What's the ideal height?

What's the ideal height?

Attached: 598197206-1024x1024.jpg (644x1024, 403K)

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>(your height) + 1"

an inch higher than what you are

Attached: 5'7 vs 5'9.jpg (744x737, 82K)

6'2" to 6'4"

Also, is there an ideal shoulder width, or is it just the bigger the better?

So 5'4"?

I’m 6’1
So 6’2

5'3", but don't kill yourself if you're 2-3 inches over. Height is one thing. Nobody has the perfect everything.

5’8 is what a MAN should measure
Lanklets are just coping

perfect for men = 5' 8" - 5' 11"

t. femanon

>t. Manlet LARP

> (You)
>>t. Manlet LARP
Not that femanon but I agree with her

Why would you want manlet kids?

5'10 - 6

t. manlet

above 180cm is minimum for many women, a man who's exactly 6ft tall would be desirable to almost all women in a dating pool, the preference shifts towards bigger men though, to the point where men who measure 1,98m have ultimately the upper end when it comes to short-term engagements, even though they might be too big for most women when it comes to long-term relationships.

6 4 if you want to look good in person.
5 9 if you want to compete.
>inb4 cope


If you look at reproductive success, there's only one proper answer:

the average height.


Attached: 1A39E449-0B9C-4412-96BC-61B876FD072D.jpg (450x305, 52K)


The non meme answer

Kys manlet you can’t hang with us six footers

I have met a lot of short men that are attractive. The only men that ever made a move on me have been over 6 feet. I'm 5'8.

my height

6'5 guy here. I'd say 6'2-6'3 is the ideal height. Trying to find pants that fit me correctly is a huge pain in the ass since I'm right on the cusp of Big & Tall and normal fitting clothes.

5.5 over her.

Attached: Screenshot_20180823-125329.png (1080x1920, 252K)

For most combat sports: 5'10
For sports like rugby/football: 6 to 6'3
For attractiveness: 6'2 to 6'4

Every man I have dated has been 6'3. I would like to believe that it is a coincidence.

are u womanlet?


Minimum 6'.
Maximum 6'4".

Anything below that and you're basically just a tall dwarf.
Anything above that and you're a fucking lanklet giraffe.

Attached: 1529593546667.jpg (800x532, 65K)

worrying about ideals is pointless, ideals dont exist in the real world, you cant be completely prepared for everything in life and have absolute ideal qualities

Unironically this. Though more like +2.

I thought I was 6' tall. Want to be 6'1-6'2. Apparently didn't stand up straight, actually am 6'1.

Now I believe 6'3 is best.

traps don't count

probably 6'0 to 6'2. Gains are easier than huge lanklets and you have the height to stomp out all the manlets
t. 5'10

about 5'9"

Attached: lanklets.jpg (300x225, 37K)

175cm+ (since it's the threshold for manletism in almost all of Europe's police/ military etc)
195cm- (threshold for lanketism)

Under you're must likely under average, hard time with women, you can be a bodybuilder or something
Above you're lanklet level, attractive to some extent but most sports are out for you unless you move to America and you can play basketball/rugby

180-185 perfect balance
Good enough for fighting sports, already considered tall without going overboard, easy time with girls, can play football and get proper gains.

Attached: UB6aGWQ.jpg (1280x1760, 134K)

>itt larpers

Fuck. I meant to say 63"

nice cope ugly

As a 6'2 faggot, I like to fuck either Giants 6'4+, or manets (5'6) and below. Top with both, it's just hot to be able to pick up a guy like a plaything or dominate a mountain of a man rendered submissive by his mutated brain. Thankfully bottoms of both sort are just about the most common type of gay there is.

Jesus' height from the Shroud of Turin is between 5'7 and 6'2 (about 5'11 as a median), so roughly 5'11 would be the objectively-perfect height.

> jew was also a manlet
christcuck will defend this

170 to 185

If you’re too wide you’re exposed to more strikes to the chest, this sounds like a cope but it’s not

>tfw 6’7

Attached: 83374768-F901-410F-ABBA-F7079290331C.png (1920x1200, 2.98M)

*dies at 75*

lmao, either hard cope or classic women not knowing what they want


yeah I really need to cope over not being a freakish height that will cause my heart to give out before 80


>double cope
Stay mad manlet

*dies at 70*

>tfw 6'3" and this thread is targeted at me

Anyone shorter than me is a manlet anyone taller is a lanklet
>6.3 here

Attached: 1534527702509.jpg (1200x880, 160K)

You can't deny this.


Literally me.

6'2" - 6'4"

what? that makes no sense

i can
5'10 to 6'2 is unironically the best height range

The best height is being always taller than your girl.
But I rather stay 6'5 than anything under 6'2

5'11 up, if you're taller than most women you're fine

>it's a lanklet cope thread

Attached: 1bd45dd.jpg (640x1133, 153K)

5'9", easily. Why is this still a discussion? LOL

5'10'' - 6'3'' (rule of the double)

I would say 6'2 or 1,87.
But it doesn't really matter in the end. I have a friend she is about 1,92 tall so 6'3 and she looks pretty good. Nice tits and good body.
Pic related thats her
At a party she introduced her new boyfriend to me. He was around the same height as me maybe even shorter than 6f.
He seemed like a nice guy and she was also happy.
Conclusion it doesn't matter.

Attached: m_a.png (491x595, 833K)

5'10" to 6'2". After that and your height just becomes a novelty. Useful for attracting drunk girls I guess but after that you're just "the tall guy" no matter what else you do.


based and redpilled

Here's a picture with me and my 6'3" pops.

Attached: mydadandI.jpg (220x377, 19K)

Idk man, short guys are cute. Average to tall are alright, but I like guys who I can hug to my chest without them hunching over, or me straining the ability of my tippy-toe skills. I'm 5'5" though so I don't happen upon many dudes shorter than me.

That's just my preference though. If you're being ignored by people because of your height, then hot damn that's a great way to filter out shitty people from your orbit.

Local average + 4%

Alex pls stop

More pls

Can sort of confirm. Gf is 5'8, am 6'1-6'2.

Who's Alex?

5'11 v 6'0

Attached: m_a_a.png (484x602, 722K)

Guy on left somehow looks better
What sorcery is this?
The beard?

Probably because the guy on the right looks like he's about to sneeze.

Top kek

Ty man, appreciate it.

I'm 5'11 and have to say the ideal height is 6'2

Sequential dubs of truth

senpai pls

in the real world, 5'10.5

on internets 6'2

6'3 is the perfect height. i'm 6'2 and larp as 6'3 with boots on don't even car
