>Logan Paul isn't even that b-
Logan Paul isn't even that b-
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>>Logan Paul isn't even that butch
he's a streight up bitch
Shredded back != big
post body
He lost 10 pounds. He is not bigger than before, he just lost body fat
what a shit punch
>post body
Who is Logan Paul and why does he appear to be landing a "punch" with the inside of his wrist like a witless girl?
Are you blind? He's clearly hitting with the glove.
oh man this fight is gonna be entertaining
Would fuck the shit out of.
where is this video from?
link pls
He didn't turn over his punch but that isn't necessarily wrong depending on what he's trying to do. It looks like he's trying to do a liver shot from the outside so that punch would be ok if his hip turned over. Either way, he's still a fucking youtube faggot.
That's not Logan Paul
JewTube has shilled enough of his videos for me to know
who else /excitedforthematch/?
Nope, going to be fucking retarded.
should I pay for the livestream or will there be one available for free?
Gonna be interesting user
me too senpai baka straight SAVAGE
WTF is this filter (s.m.h)- baka; (f.a.m.)- senpai
>... ald
>If anyone needed any proof that most of 4chin, including Jow Forums is underage
kys faggots
You guys realize it's all fake and staged right. KSI already did this shit and it was so cringe.
Newfag, i bet you cant even type so᠌y.
fuck it I just bought it
goal body
>young people are growing older
Shocking. Get the fuck out of here, you obama era beta fuck. Scared of seeing a White man with muscle, you pussy? HAHAHA!
i dunno you're allowed to bet on it so surely it would be illegal to be staged
Look at his triceps you fucking melt! HHAHHAAH
who this. she is why i fit
Did i miss something?.... again?
Trap lmao..
A arogant nigger and a jewtube protected kike are gonna fight and we hope they both get the gay and die
Aryan vs unneeded global lap dog of the jew to fight in front of millions on kiketube for shekels.
would still squat her
The golden one is the dumb best bro you hang out with since childhood
its not a trap
get off the board, paddy.
i wish
its fucking crazy how alike she looks to my mate
Damn, I guess /lit was right, you're all dumb meatheads.
Who this? Why is this allowed. This is obscene. It should be illegal. It's not right to make a man feel like this.
back r*ddit faggot
Belle Delphine
It's just two niggers fighting each other
the promos and "beef" is staged it was obviously staged with joe weller
but even UFC is scripted in their pre match hype shit
He's dyel, look up any of his videos, he's just cut now because of that boxing match which is giving the illusion of big
>it's a "Jow Forums thinks low bf% means strength" episode
shieeeet I thought he was a skinny bitch
KSI vs the Golden one next?! Holy shit I would pay to watch this.
The Golden Lion of Europa needs to make a fucking event. Any excuse to get off this shitty fucking island.
He would fucking demolish ksi. Prob would need someone on a higher level to compete with. Also, he has his own shop now.
imagine KSI being smaller than him, everything makes more sense this way
Please tell me that isn't how he actually punches. He'll fracture his wrist if he manages to land a hit.
jesus christ what a chad
he'd unironically fucking rape you FIGJAM, as well as anyone else in /plg/ and everyone in this thread
>Paul attended Westlake High School, achieving the ranks of the Plain Dealer's All-Star linebacker on the football team in 2012,[7] and qualifying for the state-level Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) 2013 Division I Wrestling Individual Championships.[8][9]
A lot of YouTubers said that they are going to livestream it
Just go through all the peppa pig livestreams at the time of the fight and you should find it