Is Turkish Oil Wrestling the most BASED form of exercise

In Turkey, this is considered the most manly thing you can do, and it is believed to be the perfect exercise, encompassing body, mind, and spirit.

Attached: oilwrestling1.jpg (480x360, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

*grabs ur dick*

>In Turkey

>oil up so you can't easily hold each other
>but where thick pants perfect for holding onto, which everyone does and is the core technique to winning
naked or bust

if by based you mean gay as fuck, then definitely

You know what separates the men from the boys in Turkey?

A crowbar.

I love that Jow Forums is a "Jow Forums colony" despite being filled with gays.

Gay men are not some tool for your cucked, anti white politics, nigger. 88.

I fucking hate Jow Forums. I just think it's funny that there are so many obvious crossposters here when Jow Forums has such a large population of gay posters.

>I fucking hate Jow Forums.
lol faggot

Oh look, the leftist is willing to insinuate being gay is negative as soon as his precious faggots don't agree with his politics. What a surprise that your "values" aren't sincerely held. Rope for you :)


Jow Forums sucks as a board even at a conceptual level. It's mostly just a blend of Jow Forums, /b/ and Jow Forums. It doesn't really serve that much of a purpose.

You misinterpreted my post. I find it hilarious that Jow Forums has so many Jow Forums crossposters when this board has a large population of people you guys would consider "degenerate".

>In Turkey, this is considered the most manly thing you can do,

Makes sense. Oiling up and grabbing another man is manly as fuck. No homo.

And you're not getting it. The homosexuals of Jow Forums are right wing and don't care what Jow Forums thinks because these are our deeply held beliefs. We like Jow Forums and have a tsundere relationship with them; that's OK. There's nothing wrong with a group of people who want to uphold traditional values, and there is some diversity of opinion there anyway.

Kys retard. The point of the board is talking about politics. Durr. Anyway, Jow Forums has more traffic than literally any board except /b/ so what you don't get is that Jow Forums IS Jow Forums. YOU are the extraneous, unnecessary part. You are a vestigial appendage to Jow Forums. Not the other way around.

I have a hard time believing Jow Forums gets more traffic than /v/.

It does, but not by much. With the exception of Jow Forums, /v/, /vg/, and /b/, the other boards account for very little traffic. Jow Forums surpassed /v/ in the past couple years however.

The traffic of second tier boards like /tv/ are about 1/5 of Jow Forums's traffic, and boards like /ck/ and Jow Forums are smaller by orders of magnitude. You are correct that /v/ is one of the "Four Chans" of Jow Forums, however.

It does, I'm a nigger who regularly posts there. /b/ is old news because its just a porn board for the most part now. Jow Forums is right on most things as well. Although I'm a race mixing nigger i still hold right wing beliefs and I've met many fellow shitskins who agree.

Same desu.

>stormfags whine about migrants coming to their countries and shitting up the place with no regard to the culture of the host nation
And yet the Jow Forumsyps who've taken up residence here fling their shit everywhere as hard as they can, regardless of board, larping about how Jow Forums is the real Jow Forums

Are guys in Turkey generally circumcised or uncut? Anyone know?

Brother what is your gf like? Mine is a euro girl who hates my kind but married me out of love and we live in a nice white neighborhood who's residents I've been friends with since middle school

>He boldly states on not/pol/

Azn man married to Latino. Both Christian. Both Trump supporters who put white libs in their place at work when they come at us with "you poor minority" attitudes about politics and shit.

>he thinks I'm going to reply to the flaming namefaggot

I would have an erection the entire time

Well he's right, what are you doing on the rest of Jow Forums if its unnecessary?

Posting memes? What the fuck do you think, retard.

Hell yeah man. I hooked my redpilled latina best friend up with another british friend. Im glad even us shitskins are waking up to liberal and Jewish antics. Soon enough those antiwhite antihuman fucks will be exterminated like they should've been long ago.

>The homosexuals of Jow Forums are right wing
No we aren't, we just don't feed trolls often. Don't come for us unless we call for you.

Speak for yourself, cocksleeve. My big right wing dick will change your mind.

Another liberal being closed minded

Send me pics of said dick. My kik is gimme_a_draw

Faggots leave REEE. Jow Forums is a heterosexual board

What does the oil actually do? In a real fight you would never be covered in oil. Just why? Oil is good for sex, but why is it good for wrestling? They can’t all be literally gay.

>LARPing as a fag
I bet my dick is bigger

post glutes

I am not particularly fiery today good sir.

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What does the oil actually do? In a real fight you would never be covered in oil. Just why? Oil is good for sex, but why is it good for wrestling? They can’t all be literally gay.

>they can't all be literally gay

The thing people don't know about shitskinistan..

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The point is that in a real fight, covering yourself in oil nets a tactical advantage. You're simply giving both fighters that advantage so you are both at peak performance.

There is nothing more powerful than covering yourself in oil.

The oil makes it hard to get a grip, so the end result is reaching into the other guys pants and palming his ass like a bowling ball.

Attached: oil1.jpg (655x500, 117K)

>pol is mostly right
That point withstanding just take care of yourself bro, there's a lot of negative people that go there. The problem is that it's on Jow Forums so they can often end up being endearing at the same time.


Why do they all look so miserable in every pic? They're either grossed out or this is actually a very physically exhausting sport.

It's hard to get all three fingers in when the guy is trying to do the same to you.

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>Charlotte father song, pic related

Jane: I love you, I love you
Oh yes, I love you

Serge: Me neither

Jane: Oh my love

Serge: Like a vacillating wave
I go, I come and I go
Inside of you
I come and I go
Inside of you
And I hold myself back

Jane: I love you, I love you
Oh yes, I love you

Serge: Me neither

Jane: Oh my love
You are the wave, and I’m a desert island
You go, you come and you go
Inside of me
You come and you go
Inside of me
And I’m joining you

I love you, I love you
Oh yes, I love you

Serge: Me neither

Jane: Oh my love

Serge: Like a vacillating wave
I go, I come and I go
Inside of you
I come and I go
Inside of you
And I hold myself back

Jane: Heavy breathing interlude
You go, you come and you go
Inside of me
You come and you go
Inside of me
And I’m joining you

I love you, I love you
Oh yes, I love you

Serge: Me neither

Jane: Oh my love

Serge: Physical love, for its own sake

I go, I come and I go
Inside of you
I come and I go
I hold myself back…

Jane: No! Come! Now!
*Very heavy breathing*

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Oiled up Hakan is one of the strongest characters in the game

Truly the highest expression of Turkish culture.

Attached: turkish.webm (853x480, 2.43M)

Honestly it probably is. Turkey is a really shit place.


>Jow Forums

Attached: IMG_20180819_005448.jpg (240x240, 25K)

All that turkish honor

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This is why I do no gi at BJJ.


>that belly rub

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Was gonna defend this.
Then I actually watched the video.

Attached: ImGonnaNeedTwoHandsForThisOne.png (765x538, 416K)

>Jow Forums

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Turkish training

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M8... I'm hetero, but Jow Forums ain't

>>LARPing as a fag
Spat my drink topkek

It's ironic how white people from western countries make fun of something gay when their countries are the center of homo culture and people litteraly do gay parades regularly

If you're going to be gay, just own it
Don't pretend you're straight then go around grabbing oily dicks and calling it "totally hetero manly wrestling".


Jow Forums is a board of peace, we are simply fleeing persecution by the mods on our native board, please accept us as refugees as we set up colonies in your boards and begin to enforce sharia law here
diversity is our strength

you know this joke was never funny and has not converted a single person to your ideologies, it only garners more hate for your board

allahu akbar

you're all laughing but imagine how many repressed faggots go into this sport because their country is a muslim shithole

Homosexuals are calling badass Turks as a homosexual,becouse you guys seein them as your selves lol thats all.The Turks were best warriors in history.They were riding horse between 4 continent.They are created 16 great turkic empire and fought against all world ! You can see what is Turk means if you look at the great china wall !

Attached: txrkspray.jpg (600x400, 50K)

Did you not just read his post? Idiot.

Not all gays are fags. You are though.

surely you've been. where did you stay where it's so shit?

That's not how you spell vikings!

>he thinks viking warriors were really that common

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Well, but you forgot the difference between turks and turkish people. It's like vikings and swedish people.

I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOĞA (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

But almost all gays are fags.

turks are and always will be faggots. they like giving it in the butt and taking it in the butt. just look up their history

Post webms I want to understand the sport "in depth"

lmao you mutts are the USA of asia. conquered by more nations than even poland.

Jow Forums was Jow Forums territory before Jow Forums even existed. You'd know that if you weren't new. There is probably less racism here now that Jow Forums exists to satisfy that market.

It's not just white people? Non whites are much much less tolerant of gay shit, so not sure what your anti white, sjw point is. Maybe kys?

How is your retard observation supposed to change my opinion? It's still funny. Fuck faggots and fuck mudshits also desu

nah youtube is fine

here's this year's sub-chief category final

and chief category final

Attached: ismail-balaban.jpg (1500x1000, 272K)

Shit bait, kill yourself

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toasty roachy

I wasnt

T. Turk

Where can I watch this online?

Gay men are turning conservative

So like are they okay with people just jerking off at these things or what? Is that only allowed for the wrestlers?


It's all over youtube faggot.

They are NOT touching their private parts or bottoms, as if it would do any good since they all soak in olive oil. Some techniques require grabbing the pant both interior and exterior.

Are they really? I thought it was just me.

I fucking hate faggots

This dude: is clearly just hand-fucking the dude he's mounting.

This clip has hotter guys.

That's wrong though. Cultures that "pretend" to totally not be gay entrance straight and bi guys to put out. Our homophobe bullshit culture encourages only the ugliest flamers to fuck dudes, which sucks (but not in a good way).

So what's the peripheral scoop on this? There HAS to be a culture of like male prostitutes around the events or after-wrestle orgies or something. Nothing like this exists in a vacuum.