What is the lightest you can to weigh to achieve 1/2/3/4?

What is the lightest you can to weigh to achieve 1/2/3/4?

Attached: lankletsbtfo.jpg (300x225, 37K)

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180 lbs.

I'd say 160?
I'm 170 now and I'm at 1.5/2.75/2.5/3.75, I can't squat for shit though.

Are these ORM or 5 reps?

about 1RM lol
1.125/2.25/2.25/3.25 are 5RM

probably 130 if olympic strength genes and short

I'm at 1.3/2.4/3/4.5 and I weigh 177 today, down from 180. I was surprised because I drink a ton of water, figured I would weigh more

What is 1/2/3/4? Can somebody please explain this to me?

150-160 lbs if you're an average guy. As a salty manlet, you can probably do it with 140 lbs

135lb Overhead Press/ 225 Bench Press/ 325 Squat/405 Deadlift for 1 Rep. Once you reach this you're no longer a complete fucking noob

Being able to Overhead Press 135lbs/60kg (1pl8), Bench Press 225lbs/100kg (2pl8), Squat 315/140kg (3pl8), and Deadlift 405/180kg (4pl8). For 5 reps each.

>What is the lightest you can to weigh to achieve 1/2/3/4?
48kgs, because that's the lowest weight at which IPF has records bigger than that.

I'm confused. Are these numbers for reps or ORM?

>325 Squat/

Also, for Europoors it's 132lbs/ 220lbs/ 308lbs/ 398 lbs.
because kg plates are 1.5 lbs lighter.

jesus christ, that's efficient.

1RM if you're a genetic dead end
Sets of 5 if you're an intermediate or a beginner with good genes.
Sets of 8 if you're not actually that weak anymore.


The 52kg squat record is 300.5 kg, user.

With I think a 180kg bench and a 3.5 pl8 deadlift (because achondroplastic dwarves have tiny fingers and a normal bar is like a coke can to them).

>tfw lanklet arms with manlet body
I know lifts don't play a major role in boxing, but it would feel nice to be able to bench 225 for 5 reps instead of 1.

Attached: God_dammit.webm (1920x800, 3M)

The answer is always gain weight and build a giant back.

Too bad you need your skellington weight classes for boxing, You're damned to forever have a poverty bench.

>never gone for 1rms because it would mean a 10 minute workout
For 5 reps I'm at 1/1.5/2.5/3.5

Hit everything but 2 pl8 bench at 150

I achieved it at 148 5'7"


>there are """"""/fit"""""""izens who think 1/2/3/4 means for one rep instead of 3x5 (1x5 for deadlift)
>they don't know that it must also be all performed on the same day, with the OHP and bench being paused reps instead of touch and go

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Is that alphadestiny

I have spent years building up a tolerance of helium so now everyday I can ingest over a lethal dose and feel no effects.
This has allowed me to hit a 1/2/3/4 with a bodyweight of only 20kg
Get on my level dyels

110 or so if youre a manlet

>Not knowing that the squat must be performed overhead
>Not knowing that the OHP is to be performed behind the neck

looks like jeff nippard

If you're a turbomanlet you could be 120lbs

I'm 5'8 with a 6'2 wingspan, so I know that feel. Strange thing is that my OHP and Bench are actually pretty good. And it explains why I've always excelled at deadlift due to the chimp arms. Really just the squat that's absolutely subpar for me.

*blocks you are path*

Manlets, I am so sorry...

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