>Not lifting to carry the cross
Not lifting to carry the cross
I'd like to see you try lifting the sins of the world.
Based and breadpilled
>depictions are A-OK!
Not everyone would agree with you on that desu
wew my reading comprehension has failed me
Daily Reminder that Jesus is swole:
>worthy of any kind of attention
>worshipping a dead kike on a stick
Bless that boy, golden.
Nope absolutely die you're probably a faggot and that's why you hate Christ. You were given over by God to a reprobate mind because you are that willfully, unrepentantly committed to sin.
Found the jew.
>larping this hard on an indonesian lute carving forum
I firmly believe in Christ, but I have trouble deciding on a church to attend
>Catholics have a strong theology and history, but it's mired by the shit they've been pushing since Vatican II and the sex abuse scandal caused by openly allowed faggot priests
>Protestant theology is literally brainlet tier and they do weird things like hate the Mother of God because Catholics like her and deny evolution OR they go full SJW
>Orthodox seems based but they are nowhere to be found and their Masses are like 3-5 hours long
>Traditional Catholics seem OK but are full of cognitive dissonance (the Pope is supreme but this Pope sucks and Vatican II is wrong because the Church is infallible??) and they tend to be too intense
What the fuck do I do?
Jesus already did that. Now you must carry your own cross. Are you strong enough?
Who the fuck makes these cringy images
>>Protestant theology is literally brainlet tier
idiotic post
took you long enough, seeing how he has a giant cross on his back
i dont hate him
Catholic scandal doesn't suddenly invalidate apostalic succession. Go watch some Peter Kreeft and Fulton Sheen I think it'll help a lot in making your decision.
I'm an atheist so I have no dog in this fight, but you're on the mark about Sedovacantists. They really suck. Some sort of personality disorder seems to be standard.
Judge a tree by its fruit they say.
Lol @ worshipping a middle eastern Jew carpenter
What did you guys experience before you were born?
Not sedes specifically, but really any type of trad. I read their stuff and they seem based and sensible, but yeah, they're all kinda off. It's a shame too.
No, but the insanity of Vatican II certainly does. You can't explicitly contradict yourself, and at the very least the visible Church can't invalidate infallible ideas and forms and promulgate a theologically invalid mass and still call itself infallible.
Sorry but it is :( Again, it's either evolution denying retards or SJW faggot marriage pushers. There is very little in between.
>reunite friends and cousins once a week or more
>have it in way so everyone can bring a different message which implies that you must pray, read and talk to God every day
>discuss what a passage of the bible or something God told you through the bible
>do charity work whenever you can
>rince and repeat
Find a fire and brimstone protestant church
>Sorry but it is :( Again, it's either evolution denying retards or SJW faggot marriage pushers. There is very little in between.
Not him, but you're compromising on primary theological points like justification and salvation because you don't like positions on tertiary, less important doctrines like creation and marriage. Very silly, this is your soul we're talking about here. Read through the four Gospels and come back.
Not a bad idea, and one I've considered. However, I personally have a relationship with the Blessed Virgin. Without going into it too far, I simply am not willing to give this up or sacrifice it even slightly for the sake of finding a church I can put up with.
It kinda limits me to Catholic (not based) or Orthodox unless there's another option I'm missing. But based on my personal experience and relationship with Christ, I am certain that devotion to Mary is a necessary and fruitful part of Christian living.
Do Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox people even read the bible? It feels like most of them, specially prostestants, do exactly the opposite and just trust word of mouth and not checking the scriptures to see truth
>Some 20 year old in my country married the shepherdess (I forgot the proper english name for female pastor) because she told him that God gave her a vision and that they should marry
>He accepted without questioning
>The woman was way past her 40s
I have read the Bible very thoroughly. The Protestant position is overstated and reductive. The Protestant idea of Catholicism is also a strawman. Catholicism is wrong, but not for the reasons Protestants believe. It's for the reasons Orthodox asserts.
You use the wrong Bible. The Septuagint is the correct one. Catholics and Orthodoxy have this right, and Protestants are gravely wrong on this point. So that alone is enough to stop me from being one.
>willingly killing your test
Not gonna make it
>not praying before and after a workout
>not dedicating ALL your gains to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Gains are a Blessing and YOUR blessing is ready, user. But you need to prepare to receive the blessing of God on your life and not the other way around.
Based Catholic bro. Pic is orthobro but relevant. Keeping your mind away from degeneracy is hard these days
Has anyone ever seen someone pray at the gym before a heavy deadlift or bench press?
>reading the gospel is a golden ticket to paradise with no responsibility or follow-through required
Yes, we can all see ourselves? What do you even mean. Are you implying you don't?
I'd probably get kicked out of my gym for doing it
This is my new habit. Will report back on the gainzzyz
Your gym can't send you to hell so why are you trying to impress it you 19 year old boomer cuck
No issue with depictions. Worshipping said depictions is when the trouble starts
Presbyterian senpai
Why though?
Only niggers do this kind of shit
Eh, there's a reason why there were some many anti-popes in history
With prior anti popes, there was either clear division within the visible church or the anti pope did not affect doctrine/dogma while in office.
What we have now is somewhat different. A succession of duly elected popes acknowledged as such by the entire body faithful and visible church have promulgated a new mass, new catechism, and a variety of heretical ideas to the extent of punishing Catholics who would hold on to the past. They have LITERALLY reversed infallible teachings and infallibly promulgated false ideas.
And this is every pope since Pius XII. It's not the same as the past; this is full, incontrovertible evidence that the Church, by its own internal logic and declarations, is NOT infallible. It is not the real Church.
Who the fuck wears a cross on top of a tie?
Oh look. A "lie"beral
I ain't freaking jew.
Pastor Steve Anderson on the H*locaust
Orthodox is worth it. I converted from protestantism to orthodoxy. Californian
Orthodoxy is based
I pray at the gym most of the time I'm there on most days. Sometimes after a lift I'd be thinking about terrible shit I did to this girl I loved, and I'd fall on my face and pray. But my gym is relatively empty all the time.
This is why I love Jow Forums. You're all like Christian Jow Forums with less arguing, and more fitness.
What about the fags though?
the only thing a man needs to get into heaven is to stay strong in his faith and abstain from sin in aspiration to make it to heaven. the arbitrary rules catholicism makes to get into heaven are not only unnecessary, but nearly creating a separate religion. you do not need to do "good" deeds to get into heaven, that's essentially saying christ's sacrifice wasn't enough.
lmao, so many wannabe semites itt.
>good works you do can't save you
Sounds like the way to just be a lazy do-nothing
>trust jesus alone as your saviour
Why not God? This is the reason I started believing Jeshua was actually Satan convincing everyone to stop praising God and to get every soul into hell. "Lmao just repent, you're already saved, just say my name 3 times, spin in a circle, and you will never be punished" sounds rubbish.
God forgive me for not worshiping a jew, but if hell is price to pay, fuck you for making jesus look and speak like a trickster and for changing all the rules the second he came into play.
ikr, pleb tier at best. Incredibly embarrassing, really how they all fall for the same jew abraham's shit
Catholicism does have arbitrary rules, but they assert they have the right to make them. That's separate from the justification issue. You're strawmanning their position, which is actually the biblical position laid out by James. Salvation is by faith, and works are the expression of a true faith imbued with grace. Mortal sin is the willful rejection of God's gift, which of course is possible due to the existence of free will.
The Lutherans and Catholics came together and signed a document attesting to this btw. I'm not talking off the cuff. Justification by faith or by faith and works: They're both talking about the same thing: the working of grace in our lives.
What's the situation if you married as an anglican then convert?
Aside from wishing they could be jews, dedicating time to fitness is time lost in serving the almighty jew. Which is considered evil by a fair amount of the hundreds of brands of Christianity. (Getting fit isn't inherently bad, no, but, you're dedicating your life to something else besides your middle eastern god)
And then getting utterly cuck'd by their supposed code of ethics that they can break and have no consequences
And then inadvertently destroy themselves by allowing everyone into their country regardless of origin or context as long as they say they're "Christians". Also, the same ones that believe in tradition and the aforementioned retarded ethical code, curse their own inherited traditions of their ancestors and let them fade away into time to be forgotten.
Truly pitiful. They blame jews when they should blame themselves for intellectual (not to mention physical and monetary) slavery
>ha, white Europeans wanting to be as their ancestors were is silly, real Aryans LARP as jews
Evangelical Presbyterian Church my dude.
gotta be a meme religion
Talk to your wife about it and the theological issues that you have. You don't have to convert to walk into an Orthodox Church and check it out. Also Anglican is considered by the orthodox to be close.
do athiests really think that these masked arguments convince anyone
faith without works is dead
Sedevacantism, look it up my dude
Neato graph
Christianity is just a branch of Judaism
Become a pagan.
Yes and think of my grandfathers Santo and Comrad one was a farmer and the other had over 40 kids with 12 different women
>Not lifting to Carry the Cross
Religion can be a good force in peoples lives but I fibd that too many parents will subject their children to Church when the kid doesn't want to go. And many times it can be worse than that sending kids to Jesus camp. The world doesn't need more evangelists and anti religious crusaders. The church creates both.
>not realizing that Vajrapani, one of the three divine protectors of the Buddhas dharma, was embraced by the Greek kingdoms left by Alexander The Great
>Their chosen representation for this manifestation of the power of righteousness itself was Hercules and/or Zeus in full Greek God Body-mode
>not lifting to embody Dharma and help those along the path to Enlightenment
Dont forget its heresy to worship anyone but the lord
How would reading the bible prevent that?
>Choose between a degenerate sandnigger and a kike
well ...
>tfw believe in a higher power but not in a specific single deity
Anyone else know this feel? It's like i believe God is real, but i don't know why specifically it would be the christian god or the jewish god or whatever...
Jesus forgive me for reading this nonsense in my head.
Best post
>How having a relationship with God prevent you of falling on these weak traps?
Jesus always reminded the others that they didn't read the scriptures and would rather follow Moses but not God's grace and mercy.
>That guy who's willing to burn eternally in hell because of semantics
>That guy who doesn't pray for God's love and wisdom so he may discern right from wrong
>that thin ass cross
Most pictures I’ve seen of the crucifiction show a much thicker and heavier cross. Is this artist trying to show Jesus as weak?
1 Corinthians 1: 19. For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
20. Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21. For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.
22. Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom,
23. but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,
24. but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
25. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 26. Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.
27. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
28. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are,
29. so that no one may boast before him.