I just got back from the gym and I swear this board just makes things up to trick noobs

I just got back from the gym and I swear this board just makes things up to trick noobs.

There was a guy who looked so good, round shoulders, big serratus, etc etc and he was fucking shoulder pressing with 45 lb dumbells. He wasn't fucking doing OHP. He also fucking used the decline chest machine and triceps MACHINE

so tell me why this guy looked good while doing 90% MACHINES. I want to look like him he doesnt fuckign ohp or bench and sure as hell prob doesnt squat or deadlift. so why the fuck do you recommend those lift?

All the good looking guys I see use MACHINES I swear the only people I see doing compound lifts are 90% dyels which makes me think its a TRICK. I just want to look fucking good for girls dont give a fuck about autism strength.

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I know a guy who smokes and he's healthy, better start smoking xDD

The fuck is this post for? Do a brosplit like every other aesthetics fuck boy.
You train to look good.
I train to be good. If you cant see the appeal, try graduating HS first.

Oh man you finally caught on. Just do their bro split and you'll look like them. Now delet this before other people catch on and we can't meme them to bulk and do strength based routines

He's probably doing assistance exercises. Genetics are thing too

He built his strength first with free weights. Newer machines aren't horrible for super targeting certain muscles if you're already strong.

>45 in dumbells
Was probably going lower for hypertrophy.

the truth is nobody really knows

This, i started gaining mass instantly the day I started ignoring fit and doing PPL

that being said I still think machines are for cunts

You need to build a strength base first. Ask him next time, if he’s big he most likely won’t have a weak bench. Worry about building a good strength base first 1/2/3/4 or 2/3/4/5 depending on how good you think you are.

>I swear this board just makes things up to trick noobs.
Have you faggots actually been sleeping on the floor with no mattress? Lmao.

Everyones body reacts differently. He also could have been lifting for several years and now just does maintenance to maintain his current physique and not push it.


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Anyone I see Deadlifting 4pl8 looks DYEL. It's a completely strenuous meme exercise. I've never seen anyone ripped doing more than a 2pl8 deadlift.

I can’t relate to that, all the guys I see who hit 2/3/4/5 like numbers all look pretty strong, although usually the biggest guys I see aren’t doing compound lifts

Compounds just save you time. If you like spending time in the gym you can use machines too.

Fucking dumbcunts who keep raising the strength standard. Soon everyone will be shilling 3/4/5/6.
1234 is plenty strong. Most guys who’ve been in the gym for a few years arent even at this level. 2345 is elite tier

if you do a machine split you are way more likely to

1) burn out because you have to lift 4-5 times a week to hit every muscle group
2) over or under train a muscle group

U stupid faggot why would you ever squat with a bar or deadlift. ESP if you lifting for girls they don’t care about legs

Weight doesn’t matter much, especially if you’re on gear.

>he doesn't know the sweet feeling of picking up a girl and fucking her in midair

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Jow Forums is full of genetic reject recovering fat fucks who can only pull off "bearmode" (fat mode) so they advocate bulking on 500 calorie surpluses, doing SS, and having T rex legs to balance out their beer gut, ignore them. They're just jelly bucket crabs in denial because they'll never have abs or be aesthetic. They don't want you to be more aesthetic and ripped than them because then you'll take all the girls

He's just doing some light warmup work / stretching in your McGym / hooking up with the cardiobunnies

If he actually looked impressive, I promise he is a member of at least one other gym, i.e. an actual real gym where he does his actual lifting

2345 barely puts you in advanced tier if you are over 6 feet

actually 4 pl squat would put you just in intermediate, which is quite frankly, TERRIBLE

Women definitely like a nice ass, you virgin.

Deadlift and squat can increase overall test but unless competing I doubt its worth the trips to snap city this board loves while chasing numbers. To each their own though who gives a fuck.

> jelly bucket crabs


>4pl8 squat

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For a fully grown male that is just 2x body weight or a bit less

which is TERRIBLE for a squat

Maybe his gym buddy wasn't around that day but instead of asking random plebs for a spot he just settled for machines.

1/2/3/4 is achievable in 1-2 years by most people.

Fuckin this my first week on PPL my arms went from 14in to 16in.
Now after a year I've 28in arms

>all look pretty strong

By Jow Forums standards that means fat guys.

Machines are good for isolating muscles when the compounds fatigue the weakest links in the chain. For instance, if you want to grow your legs you wouldn’t want to do nothing but squats because your lower back would eventually fatigue. But the leg press doesn’t involve your lower back at all, so it lets you get more volume on your legs without fatiguing muscles that would be used for compounds.

The reason we shit on machines is because this kind of training is only for advanced lifters anyway. You simply can’t handle the amount of volume required to necessitate isolation exercises. So all using machines this early will do is neglect some crucial muscles. So shut the fuck up and do your compounds until you’re strong enough to actually require some more complicated programming.

Not everyone is a fat ass like you
LOL at fatties larp as “fully grown male” because they have 35% bodyfat and weigh 250lbs