Have you guys gotten help for your eating disorder yet

Have you guys gotten help for your eating disorder yet

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is this you OP?

Eating disorders general?

My girlfriend has a few of them and dating her has given me a mild case of self imposed orthorexia that I am waiting until next year to dismiss from myself.

What advice do you all have for dating someone with an eating disorder? Seems like they hold back their minds and bodies big time (doubly so if they are vegan) and are VERY counterproductive to their stated goals.

They want to be skinny and slim.... So they binge on carbs non stop and wonder why they still have a layer of fat over their skelly bodies when if they just ate some fucking protein and worked out as much as they already do with lifting rather than never ending cardio... They'd be happy.

But of course, anyone who knows someone with an ED or someone who is vegan, or God help you, someone who is both, knows they don't actually want to be happy.

Just be supportive try to get them in the gym with you. It's their problem, just let them know that you're there for them.

Used to work at an eating disorder residential clinic. Think of the disorder as a symptom of an underlying psychological issue. Treating the issue by educating about proper nutrition and exercise is gonna do jack shit unless the mental problems are sorted out.

Thank you! Any other tips?

>But of course, anyone who knows someone with an ED or someone who is vegan, or God help you, someone who is both, knows they don't actually want to be happy.

Veganism is just another eating disorder though.

Yes, thanks to you guys

I didn't read your post but check out other girls and make it obvious

Yeah. Sugar addiction completely conquered. Now I only take the bare minimum recommended daily allowance. I haven't overdone sugar since 2014, I feel better every fucking day.

Found out my little sisters bulimic a little while ago. And not the attention seeking kind my mom found out and confronted her about it and she said she's been doing it for years. I really dont know how to help and it's not something she wants to talk with me about.

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try to get her into fasting. you can eat pretty much anything without gaining weight if you regularly fast but atleast you won't fuck your stomachs shit up

Encouraging someone who already has an eating disorder to start fasting is like handing a fucking loaded gun to somebody with severe depression. Fuck you and fuck this horrible fasting meme.

Guy you're replying to. I notice she gets a little batty when I do this... So I consciously don't.

Should I mire muscled fit girls to get thru to her baser instincts?

Body dysmorphia is a cruel thing, so that could go wrong. She may interpret that she needs to become slimmer and start eating even less. Address the underlying psychological issues and get her to seek professional help instead of asking Jow Forums for advice.

Yes, by becoming Jow Forums. I used to constantly binge and be an asshole about losing weight until I realized the right way to do shit. Now I'm not scared of eating because I realize the hard part is gaining muscle not losing fat. I'm more focused on eating more healthy shit than trying to eat as little as possible while not dying.

Jow Forums is leaking again

Pin her down and feed her something big and juicy

Explain to her basic nutrition.
You'd be surprised how many of those stupid anorexic/bulimic bitches don't even know that you need food to even maintain your current weight/body. Many actually think that any and every calorie you take into your body gets converted into mass/fat.
Then send her to the shrink

yeah I actually started eating, thanks to Jow Forums calling me a skeleton. it really helped.

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I have an eating ORDER not disorder


But veganism IS an eating disorder.

>Animal purposely refrains from eating a specific type of food that contains essential nutrients and ends up giving itself health issues and deficiencies
If that's not an eating disorder then what is?

My disorder is not being able to eat enough to pack on mass

How long do I have to train before I can do this?

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You should already be able to stretch your arm out over your head. It isn't as hard as it looks

What the fuck
Are you a T-Rex or atrophied beyond belief?

It's clear there is only one way to win an argument with someone this retarded
Post body

No word of a lie. Cutting out vegetable oils and sugar cured my mental illness.

nah but helped my brother, would bully him all the time and call him muffin man because when he wasn't wearing a shirt his stomach rolled over his pants like a muffin. after i lifted for about a year i dragged him to the gym (actually dragged him too, like grabbed him, threw him in the car and drove him to the gym) all he would do is sit and maybe play wall ball, eventually he came over and did some barbell curls with 20lbs. a year later from that and he's the biggest freshman in high school and he lost 20lbs