90 percent of Jow Forums is dyel or fat

90 percent of Jow Forums is dyel or fat.

Prove me wrong.

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Cant base facts off just yourself


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never gonna make it


Not going to make it either

My chest isnt that small.

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Im guessing you guys are dyel or fat?

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Tfw sandshrew mode.

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>over 15% bf
>not fat
Pick one


it is tho

lay off the roids dude

Based and redpilled


the general population is 99% dyel. so by contrast this place is a steep improvement.
please, don't make this any worse

you admitting to it then?

You're right

>people hating on this dude

lmao this just proves OP's point. This entire board must be 50% fat, 45% dyel, and 5% kings

how much you want to bet this is OP right here

click on my post again and then OP's and I'll prove that you a stank ass ho

people on the internet (and irl for that matter) hate incongruence. if you're critical of something you better make sure you're not guilty of it yourself, even in the slightest regard, otherwise people will call you out. yeah, this dude doesn't look out of shape but is he in any position to really pass judgement on others here? nah.

>that fucking dyel
can't even imagine how shit is your physique

If he's calling people out for being DYEL or fat at his level of fitness then he's in a good enough spot to do so.

not enough. not even close.

That sandshrew looks like a powerlifter

cope harder skeleton

He’s pudgy at best

m8. this kind of comment would not come from someone skinnier than you. your self perception may be what it is but really by the amount of backlash you're received here you might want to rethink it a bit. it's not because you're dyel yourself, people in /cbt/ don't receive hate for that either. it's because your walk and talk don't line up. simple as that.

You're fucking dumb

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Not sure if bait or retard

prob more than 90% tbfam


I dont take roids.

Have yet to post your own pic.

Thats not me.

You are coping my dude.

Thanks for actually posting pic.

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Also, youre assumption that im being critical of dyels or fatties on this board, and not just stating facts, leads me to believe that you are coping. So either post a pic and prove me wrong, or dont.

I am relatively fat. But I'm also cutting and not stuffing my face every chance I get to change that.

Do you think you were responding to OP, cause you werent.

Thats a really cool fucking pic my man you should feel proud
But desu I am a dyel and only my legs are moderately big, but I can snatch and clean and jerk more than most of this board

>youre assumption that im being critical of dyels or fatties on this board, and not just stating facts

in this case both are one and the same. keep in mind here, i'm arguing that it's perfectly normal that the majority here is dyel. you should not judge them to hard.
but you posted a pic so it's just fair i do too. and yes, i look like shit too.

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I dont think i look like shit, but i definitely have improvement. But i cant really see your body comp. so i can say that you look like shit, only that you are strong.