
Attached: 31326621_350510325475110_8637566518047014912_n.jpg (1080x1080, 89K)

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Holy fuck how can you look that shit with such low BF?

idk breh, when he said in a vid he was 7% bf i thought
>LMAO you delusional cuck youre around 12


>drinks piss

Its the bodyhair and no tan and no posing. Also shitty light.

Never going to make it

With a pump, proper lighting, his best pose taken from a manipulative angle and he would look like a beast

He still looke good in op's pic imo

Whats his height?

>pic related
hold me bros

Shorter then average

*holds you*

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He's 5'7

this is what happens to you when you fast

look like shit while being at 7%, good job

>drinking piss
Is this a new era of mental retardation?

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Hello new friend :^)

What do you mean he looks shit you dyel

Main things preventing me from doing the whole fasting thing to cut are
1) this shit is probably haywire on your hormones. Has this guy gotten his T-levels checked before/after?
2) I'm sure it's gotta cause cloudy mindedness. Maybe it doesn't matter for NEETs or college students, but some of us have jobs where fucking up and making a poor judgement can have really bad effects on people

post body

Hi Cole

So give it a try during a long weekend or a holiday. What do you really have to lose?

Rough to have a double chin at 7%bf

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my testosterone levels

Scuttlebutt would seem to suggest that if anything it has a beneficial effect on T - you got anything more to go on than just your gut feeling?

i will once i get 7%, i if i look like that, im gonna stick to eating shit the rest of my life

>i will once i get 7%

So never, then.

He's been drinking piss for years. Who knows what else he's hiding? Eating shit? Drinking blood?

Stopped watching him a long time ago and this is just insane. You're pissing out the stuff that hurts your kidneys folks! Why in the world would you want that back?

Attached: snakepiss.jpg (680x680, 179K)

IF gives me greater mental clarity, personally

I'm talking about actual fasts rather than "I'm skipping breakfast"


>even made a video aboat it

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you piss out excess minerals and water you dumb fucking nigger. you shit out anything your body doesn't need.

>Hairy, bulky, cut abs
Fuck yes.

>Body hair is bad
>Tans are good
Kill yourself to save this site.

Try it out few times. I'm at my best during days 2 and 3 of dry fasts. If you're not fat you can easily have last meal on Thu and fast Fri, Sat and most of Sun before going to OMAD.

He means he looks like shit, you dunce
It's just his ab insertions, face, and neck fat that make him look bad. Everything else looks good to me

Are you a skelly or recovering fatty?