Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?

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Man up and quit cold turkey you Romanian faggot.

I saw your other thread.

Quit cold turkey before Vlad Sevish rises from the grave and impales you being for weak.

-t quit cold turkey from pack a day smoker.

How the fuck do you smoke 75 cigarettes a day? I mean, how do you find the time to smoke that many? And god damn don't you feel sick? Anyways, if you are craving them that much it seems like quitting will be really tough for you.

Check out Chantix or something. Makes the cigarettes taste like shit so you can't even finish one. (depending on your experience)

>tfw addicted
>tfw 10 ciggies when I wake up
>10 ciggies at brunch
>10 ciggies after lunch
>10 ciggies at dinner
>5 ciggies before bed

How do i stop

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shes tough i wont lie. i quit cold turkey then went ot a festival had a few got hooked again. was hard road to quit again. if you do manage to quit dont ever go back

you need to associate some negative thoughts with it; for example you go for a run or whatever and realize how disgusting it is for a male at whatever age you are to have such bad pumps then everytime you feel like a ciggi you remember that or randomly do some cardio again in the day to remember the feeling

hello summer

Started smoking IQOS. Cant look at normal cigs now. Downside have to quit IQOS now.

lol this cant be real

help me

Yes, I decided to quit a year ago and haven't smoked a cigarette since, nor do I have the desire to.
It only has draw backs with no upsides.
You'd have to be a retard to let a chemical dictate your behaviour.
I know because I was that retard for years.

holy shit. If i smoke more than 10 the next day i wake up with the taste of a shoe in my mounth.

Let's assume you sleep 8 hours a day (I don't know how smoking affects your sleep. Sorry, I'm not a junkie.).

That means you're awake for 16 hours a day. That's 960 minutes. And at 75 cigs a day, that's one every 13 minutes.

I'm not OP but for me it's more about chainsmoking, not regular smokes every 10 or 20 minutes. I'll never stop though cigarettes are delicious

Read Alan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Both my friend and I quit smoking this way, it completely changes the way you see smoking. Plus, it's a fast read.

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never gonna find a better drug

A drug that doesn't really do anything but destroys your body just as bad as the good stuff?
You're a retard.

I like it cus it helps with hunger and stress

Holy hell.... I understand around 10 cigs a day, maybe 20 on nervous days etc. but 75!... woah.

OP, how long have you been a smoker for?

I only ever smoke "socially" (max 3-5 otherwise I get nausea) never ever felt a kick or a buzz, don't know how people get addicted to this

That's a new record, the most I heard anyone smoked was sixty. Anyway, here's some things that helped that guy reduce his smoking to below ten a day
Be mindful that you are smoking, don't just put a cig in your mouth and forget it is there, dragging absent-mindedly.
Try forcing yourself to do specific things every time you smoke, preferably something that isn't bad for you; a few squats, eat a piece of fruit, etc.
Buy smoking filters, papers, tobacco and roll your own cigarettes. Do not use the ready cases with an automatic maker - roll them by hand.
Good luck.

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One of my mates, who normally smokes less than 6 a day, chainsmoked six packs (120!) one after another on the day after he almost broke up with his gf. It happens, but smoking this much regularly is not only rare but just horrible for the health.

Replace your current addiction with some other addiction that is better for you. When you crave a cigarette, instead of having one, do something else. Keep doing that one thing at first, for every 5th cigarette you crave. then next week, for every fourth and so on.

Must have a gene for it because I have only smoked maybe 5 cigars in my life and I get dreams about smoking cigarettes

>cigarettes are delicious
They taste like a drug store on fire. Try smoking real tobacco once in a while.
t. pipe smoker

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stop eating and sleeping

>tfw I can go out and smoke a couple of cigs every now and again when drinking and not even think about it the rest of the time

Ahh the joys of not being a weak willed faggot, lol'ing at you losers addicted to the tobacco jew

Buy a vape. Helps the transistion.

>t. virgin

It doesn't help with stress at all,
it relieves an itch that it causes itself by making you feel withdrawal.

based literally me
usually buy one (1) pack a year for when the lads want to go out drinking and it lasts the year long

I'm already smoking the finest tobacco there is. My sweet, brown, Gauloises rolling tobacco. Pipe smokers are nerds and larpers

Keep lashing out in your inferiority, stink-breath.
I take back the part about disgust then, at least you have taste. I was afraid you were talking about pre-rolled's. The paper still kills cigarettes for me though, even with good tobacco.

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Same. Now I don't even smoke tho, but I used to do it every other month. A pack lasted me more than a year I think, the last one I had god moldy before I could finish it
When I started smoking I did it twice a week, still not a lot but I started feeling a little pain on a point on my ribs idk

My fiance and I smoke two or three every night. I hate it and feel like I'm going to die. Also my mouth tastes gross every morning despite brushing thoroughly.

We have two left in our current pack. We always say it's the last pack but then she goes out and buys a new one because lolstress......

I wish i was cool enough to smoke

imagine willingly inhaling toxic gases all day long and simultaneously posting on a fitness board


I want to, but no cold turkey in Romania. Only potato and sadness.

Jealous. Latvia has no potato. Only death and hallucinations from malnutrition.

>I'm going to post the same joke as OP

Good job

Depends on the paper tbqh. You can buy it extremely thin or really thick. Personally I enjoy both but its like cooking, you gotta learn to accommodate the tastes


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So what exactly is there that's enjoyable about smoking?
The shit breath? Annoying people around you?

can recommend

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read the easy way to quit smoking or a similar ebook that is free online and takes literally less than two hours to complete. Read it while chainsmoking. You are not quitting anything. You are stopping something that gives you no rewards because you are not going to be a loser who wastes his money by slowly torturing his body.

here's another free pdf [dot] pdf

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this method worked for me

just gotta get over that three day hump and then its smooth sailing. the cravings only last a few minutes so just bear through them and move on.