/fast/ - #260 - I miss grandpa omaw edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of snake juice fasting, dry fasting, OMAD, OMAW, AFD and IF (Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

See your doctor before fasting if you have any sort of chronic illness (type 1 diabetes, malnourished, underweight, pregnant, breastfeeding)

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here - youtube.com/watch?v=1onQ0nxgWFM

>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max (NoSalt/LoSalt are high potassium-low sodium salts available in grocery stores or Amazon and the like)
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional but recommended for 10+ day fasts.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (4% or less).

>Can I workout?
Yes. But don't overdo it.

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Black, unsweetened coffee and tea - YES!
Diet drinks and artificial sweeteners are debatable (continuously)

>Do I need a multivitamin?
No. Fat burning provides sufficient vitamins

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Other urls found in this thread:


>liver pain on a refeed after a 48h fast
am i fucked?

what the fuck did you eat? How did you fast?

i ate a ribeye steak
the usual 48h water fast

first time fasting and i had huge insomnia last night. is that normal?
i also starting taking 5htp so im unsure if its fasting, 5htp or a shitty sleep patern.

What part of our liver? I sometimes get pain in my gallblader or what seems like liver pain when I haven't had a shit in days.

>t. heavy drinker for ten years, sober for a couple of years, bloodwork for liver seems excellent.

oh my

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Hi there. I am currently in my 2nd week of a 3-day fast and read that a fat-loss of 1-3kg would be normal (so 2kg I guess). Can anyone confirm?

And should I eat below my TDEE in the other 4 days, on the same levels or even above it? What would be long-time sustainable?

Currently 6.2, 138kg.

Also I have a strange output of mucus from my nose, yet I am not ill or have other symptoms. Those boogers just keep on coming. Is that my body removing the poison, which may have been stored with my fat cells?

Thanks to all anons, I feel like I might make it this time, thanks to your helps.

FUCK he looks like shit. How fast does he plan to lose that again?

in a new human record time my friend

is the boomer guy still posting?

Wanna work up to OMAD, switched out dinner for a meal replacement (200 kcal) and reduced breakfast to a coffee/diet energy drink. How do make black coffee not taste like ass without making fasting harder?

Ok, started my first ever dry fast for 72 hours. Some questions:
1.)How many cups of tea a day allowed?
2.)How to battle the taste of something rotten in your mouth after a workout? I used to drink water, but cannot do it on dry fast

Pancreatitis related pain or gallbladder pain are more common than outright liver failure. It’s rare to feel true liver pain just due to innervation.
>t. medfag

1) none
2) wash your mouth

>fast for 4 days
>lose 5-7kg
>eat like a pig on refeed day gain back 1.5kg
>next day, didn't take a shit or anything
>weight is back to the fast one before I ate any food
LADS?! Where did it go? Shouldn't the shit be in me as weight or something?!




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>dry fast
>drinking tea
That's a water fast

i miss grandpa omaw

>dry fast
>how much cups of liquid is allowed?
I swear those threads are just full of trolls and nutjobs

You fast 3 days per week? I fast 2x36h per week, eat above my total weekly energy expenditure and gain weight. Which means I set for a normal surplus and divided the two missing days on the 5 days I eat normally. So in order to lose weight you should stay below your TWEE, which means normal tdee on non fasting days.

Going to attempt a >48 hour dry fast to hopefully partially cure my psoriasis. I've heard a few people preaching this meme, does anyone here have a similar experience with dry fasting ameliorating skin issues?

Autophagy should improve your skin, but a single 48h dryfast seems pointless. I'd do it weekly or 2x36 per week. I never had any major issues with my skin, except light acne on my back. I think fasting improved it, but I also cut out alcohol from my diet, so I'm not sure.

hello boys
maybe some in and out?
break the fast

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I didn't mean to imply that this will be an isolated event. I'm going to try it 2x per week for 2 weeks to see if I can notice any impact on my skin. If the autophagy effect on my skin is negligible then I'll try something else. Considering the keto meme also.

I'd stick to it for at least four weeks and also cut out alcohol completely. Also why don't you snake fast? I don't see the point in dryfasting really. I also read that your general condition could get worse short-term from pollutants stored in your fat, might be broscience though.

Hey guys, first time /fast/ poster here. How’s my progress? I completed my fourth fast for a total of 30 days out of the last 40 spent fasted!

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Because the autophagy effect is more pronounced when dry fasting.

Definitely losing weight - good job. Might want to take some zinc + copper to get those T levels up

Good job yet still a long way to go! I hope pic related gets you motivated.

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How old are you? If you're under 20 you need to get some testosterone supps and fast. If not you're fucked.

Guys it's my fault pappa OMAW left, I shit talked him all the time. If it's any consolation, I regret it.


You are ingesting shit. That's not fasting.

You can train to like bitter shit like coffee. Just keep drinking it.

He will be fine once he looses all that extra fat and starts lifting.
You have some good progress but clearly you still have a way to go. Go for it man!

Are you gay? Losing fat already increases your t level.

this might be a stupid question but is it okay to take shit like advil on a water fast? my fucking shoulders are killing me

So my current routine is to fast for one week, keto+lift heavy for three weeks, then fast again for a week and repeat. Do you think that this is a good routine? How will this impact gains?

He was talking about the pornstar ass and total lack of muscle mass.

guy's got wide hips.

>Cardboard fries
Hahaha good one

Ive been trying 16:8 for the past week. I've noticed that my recovery time is much slower and I am having trouble sleeping.

thats probably true.
your bod isn't absorbing nutrients from the outside and has to rely on breaking down shit proteins to rebuild your muscles.

a change in diet will always change your sleep schedule.

What kind of fasting do you guys recommend while traveling? I will be on a road for two weeks driving across Canada and back with my band for our tour. So I was just trying to figure out what would be the best way to save on food expenses as much as possible. I have been doing IF/OMAD for about two months now with occasional exceptions about once a week for social reasons. Atm I am 6’0” at 155lb true weight. I was thinking of either stocking up on canned food or eating at a buffet every other day. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Go see an endocrinologist, a good one not a socialist healthcare one.

Jasmine tea ok during fasting?


You can lose weight in more ways that just having a dump

These never work because outside of fasting the only meat i eat is cock

>burning fat means turning it into CO2 and H2O
haha what are you retarded?

In adult males T level is between 300 and 900 ng/dl. Every 100ng/dl you gain 1 pound of muscle mass. Thats NOT that much.

The weakness of numale is not due to low testotseron, low testosteron is a consequence itself of a lifestyle that promotes weakness.

>between 300 and 900
that's a lot of variation.
almost 6lbs of muscle.
I don't give a shit about your hormones you look like shit and someone said you look like shit in a round about way

6 libers of muscle are what a newbe puts on in 3 months of weightlifting. It's not significant.

>reeeee I don't that bad
stop looking like shit and people won't think you have fucked up hormones

Is there any point in doing a sub 5 day fast if you care about muscle retention? Dr. Fungs article states the HGH production doesnt really happen until day 5, so if you fasted for less than that are you losing muscle for the first 5 days?

That's not him, it's a redditor. He just tries to make fasting look bad.

Will the bergamot flavouring in Earl Grey break my fast?

Is jarrow zinc balance a good supplement?


Why not?

start taking borax

I think his estimate was like 2-3 weeks with no refeeds. Maybe around 15-20 days

welp, that explains why he acts so tough

Cole is a faggot who paints his nails

it's bad

Not according to his article here. In fact, it helps preserve lean mass.

Couldn't find any potassium when I went shopping today, so I instead picked up a bottle of men's multivitamins containing potassium. Will this suffice for 48+ hour fasts instead of snake juice?

Will zinc and magnesium supplements break my fast?

What do you guys do for Potassium if youre not snake juicing and instead doing OMADs ?
Mix it with regular salt/coconut water/not care ?

What do you recommend then?

No, most supplements contain less than 100g. Daily recommended is 4000g, I take ~3000g in snake juice. Did you look in the baking / salt section for no-salt, salt-free etc? If you cant, eat an avocado or two every three to five days while fasting.

If it's OMAD then it doesn't matter
I only use potassium salt on fasts longer than 2 days

this guy has it right, OMAD gets enough, eat avocados and leafy greens to buffer it up.

(And that is a good thing)

Why the fuck does my breath smell so bad on a dry fast? My gf says it really stinks

Last day of my 10 days fast I'm finishing on a dry fast day

Exactly how did I lose 1.5Kg over night?

because your saliva helps prevent plaque and tartar build up.
your mouth is dry during a dry fast and you're probably a mouth breather, which drys your mouth out more.
Brush your teeth and tongue you nasty piece of shit.

why isn't 16:8 considered fasting?

because it's a normal eating window and doesn't benefit you at all.

Thats a shame, and yeah, I scoured the salt section.
I'll try and do high potassium foods between long fasts.

excessive ketone can escape via breath and sweat, primarily acetone. It's nasty but an unavoidable side effect of deep keto. Brush more often but realize the bad smell also means you are doing the right thing.

duration of fast, 16:8 or OMAD (22:2) is good for maintenance, but the benefits of fasting take longer (48+hrs). Protein sparing tends to kick in nearer 72hrs, autophagy really increases a great deal on longer fasts.

will amphetamine break my fast?

Is there any meaning to fasting for 70 kg skinny fat with the goal to get visible abs?
Because I’ve only seen fatties here post progress so I’m starting to doubt myself

>is there any meaning to fasting for fat loss
Nah might as well give up your fitness career.

skinnyfats can see abs if you get to 10%, same as anyone else. more muscle prior to fast means it goes faster, cut then increase calories and build afterward.

I did a a fast purely for health benefits, but here is the visual results.

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jaundice + increased vascularity

nah that's just the old shitty camera being shit at picking a consistent color tone.

Shiiieeet, your nipples are making me hard

the fuck are you on about

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How about bulking you skelly your unholy aura is hurting me across the ocean

Planning on doing a 5-day water fast, will pic related break it if i mix with snake juice, or is ok?

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He looks like a downie

add a dash of salt to the grounds, it helps balance out the bitterness and enhances the natural flavors of the bean. Also fresh ground is better than those name brand tubs you buy at the supermarket.

what is that? if it has any calories the answer is no.

How fucking fat do you have to be in order to only eat one meal a week?

3000g is 6.6lbs. consuming that much potassium would 1000% kill your half retarded ass

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>eating a meal a weak

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It's a water-flavoring (with caffeine) and no it has no calories