Fit hair thread

Does having nice hair give the illusion that you are more attractive than you are?

I see average looking dudes with wavy side parts and flowing manes but it makes them look better. maybe by lookism standards, they arent attractive facewise, but they have god tier hair.

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Hair doesn't change bone structure.

>having hair on the top of your head
low test twinks OUT

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Why is this dude pouting like that? Are autists so immersed in lookism that they don't see that it's supposed to be transferable into their daily lives, to make them at least look less autistic?

lmao you guys assume everyone with nice hair has shitty facial structure. no bro, most of these dudes are average or good looking without it. the hair enhances their looks

dont see any chads or good looking people with buzzcuts in my uni gym

The issue looksmaxfags have is similar to the issue that other groups that become super-focused on one particular thing have. They lose sight of the bigger picture and the place of this one particular area of interest in the grand scheme of things. They start to believe that literally nothing else matters but facial bone structure and height.

Thats actually true bro.

Theres more to facial structure and height for your attractiveness like muscle, confidence, social circle, clothes, how you carry yourself, voice and etc

This. You've all seen the pictures of the dudes who are shredded but still have baby faces. Looks (specifically bone structure) and height matter a whole hell of a lot. They're not the end all be all though, and always remember that money is the strongest aphrodisiac.

ey I don't wanna make a new thread so i'll ask here. pic is me and obviously I got some funky shit going on with my bones, i got really wide hips and its pretty gay. Anything I can do in my workout to alleviate this? will post hair to stay on topic

wow hair

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That's what I'm saying. Facial aesthetics matter a great deal, but they're not the only thing by a long shot. Something as simple as a hair cut can make a great deal of difference.

>This. You've all seen the pictures of the dudes who are shredded but still have baby faces
Honestly I think most of the time this is due to not taking the Neck Pill. It looks uncanny valley when you see someone with a bodybuilder physique and a 13" pencil neck sprouting out of it. It looks like one of those things where there's an image of a buff sailor and you stick your head through the hole to get your picture taken.

If well-kept, yes.

On the flipside, there are just as many women that won't give you a second glance without a standard chad-cut.

>t. dyel 5 that has dated 8-9s, "I love your hairr"

>Anything I can do in my workout to alleviate this?
Yes, actually working out

is david laid a good example? he still slays

I’m NW3 frontal with the beginnings of a bald spot at the back. AMA

Get a tan

whats considered a chad cut. make hair looks like this right now except brown and wavy

I would sell my soul for your hair, no homo.

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Why would you say this except to be a complete asshole? I obviously work out my dude

My experience with longer hair is that it's polarizing. Some women hate, while others absolutely love it. And the thing with attraction is that if a proportion of them really like it, that's all you really need, because you just need to reach a threshold with some women rather than trying to get them all. To be really reductionist, if half of women hate it and half of women love it and slip their panties off, the half that hate it don't stop the other half, know what I mean?

That and I just detest having a standard normalfag haircut like some variation of the hitler youth. That shit is so overplayed and everyone and their dog has it. I have short-to-medium-length hair now though.

Hair makes SO much fucking difference, anyone who says otherwise is a retard.

Perfect example. This guy would look good with literally any kind of haircut.

short hair always > long hair

define standard chad cut

>Hair combed forward creating a flat line that keeps the hairline from looking receded.
>High vertical volume.
>Very clean and smooth parting.
>Little to no greying even in his early 40s.
What was his secret?

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Addisons disease

I have a good jaw so this haircut works for me

Not necessarily. There are guys with good facial structure but they also have Gay Alien Skull(TM), which means medium or long haircuts look better rather than having a shorter cut that exposes the gay alien skull

transmutation of male sexual energy

you fucking described me wtf lol. i look good from the front (talking wide and squarish jaw( but gay alien skull from the side.

Lmao someone actually saved my picture.

I'm not pouting.


How do you catch it?

i shaved my head the other day and think I'm happy with it

post bussy

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