If I stop masturbating 4 times a day will I grow a beard?

If I stop masturbating 4 times a day will I grow a beard?
>20yo zoomer feeling the feminising effects of today's culture and nutrition

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If you don’t shave regularly, you won’t have the ability to grow a beard.

The only reason you'd ever want a beard is because you have a small jaw.
I'd work on fixing that instead of hiding it

>he actually believes this mom science
lol lad

My jaw is 7ish/10. My gf just wants me to grow one for some reason and I just keep telling her that I find it looks and feels shitty because I went on 1-2 week incel sessions and it grew like immature pubic hair


if you are 20 and not asian and you cant grow a beard you've got hormonal problems

You’re a retard. If you don’t shave, you aren’t growing facial hair. If you aren’t growing facial hair, you don’t have the ability to grow a beard.

>If you don’t shave regularly, you won’t have the ability to grow a beard.
This implies that to have the ability to grow a beard, you must shave regularly.

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I can grow facial hair all over my face but its very thin/doesnt get dark wne its long. Its very weak hair after 1 week.
What do? Stop drinking coffee?

Jerked off 3 times a day i had more facial hair than almost all of my class mates and some of the man in family at 15-16.

t. Lowtest

beards are cringe and
>the feminising effects of today's culture and nutrition
arent real

stop being a faggot

No the only way you can grow facial hair s get older. Does it suck that the 16 year old down the street has a full beard and you don't? Yeah. But you'll get over it.

>he needs a beard to feel masculine

>test levels are literally 50% of what they were 50 years ago
>male fertility levels lower every year

Yep, no problem here, just an alt-right conspiracy theory :^)

well american diet has always been shit

if you want you can come to italy and give me 10000€ euros for my grandma to teach you how to cook properly
it is a lot but you won't be an amerifat anymore

M8, I masturbate all the time and grow a full beard easily to the rage of my Dad; Hell even many soibois today can grow beards

I'm afraid it probably is just one of those genetic things

>believing random infographics on Jow Forums and Jow Forums
its literally all made up

sadly not, same goes for sperm quantity and quality. make some research

Why do you want to grow a beard? are you ugly or something?

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It's not all made up but it's full of a lot obvious shit stuff like "stop eating a shit diet" and "start lifting dumbass"

>grow a beard
>not eating soi

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>not listening to hip hop

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Most people can grow a goatee at 20 but the sides are usually patchy as shit

The frequency at which you shave has nothing to do with whether or not your hair will grow. It's a myth.

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My jaw is 10/10 and I want to grow a beard too, retard

it's actually not.
test levels are lower now you tard, google it


lol sucks to be you

How to get bigger jaw then?

What if I literally can't grow a beard?
I can only grow a mustache and a goatie.
No facial hair grows on my cheeks, same for my dad and uncle.

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Lips together
Teeth touching or very lightly apart ( NOT clenched )
Tongue on the roof of the mouth.

That is correct oral posture that will make your maxilla grow up and forwards, and your jaw grow properly.
Otherwise if you keep your jaw low and your tongue low as well ( like for mouthbreathing ) your maxilla will grow downwards and your jaw won't grow properly at all, leaving you with a long face, possibly chubby cheeks, and a small jaw.

That's something your mother tells you when you're twelve years old to convince you to wipe that disgusting hair dust off your upper lip.

Just like she told your sister "If you want curly hair, eat the crusts off your sandwich."

Or here's a good few,

>Your father and I are just going to lock the door and take a nap.
>Those animals lying on the roadside? It's too hot out for them, they're just taking a nap.
>Pulp Fiction is just a documentary about Oranges, you wouldn't like it.
>Graveyards are people farms, that's where babies come from.

Stop believing the shit your parents told you when you were little, they were just saying shit to shut you up.

Now, as for this faggot If you quit whacking off, all that's going to happen is your sperm count will increase.

If you want to grow a beard, you just gotta do one thing. Do not fucking touch it.

Want to grow it faster?

Well, you need to up your testosterone and help your body convert it to DHT. So eat protein, eat carbs, eat good fats and don't stop working out. Instant up in testosterone.

I'd recommend:

Sweet potatoes, gives you Vitamin A which speeds up the growth of hair cells.
Oysters, gives you Zinc. Zinc is great for building hair cells and Oysters have protein which will up your T.
Eggs, for that Biotin, Biotin encourages stronger hair growth.
Spinach, gives you calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, protein, all of which are key in healthy hair growth. Also it's fucking spinach, the taste king of the veggie food group.

For the love of fuck, I can't stress this enough, you need to convince your body to put all that testosterone you're building up to use. You need to make your muscles hurt. I know this one faggot who only works upper body, 5 years lifting and he's still a low T beardless DYEL, know why?

No deads, no squats. Squats and deadlifts use the largest muscle groups of any exercise, meaning your body will see a more dramatic need to USE testosterone.

>>Graveyards are people farms, that's where babies come from.
what the fuck