Chad is eating pizza with Stacy on the sofa while you are lifting weights in a room
Chad is eating pizza with Stacy on the sofa while you are lifting weights in a room
chad amd stacy look fat as fuck
>implying that I don't eat pizza after lifting every once in a while
>with wine
On a scale of fat as fuck to morbidly obese, how much overweight are you?
non-americans will be confused by this
We all know scales are prejudiced user.
post your body
only in the US
Chad usually gets fat after high school
Shut the fuck up, LeBron.
Americans should be confused by this shit
that's what happens after high school
weird question but am i the only one who thinks that girl is cute?
I've thought about this. I imagine her as a high school senior or maybe in community college. Her family owns the restaurant and every day after school she goes to work there after putting in a full day of casses. She dresses unassumingly with her chucks and doesn't have a lot of "girly" interests. Her dad is probably pretty racist and she hears a lot of secrets and politically incorrect things at home which she can never repeat.
I don't really find her cute... but she has an interesting life.
What in the flying fuck
dude, go outside. Get off the internet.
>when nofap day 6
meh, she's a 6 at best. If she changed her style, she could do better.
I'd still date a girl like that coz i like petite brunettes. Actually no becoz planet fintness pizza so she is prolly dumb as shit.
>tfw lost virginity to a petite blond girl with glasses
>now everytime i see a petite girl with glasses I'm instantly hooked, not even attracted to most "attractive" girls like the Kardashians or most idols
how do i get off this ride
>meh, she's a 6 at best
this is why girls will never fuck any of you fuckers, you think thats a fucking 6 lmao, that's not more than a 2, she is even closer to 1 than 3
how needy are you guys wtf
am i fucked? i think my brain got rewired or something
That hooknose brah
you are beyond fucked if you dont feel like fucking Kylie Jenner, there is no going back honestly
you are attracted to incels which is never good
th-that's part of it
I heard Rip reference "pizza friday at the gym", but I refuse to believe he wasn't joking about that.
>that hooked nose
>unironically falling for the Jewish propaganda
Every hour he's not training is an hour closer to surpassing him and leaving humanity behind