already. And a weighing machine for yourself. Check and note down your weight daily/weekly on MFP and take pics of your body and face. Its gonna motivate you.

If you feel like eating junk food, stop and think why you're doing all of this.
The craving Is mostly a mental thing.
It'll go away. If it doesn't, treat yourself on the weekend.
After eating healthy for sometime, youre gonna be disgusted by it and the craving will go away.
Don't be too strict with yourself. If you feel like eating those chips, just measure it and eat it and STAY within the calorie limit. If you eat more, cut back that many calories from the next day.

And don't forget to drink water. Feel hungry? Chug down a bottle of water.
4l everyday.

Dude, do /fast/. It works. I'm also a formerly fatass IT guy and I dropped 35 lbs last year, and then got back into lifting.

It's called Yerba mate if you didn't figure that out.
He wasn't calling you mate.

also, not the yerba matte in a can, that stuff is basically soda. Get tea leaves to brew

Will installing TempleOS help my gains?

Rice is actually pretty calorie heavy so don't over do it. You can get microwave packs, they're good because you know exactly what weight they are. As for broccoli, eat to your hearts content.

Why is my laptop noticeably slower than when i bought it 6 months ago? I haven't installed a crap ton of programs, but it just takes 4 times as long to do anything now. Is there an easy way to weed out anything that's eating up processing power unnecessarily?

Not him, but check your background programs and start up programs and disable all of em.

How do this

Task manager> start up tab
And disable most of the 3 party softwares like steam/spotify/apple music etc.

Newfag detected

Thanks bruh

don't know whether you're still around OP but if you are:

you probably know this anyway but because I didn't see anyone mentioning it in the thread I thought it best to remind you of it, you seem like a a very good dude and as a lanklet who's disgusted by obesity I'm glad that you're committed to turning things around for the better, so I wouldn't want to see you contract food poisoning. storing shit in the freezer is good, but once you defrosted something don't try and bother putting it back in the freezer, that's about all, you're gonna make it brah

oh and seems like no one mentioned HIIT here. can't speak to it myself because I've been struggling to GAIN weight past few years, so perhaps it's a meme, but other people might be able to help you in regards to this

>Plus I cannot even stand 48h without eating, so simply stop eating may be too hard for me.
Do ADF then, alternate day fasting. Simply don't eat every other day. This won't be as bad as two-day fasts, but you're still cutting your weekly calorie intake by 50%. And you may hate cardio but consider cycling to and from work every day. After I started doing that I was shedding pounds and my energy levels sky-rocketed.

You seem like a good guy, i like you OP

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