Am I gonna make it
Am I gonna make it
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With a head like that, you should focus on getting much bigger. Your head looks too big for your body
wtf bro u look like frozone
How is the head wider than the hips???
>huge trendelts
>zero arm in comparison
>weird fucking head
>no upperchest-self peak check
I dont know man, i dont know..
Yes. You will be the spokesman of a floor cleaning solution.
I can already tell this is gonna be a quality thread
what are your legs like?
give me your delts and nobody gets hurt
Youre fucked dude!
maybe you should try growing some hair so you don't look like a fucking tic-tac
Take a look at the head on that lad. An absolute unit.
You took the picture at a really awkward angle. User a camera timer function and take a few steps back. Make sure the phone is angled well.
miring that IQ
Tbh you kinda posted a bad pic. Would probably look a lot better without the tank top and just a below the neck shot type of thing
Haha maybe
I'll post a full body when I get home
Try wearing hats I guess
Also that tank and shorts are ugly bro
Is that photoshopped?
I'm fucking dying holy shit
through kemo?
>Charles Xavier looks like THAT?!?
fucking kek
Look at this dod. How do you manage to never train traps in all your life?
Check out the big brain on Brad
sick v taper
You have amazing delts, OP. Don't take these bullies too seriously, they're just roasting you trying to make it into the r/Jow Forums screencap.
Did you put all your points into delts and brain when you made your character?
Why the fuck would you work out when you can bend spoons with your mind
holy shit Im in tears
you're not gonna make it because you already lost at birth
This thread
where do you work out? the library?
nigga u look like megamind
Did the potion seller finally sell you a potion? Did you lose your hair in battle?
Ask your doctor, we can't tell how bad your cancer is bro. Sorry.
Fuckin booty blasted
Another good demonstration why roiders achievement are worthless and deserve no respect lol.
Unless they are actually competitive and top .0001%
Rate my body guys
Why the fuck do you look just like my dad minus the tattoos?
M-my dad donated sperm a while back because he was short on cash... You wouldn't happen to be about 25 would you?
I've seen those shoulders some where...
Was your dad the crimson chin? Post face so we can see how similar you look to this dude
>roiding for this
fucking kek
I got all my looks from my mother, sadly. It's a family joke that I look like her dad time traveled into the future to dodge Vietnam. All I need to know is if I have a half brother.
OP, Are you about 25 and in any way from the vague Nevada area? Utah maybe?
look at this dude
oh no no no
Why the long face?
Wtf take the neckpill. Your head is way to big for that pencilneck
why are you wearing a dress with long sleeve thingy, i can almost see our nipples you slut
>no neck
>roiding but no traps
Is this what terrible genetics looks like?
this meme was never funny