Why do you lift?

Why are you guys motivated to lift, other than girls?

I've struggled to lift since getting an unironic 10/10 gf before my senior year high school. Plus, my grades are the highest they've ever been even though I'm in a rigorous program.

Unfortunately, 16 year old me is stronger than 19 year old me. That certainly needs to change

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You'll be motivated to lift when your "10/10" slut leaves you for chad. Just wait.

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Lifting is a lifestyle, I enjoy it. I like intensive training. Also, the worst mistake I did in my life was that I didn't become good in some sports where intensivety is crucial. Instead I became IT code monkey.

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>Why do you lift?
Because I am Lancer-fag.

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>"10/10" slut leaves you for chad. Just wait.
She wouldn't be a 10/10 if there was any chance of her doing it. Not a slut either, but a virgin. I waited quite a while for the first time having sex

I have been weak all my life. I want to know what its like to be strong

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im lifting in the hope i will one day cross the path of an angry leftist or shitskin who wants some and im gonna crush their fucking skulls.
second reason would be for a girl

true Jow Forumstard

Keeps the depression in check
Girls arent even a reason at this point

>Why do you lift?
Certainly not to attract low IQ shitskin females.

She could please you better than any female in the entire white race

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Both of my parents are overweight and I grew up watching how heavily it affected their lives.

I lift for beach

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fucking love vanessa blake, a shame she stopped doing porn

wh*te f*male holocaust now!

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To check where is the limit of my potential, call it chasing a horizon, but with my hideous face, this is probably the most I can get out of it.

Literally this. My entire family says "once you graduate high school, you get the good ol' family belly [30%+bf], so get used to it". I went up to about 380lbs before losing weight by resolving issues and childhood trauma. 240 as of today after swinging wildly between 230 and 250 because depression eating. Got myself out of that hole and finally back on track. Goal is 196.

Your face probably isn’t bad user

Mine is. Feels bad.

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i want a black gf like that, fuck, do black girls like that like white boys?

You and I are a lucky few. Black girls are the least sought after of any gender/race combination. Your odds are good. I'm a scrawny whitey and I've always felt that I did better with black girls.

shit breh, that gives me hope, i will seek a black thickie like that who actually takes care of her appearance

>lifting for niggers

Good shit keep it up

Damn imagine how her ass and feet smell after a long day out shopping and buying her Starbucks and taking pictures of her for her Instagram

Most of them have no idea what dating a white man is like, except maybe some negative thoughts from the current political climate

I started so I could masturbate to myself in the mirror. I keep lifting cause I enjoy lifting, it's very meditative desu.

I'm a niglifter that lifts for white women and bought a 12 gauge incase we get attacked for this.

Am I in the wrong?

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Not if you vote republican.

lifting is just a habit now

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I lift for men, no homo.

This and looking at myself with pump.
Also good taste bro

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I was a fat drunk faggot whith no job.

So I applied for the army, which takes around a year in leafland. So now I'm getting swole, and training cardio.

god speed, user

Ok fellas

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no 10/10 stays faithful in 2018

They're out there user

So my qt3.14taiwanesegf doesn’t leave me.
For real though, whenever I see fat people I get scared I might end up looking like them.

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lmaoing at your life

Lifting for my waifu



I don't, I just come here every few months to try to get the motivation to start again but then I just keep programming. I just don't believe that cutting + lifting does anything because I don't know how it works.

I lift for them.

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Jow Forumstard trash please go back to your shit containment board.
Because the human body has near inconceivable potential, and I might as well try to experience some of that now before I'm past my peak.

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Anyone else just lift to stay healthy?

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>lifting to be big enough to talk shit about niggers in public
>lifting to win a fight against a nigger

>lifting to find a negress ebony gf
>lifting to get some BBC

Whatever the reason, it's still lifting for niggers.

I do it so my uncle stops making fun of me

Good fucking shit user, proud of you

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You're gonna make it

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Unfortunately I’m racist but race mixing doesn’t bother me if the couple is in love and married (or is going to be).
So if you’re just banging thots it’s wrong.

Wdym by ‘I’m racist’. What about your lifestyle is ‘racist’. Like what do you do when you see a nog at the gym, just curious?

My mother died young because of her obesity. I won't let the same thing happen to me.

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I’m just a racist.
I used to not be, but I became one because of personal experience and Jow Forums (big fucking surprise).
When I see a black guy at the gym I don’t do anything because I don’t hate other races. I just know there are (often) significant differences between races, and I think we should keep to our gene pools.

I’m sorry bro.
My mom’s obese, but she’s still alive. It’s one of the reasons I workout as well.

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I am a racist, too, but I want to stop because I think black girls are the cutest.

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Black women are tied with East Asians as the 2nd most beautiful types of women, with 1st being White women.
And frankly I don’t like being a racist. It’s heavy on my heart. But there are some things that just can’t be reversed.

I lift because I have nothing else in my life I'm good at.

At first it was
>I'll try it again, kinda sick of being overweight anyway
And now it's like
>I have to do arm day, I fucking crave it

No matter what I lift or squat I cannot release the weight of how empty I feel though.

pal, if you can reverse being obese to become fit, you can probably reverse being racist too

This time, however, you can't be motivated by the threat of diabetes

When I’m aware of something, I’m aware of it. I know car accidents happen, so I always wear a seatbelt and that will never go away.
It’s the same way with race. I’ve read too many reports, studies, and statistics.
I think every race has the ability to lift themselves up to the level that white people have, but at the moment they refuse so I judge them.

I figure, like anything else, you've got to want it. I want a black wife more than I want to be racist, so I'm going to do it.

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Well good on you man.
I hope you do and I hope you guys are happy.

Thanks. It's something that helps to push me through the hard times. I know that Jow Forums says not to lift for girls, but I've lost 110lb so far and this keeps me on track. Everyone needs purpose.

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it keeps depression at bay
when i go too long without lifting things start to get bad again

I'm black and I love you.
Share your thoughts on this

This 100%

I hate gyms, thats why I take PW with drugs in it to go to the gym. I hate gym but I love taking drugs and going to the gym. pic related is my current spice:

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Who is this girl?

Because I am that 28 year old boomer so I want to think I want to stay in shape but maybe Im just deluding myself and just want others to like me idk.

>I love you
In like a hypothetical “what if we were dating” way or in a spiritual “we’re all one race” way?

I lift because my wife said I look skinny like a slave, and that I look creepy when I have a mustache.

Getting swole so I can look good and rock a mustache and also feel good and have strength.

Black ass like that is too big for white boys like us though.

speak for yourself


To fuck your gf

She is the cutest! The cutest!
>wake up, get greeted by her just woke up face
>in the office, she sends me pictures of her lunch and shit
>lifting, keep sending me pics of her being a cardio bunny in her gym
>video call before sleeping
I still feel a bit down, she just went back to Taiwan 2 days ago. I'll be visiting her next month though, and we'll be traveling elsewhere after that too.
Thanks for reading my blog.


this user has done some true self reflection

kill yourself they all have dead skin in their weaves. take a close look.

sorry for my toxic response, I was merely kidding. I miss my girlfriend too, she's in Shenzhen now, going to see her in a couple of months. We video call every evening before sleeping as well

i cant stand looking at my pasty flabby cuck soiboi body in the mirror

yes stop it and be happy with your own people. how can you be "blacklivesmatter" but fuck white women?

the truth is you niggers just want white women to like you more. you don't want to end racism.

We’re in this together breh. I was a huge manslut before I met her. Now, I’m able to stop the urge to fuck thots when I look at our pictures.

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I fucking love lifting weights.

I'd like to receive some hint of romantic affection from the opposite sex one day

more black woman.

To be able to punch and choke the fuck out of anyone that steps on the mat with me.
To release this constant seething rage that boils inside.

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i lift for braphog gf

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Because i was bullied all my childhood and never fought anyone and was a general loser

Because, just for a little while, it halts the creeping depression that is Life

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keep LARPing. Seems like you are just an orbiter (instagram DMs) and having an imaginary life together in your head

only retards do that

she looks like a dude lmfao

This hits too close to home. Girlfriend is currently in mexico fml. I've only started getting fit recently and lifting helps keep my mind off of it.