How do I into bearmode? How long does it take after reaching 1/2/3/4 to reach it? I've heard conflicting ideas about it, some say you should clean bulk always while others say to dirty bulk, and I've also heard it's roid-only for some people.
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw hit 1/2/3/4 and nowhere even near bearmode
It takes time dude. Keep alternating between hypertrophy and strength routines every few months and eating like a motherfucker I guess.
> alternating between strength and hypertrophy
I read that somewhere, is that a thing? doesn't it set you back and then you have to pick up the slack?
I keep hearing farmer walks are good if you want to look like a brick shithouse, beyond being good for grip strength. Anyone has any experience in this regard?
Pretty much, you will lose some strength while bulking and you'll have to get it back later but you'll slowly make progress.
No rush though, it's definitely a build you have to grow into
This thread is very homosexual
I've seen some big Bear mode dudes who say they just do bodyweight exercises. Not super buff, but big and thick. So even that's an option, it seems.
Pic related-- he works in construction and goes on walks and that's it, apparently.
I spent about an year doing Sheiko, got to 130kg bench, and now I'm doing split aimed at hypertrophy. My strength is severely reduced but I think I could regain it quickly by running the beginner Sheiko routine. It's at least given me some time to heal some issues that could turn into injuries.
That guy doesn't seem really bearmode, he's just squeezing his pecs together.
>just bodyweight
every single bearmode guy you find online is 100,00% gay
another good indicator is if they intentionally let their body go hairy and dadmode but trim their beard perfectly
OK, but are we also casually pretending the guys that were posted on this thread don't roid?
You're just jelly of their 100.00% natural test production, and of their aesthetically shrinked testicles
> legit gay porn actor among the dudes posted
No shit Sherlock
2/3/4/5 at the minimum, if you're a manlet
Goal body right there but with a bit less body hair
i want to get into bearmode so badly.
i want to look like that and i am not gay user
This nigga bearmode with the skin of a 12 year old Korean girl
>Getting fat for no reason
Bearmode is shit.
Even for picking up bears.
that looks fat to you?
>HGH mode
Yes he needs to lose like 4o lbs just to be thicc mode
That's a fluffy cat
>twink detected
jelly anorexic twink detected
I think your dog is retarded.
Maybe that's why his skin is so nice
Naw. Bearmode is for faggots (both figurative and literal) who can't into fitness.
> he doesn't want to fill his gut and every crevice of his body with visceral fat
Begone you foul degenerate. While you do your cardio, touch your toes and see your dick without any fat in the way I'll become a true beast. And when I die prematurely out of clogged arteries my fat-ridden body will make for heavenly feast for the earth and its vermin.
these guys you all posting just look naturally big. measure your wrist circumference. if less than 7 inches, bear mode shouldn't even be your goal.
I'm pretty close to bear mode 5'9 200
yes, farmers walks are exceptional for grip strength, forearm size and aesthetics, and overall physique. seriously, they're the only forearm targeting lifts I do and I do them every session. out of everywhere I've seen make progress since I started seriously lifting, forearms probably take #1 because of farmers walks.
There's nothing homosexual about gay sex
Good work so far.
When are you going to start lifting?
>5'9 200
maybe baby bear mode
No true scotman.
Fitness is not a single monolythic pursuit with dogmatic objectives. i.e. oly lifters vs marathon runners.
If wanting to be a thicc bearmode dude magnet is not fitness, then being a metrosexual, abs-obssesed, neurotic /fa/ggot isn't either.
this thread is the millionth confirmation of this board repressed homosexuality
My issue was always that, after a training session, I was always too exhausted to go for the Farmers Walks. Now I'm doing them on my off/cardio days, even if it's sub-optimal it's the only way I'll have energy to do it.
Aren't genetics huge when determining this? I have long arms and average sized wrists, most bearmodes seem to have shorter arms and big wrists.
Steroids and a bad calorie surplus diet.
>I've also heard it's roid-only for some people.
Thos is usually the case.
Try going bear mode naturally if you don't already have BIG tier genetics and enjoy all that fat with little muscle
Also, usually the pictures of bearmode guys are offseason bodybuilders = as natty as seids
Bear mode attainable even for emaciated ethiopes.
Just believe in uself uwu
jesus. its amazing to me that this doesnt just kill the human. after all these years of sustaining one life form, its now sustaining 150 extra lbs of life form. weird.
This thread reminds me of 70sbig gen. I miss those anons so much, even if I still keep contact with some of them.
It's like that but gayer.
And fatter.
And more sad.
And fatter.
Do a lot of oblique exercises to thicken out and make sure your chest is big so you can put on some fat without looking fat. Also make sure your calves, forearms, neck and traps are big too.
Same dude
I wish we had that general back
Nah, user. 70sbig was gay as shit, few guys there were straight. So much so that I only talked again with a dude from there in a gay Jow Forums discord server.
I tried getting some of the anons back together in /thicc/ threads but no success.
A cub.
Hot, n-no homo.
>70sbig was gay as shit, few guys there were straight
Yeah, it ruled
is there a fag place where all you get together and jerk each other off?
But we only accept masculine fags, no fems allowed in our server.
If you're from 70sbig/husbando mode gen just say so, we'd love to have you guys back.
Smoooth brah
Go on a MODERATE caloric surplus for a long time, like 200-300 cals for a couple years at least. This will give optimal muscle and fat gain for bearmode.
Focus on training for strength while on this surplus and the size will come. You can throw in some basic accessories work as well for max gains (curls, side raises, triceps pushdowns, etc.) but don't stray from your path to strength. Nobody is bearmode and not strong as fuck.
Additional helpful things that you can't do anything about: Be over 6 foot, have a somewhat wide frame, be hairy, and have high test.
Don't listen to the haters, bearmode is the optimal male physique.
Good luck buddeh
Would Sheiko fit? It's rough but by God do I miss it.
But the height thing I can do nothing about, I'm just 5'8. Although maybe that means having an easier time filling my frame.
What's good about that server? Are you just autists with anime avatars?
We have more experienced lifters helping out some beginners, and SFW channels for a wide variety of topics. We have RPG campaigns going on and game nights too, sometimes we stream movies.
And porn channels too, of course. It's a small, cozy server and we don't pick new members often.
>Are you just autists with anime avatars?
Some are. It's mostly furries though.
Holy molly, haven't seen that drawing in years.
Seem okay but as a big 3 focused powerlifting routine I feel like you're gonna miss out on some development on back, shoulders, and arms by not doing OHP and chin ups/pull ups.
Yeah, Sheiko is so lacking on that regard. Do you recommend any routine in particular?
>How do I into bearmode?
Alright, find yourself some nice woods. Preferably full of food, If it's got deer and shit, the better. You have to eat everything. EVERYTHING. If you find picnics, raid it for food. Don't accept no for an answer. You're a bear now. YOU FUCKING LOVE PICNICS. Eat any food you find. Honey's great too, try not to get stung too much, but you want those carbs to fill you up. Eating as much as you can is paramount to your transformation into a bear.
Now you've got to make sure there's some competition as well, shit like wolves, mountain lions, other bears. Now if you see a wolf, going for your food, you straight up kill and eat it. Don't forget to mark your territory by the way. Your territory is the entire forest, now I know what you're thinking. "An entire forest? I don't have that much pee!" Well bro, you're a bear, you don't give a fuck if you pee or not, you've got to make that forest yours.
If you spot a mountain lion, your goal is to scare it away. That food is cool, but mountain lions are kind of endangered species, so you should only eat them if they offer themselves to you. A monthly tithe of one mountain lion should suffice, make sure they know you're the boss.
If you find other bears. Check if it's male. Mark your territory again. Don't eat the bear. It's to respect you, and you should it too. If one attacks you, slay it and wear it's body as a warning to other bears. If you find a female bear, check if it has a mate. If it doesn't, you've got to seduce it. You have no choice, you're a bear now... your soul goal in life is to fuck shit up, fuck bears, and not give a fuck.
When you start the process, of rightful evolution to bear. You brave the gauntlet. You must do this without clothes. The hairier you are the more you will bear your transformation and the bearier you will become.
In the woods there are many scavengers, and some pack animals. Feral Dogs. The Wolves included. Small children. The quicker you take out the alpha male, the more the rest will come to respect you. The faster these pack animals respect you, the faster the rest of the forest.
I can't stress how important food is to become a bear. Marking your territory is the fastest step to becoming king of the animal kingdom. So that food can be acquired quickly. If your tank is empty, shit all over everything. If another bear comes to consume your food? Shit on it. The bear will become disillusioned with it. With your guts empty you will be hungry for more food. Devour the rival bear. Consume all the food that you find.
Other times may come when it is not convenient for you to take a dump. Times of danger. If you run out of pee, start masturbating. You see that log there? Jizz on it. That river? Jizz in it. That potential mate? start to jizz.
If hikers lay their eyes upon you in this act of nature. Remember that you are bear. NEVER forget that you are bear. You are Hairy. Virile. Strong. Adopt your bear stance, stand on your hind legs, as if to show your strength. Display your hairy body, call out with your bear roar and make your gutteral growls. Make sure your feet are planted firm, dominate the ground and make your bear feet tracks.
But whatever your decision for your bear stance, do not stop masturbating. This is the most important aspect of being a bear. Maintain eye contact, look deep into their pupils. Deeper. Transmit thel fear and respect you deserve. For you are bear. Most majestic creature of the forest. Many might take photos, this is natural, so that they may gaze upon your strength later.
As long as you keep eating, and being the most dangerous thing in the room, you should transform just fine. Many have tried to follow this journey before you. Many have failed, few have succeeded. You know what you have to do.
brb gonna shit in the woods + turn into bear bye
How much effort did you put into writing this, user
about 20 minutes of my life seven years ago.
this only raises more questions
like how did you keep this saved for seven years
what does 1/2/3/4 mean
either way my goal bod is
cloud storage
Overhead Pressing 60kg (1 20kg plate on each side of the barbell, which weighs 20kg)
Bench Pressing 100kg (2 plates on each side of the barbell)
Squatting 140kg (3 plates on each side of the barbell)
Deadlifting 180kg (4 plates on each side of the barbell)
This gives me hope. Also his head looks to small for his fucking body
>No true scotman
That's where i draw the line. Nothing wrong with letting a faggot bottom suck your dick
Am I bearmode jr?
If you’re still a novice then Jason Blaha’s Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 is a solid routine. Blaha gets a bad rep cuz he’s kinda crazy but his routines are solid. His intermediate routines are good too
You're getting there, but not quite there yet! You're close to brawny though! Try getting those tidds some love, mang.
Buff furries. Better than trap fetishists by a long run.
Fucking hot (no homo).
>pec squeeze
>pushes with forearms on one another to create bigger appearance (look at his left (your right)) forearm and how much skin is being displaced on top
>sweet ass donut
Just a fat guy who does some bench. I mean no body weight exercise will train your pecs even to his relatively low level. When I was in the Army and could do 78 push ups in a minute, I had no chest definition. And when I first tried benching, 25 lb plates felt heavy.
ugh, he went from cute funny lil nigga who could get pussy by being funny and shit to... big fat nigga who scares pussy away.
>Have idolized ottermode my whole life
>fail and settle for skellymode, happy with life
>arrive at Jow Forums
>fall for the bear meme
I can't even tell if I would enjoy being a bear but there is moderate doubt when I envision myself as such.