

Attached: 1534864167316.jpg (623x750, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:


cursed pic

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is that the little girl that used to bother him?

I honestly would be okay with Johnny and Suzy being a couple.

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over rated

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I will become a slayer.

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Chad is based off of Johnny Bravo. How did I not realize this earlier? nb4 brainlet

Attached: chad.png (540x960, 84K)

oh no no no, not just his body. My goal is to be Ryan Gosling. I'll have his hair, his style, his voice, his personality(honestly I'm half way there in this one). Soon my goslification will be complete.

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>his personality(honestly I'm half way there in this one)
What's his personality

cool and collected, but still with a wicked sense of humor.

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watch the movie Drive


Attached: brad-pitt-abs-255x300.jpg (255x300, 9K)

>Lift hard
>Get a gf that lifts even harder
I want to believe

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you want a gut?

jonny bravo looks super faggy with facial hair.
call me suprised.

...but with a better butt

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>tfw women are women instead of being giant women that don't act like faggots

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Is that a girl or boy?
I need to know.

its a boy

Attached: elon.jpg (634x601, 89K)


Johnny and Vegeta are /ourguys/


No homo, right?

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that hurt

peepbros report in

your goal is to be a balding manlet that can never surpass chad?


it pays to be a pedo

teach me to do like you

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>Soon my goslification will be complete.

i like this sentence

holy fuck you're right

based on*

Me on the right

Attached: Is it just as meme though.jpg (1626x1020, 122K)

What the fuck is that woman's stomach even

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how is she the one with roidgut

Is that johnny boomer?


Attached: drive.jpg (852x582, 126K)

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I just want to be a boomer

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hey werent yo in a thread a week ago??


Still,a better love story than Twilignt.

Ayy fellow peep

Everyone has their limits, good to know where you stand, rather than forever chase an unattainable goal and always be let down.

Attached: man body.jpg (418x640, 78K)

God I wish that were me

christ that pic is sad

tbf chad in this scenario is literally mentally handicapped.

>Left guys nips
>Her gut
>Right guys ebola patch on arm
This pic is a disaster

Attached: disgust.png (250x202, 8K)

Future cat dad detected

Cope: The post

>correcting grammar on the internet
cringe and bluepilled

I will become the black swordsman

Attached: 1471624817483.png (836x1316, 294K)

Her gut is filled with parasites. Soon they will devour the living out of her through welfare checks

The God Hand beckons to their new sacrifice.
Well done.

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My gimp skills are not strong enough. He is simply too weird looking.

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It's the lops and knose


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Can someone post the greentext?

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>being eternally mogged by retard thats seen your wife naked and is continuously handed more powerups by the shit writers
Vegeta... Vegeta had a hard life.

Klitschko is Guts IRL

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hi alex

I want a nuclear family but I also want to be the wife(male). Is that weird?

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user you idolize some disgusting shit, thats your choice but don't hide from reality

See you two in Valhalla

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Kill yourself at the earliest convenience


>not wanting to be the saiyan ubermensch
Get mogged.

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based fellow jobro

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Not sure if they're from Persona/some anime or Scooby Doo.

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It's from the scoobydoo/johnny bravo crossovers back when cartoons were cool

Velma's a pretty high-test choice, you have to admit

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Bruh she t h i c c.

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I want velmas body with a cute face

Ah yes, I remember that season. Hot Springs episode with Velma was something else.

Not a fan of that NTR subplot though...

user, Velma was always a pudgy dorky short dyke.
They retconned her into a tough take no prisoners THICC nerd chick as a way to play up the egos of the dorky cunts who see her as awesome.