If lack of beard growth is result of low T then why do onions boys so often have beards?
If lack of beard growth is result of low T then why do onions boys so often have beards?
lol the one on the bottom row third from the right is a Jow Forumstard
also those aren't even really beards. its just pubes on their face.
>inb4 can't grow a beard
yes I can
Only decent beard of the lot is Cookie Crisp and the redhead in the top row.
Also, reported for Reddit filename.
Inability to grow beard is not a result of low testosterone but how your body responds to that test.
It’s possible for someone who can’t grow a beard for shit having way higher test than a full bearded guy. Example is just look at ops pic and any other onions boy
They have weak chins from a lack of testosterone. Beards hide that. As their facial hair grows so slowly they don't need to perform hardly any maintenance. A basedboy's beard will often represent many years of growth.
onions isn't converted to onions
>he thinks an average guy can't inseminate a random average woman
Why are you assuming he's fucking multiple models or something?
>that look on the kid's face
He knows something is wrong
but söy certainly is autoconverted to onions ( yeah I wrote s.O.y here)
I don't know. I'm fully white and hit 2/3/4/5 months ago and I can't grow a beard worth a damn. I'm pretty sure my test is fine though
It's high estro, which makes your body upregulate production of DHT. Which is why oldcels are empirically hairier than men in their primes.
>low digit ratio meme (is that real though?)
>6pl8 DL and 2+pl8 strict press after a year and a half
>deep as fuck voice
>pube beard at 21
eh. don't need a beard anyway, I have nothing to hide.
Remove melon from that image immediately
onions is one hell of a drug
>that hairline
>that eye area+eyebrows
>that face shape
>that weak beard
JJ from dairyland strength?
He's not, but he's probably an incel, so he can't handle the fact that his friend who he always felt way superior too actually got laid.
post face with beard
I think these types of men believe that personality is more important than looks. They are overcompensating their quirky attributes, beard, glasses, goofy smile, because they think that makes them more interesting. Sad truth is that they would be more interesting if they groomed and wore contacts and never smiled.
Daily reminder that if you are not a soldier bears are extremelly degenerate and for LARPers and chinlets. Peak Aesthetics is cleaned shaved so everyone can contemplate your aesthetic low bf% face.
h-how bad is it? do you think its low t or just my shitty genetics?
Why do so many churches have youth pastors that look like this?
>being a soldier having anything to do with it
they've been growing them for like 10 years.
What's this open mouth pose bullshit?
Do you shave often? Mustache and chin looks fine, trimming would clean it up. But the patches on the cheeks, it could be bad genetics. My brother is the same way.
They were in style for philosophers and soldiers, came in and out of fashion for the rest. Pic related is Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher emperor
haven't shaved in months. i'm only 20 so it might get a bit better, but my dad also has shitty facial hair
HOW DARE YOU insult the Church. I bet you look like this.