Why is increased heartrate from cardio healthier than increased heartrate from caffeine

Why is increased heartrate from cardio healthier than increased heartrate from caffeine

Dumb fucks

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The heart rate increase from caffeine is actually good for you.

Apparently people who drink caffeine daily live longer than those who don't.

It helps in the same way cardio does by making your blood cells keep arteries open and oxygen flowing faster through your body.


That’s why I do a gram of blow every weekend helps me work my heart out even when I’m out and about.

why is the increased heartrate from coffee healthier than increased heartrate from meth?

dumb fucks

Yeah man that's why I smoke weed fuck running

Because meth has other effects on your body, retard. If the only thing meth did was raise your heart rate, then sure.

>My resting heartrate is 120. Fountain of youth!

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Increased HR from cardio is good for your heart because it lowers resting HR. Also, exercise is good for multiple reasons. Caffeine isn't and has no effect on resting HR

redpill: neither of them are healthy

i get that you think you’re smart but please try to cite sources if you’re going to speak

I love this meme.

I think this is the correct answer; both cardio and caffeine increase your heart rate but only cardio is actually effective at exercizing your heart enough to lower your resting hear rate.

>When performing cardio, blood flow is directed toward working muscles and away from areas that aren't doing much (such as your arms during running, or the digestive tract). There is increased blood flow, and blood volume returning to the heart.

>As the heart registers a larger blood volume, over time the left ventricle adapts and enlarges. This larger cavity can hold more blood, and ejects more blood per beat, even at rest.

>Over time, with chronic cardio training, our resting heart rate drops because each beat delivers a bigger burst of blood, and fewer beats are needed. This takes work off your heart and is why cardio exercise is recommended for heart health.

>However, cardiovascular exercise can also produce stress. If we get into over-training, we may hit a point where we are drowning in cortisol. This eventually leads to immune-suppression and fat gain around the abdomen and face.

>People who spend a significant part of their day in stress, who have poor digestion or other sources of physiological stress, should not further their stress levels by overtraining. Always think of your goals, moderate your exercise if necessary, and work to reduce your stress levels.

Don't over-do it though.

Worse than Wikipedia. Grow up


Better source; just read the first few pages. You actually need to move and exersize your muscles to get any benefit out of an increased heart rate.

Kill yourself

why are you so sad

it's not increased heart rate that is beneficial per se but the type of exercise that elevates and sustains it along with the accompanied vasodilation. if your arteries and capillaries stay constricted and your heart rate is high it's just gonna jack up your circulatory system

Why are you projecting?

>Increased HR from cardio is good for you because it lowers your resting HR
wtf lmAO

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Dummie do some research it is true

Yes, but then why isn't caffeine as good as exercise for the heart if increased HR lowers resting HR? You literally gave no reason yet you said caffeine has no effect also

Cardio and endurance sports increase stress hormones and will eventually give you cancer or a heart attack. Think of all the people running marathons dropping dead like flies, or all the people who died of a heart attack while jogging.

>Apparently people who drink caffeine daily live longer than those who don't.
Sales of ice cream cones correlate with shark attacks, you know

three cups of coffee since 14
now im 26

resting heart rate 54bpm

>t. Lazy Fat Fuck


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You need help user.

>Apparently people who drink caffeine daily live longer than those who don't.
that doesn't mean it's the heart rate increase that's healthy
7/10 made me reply

>what is tolerance

Are you guys retarded?

Your heart literally breaks because of entropy every single beat it does and beating faster makes you die faster, it however cleanses your arteries better etc so u will not die from clot heartattack as early i guess

I drink tea, will I get the same effects?

They both correlate with summer too

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>if you break down the muscle fibers in your muscles through working them out they'll grow back stronger
>"dude why don't you just slash your muscles open with a knife fucking brainlet"

400mg+ of caffeine everyday crew, heart should be healthy because of the increased heart rate right?

cardio increases your VO2 max

Fucking double digit IQ uneducated niggers get out.

protip: The difference has to do with cardiac afterload, venous return, katecholamine levels and BNP release among other things.

kys if this wasn't bait

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