When did you realize that being fit doesn't get you laid?

When did you realize that being fit doesn't get you laid?

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It does if you're not a spastic

When did you realize that posting shit threads doesn't get you laid?

When I wallked into the gym and saw some guy benching with his gf and she benched more than him.

Meanwhile I bench 315 and have never had a woman show interest in me or react positively to any advances I made.

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a long time before i started lifting

>itt things lazy ass people tell themselves to justify not working out.
Being fit isn't about getting grills it's about getting hotter grills.

I don’t “get it”. I guess you could call me a “robot” or “not a normie”. I have been lifting for many years, I am lean, muscular, but not too big, just naturally built like a Greek statue. I also have a decently attractive face, nothing super model level, but above average for sure.

I often see guys come into the gym, who are average looking facially, they have skinnyfat or really really skinny bodies, and sometimes they have a fairly attractive woman with them, one that I would definitely have a relationship with, at least based on their physical appearance.

It makes me wonder, what part of my brain is damaged for me just to not be able to socially engage or connect with people, especially women. It’s like I don’t exist in the same frequency of “normies”, at least socially.

Relationships, friends, sex, it all just seems unreal to me. I have tried making friends and meeting women but I just don’t click with anyone. It feels like I am just supposed to be by myself for life.

I don’t see anything changing because I am 31, my life is pretty much set in stone now.

what hobbies do you have

I don’t see why hobbies matter?

My brother (33) and sister (28) are both married, have lots of friends, as normal as you can get, and they don’t have any hobbies. They just work, watch Netflix, socialise at friends places, they don’t play sports or sky dive or go fishing or are part of any social clubs

Girls have been a lot more eager to talk to me since I got fit and I’m not an autistic retard so I can carry a conversation just fine.

because it not only gives you something to do but also something to talk about

You got ghosted didn't you?

Post pic of the "greek statue" bod of yours.

I have posted it enough on CBTs, I am not going to post it anymore, and even if I do, people will just say I am using someone else's pic because everyone here is a normal person with a normal brain who could actually get laid if they weren't ugly fat fucks.

you have a shit attitude. thats why your life is set in stone

im so sick of these threads. nobody cares about your sex like you fucking faggots

Have you ever been tested for autism?

maybe he was doing high rep and she was doing strength

Yeah I wouldn't want to be your friend either. Have you ever considered you're just a shit person who is completely devoid of anything interesting or meaningful?

Preaching to the choir pal. Most people dont have your standards. They settle for what they can get at the time.

It does if you’re not a total autistic spaz

I'm not, in fact I'm emotionless.

I got laid before I got fit. It didn't stop the pain. So now I'm getting fit to see if anything changes.

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That’s pretty much by definition autism

it got my dick wet huhuhu

show bodypic

never considering lifting unironically got me laid.

> I'm emotionless
Spastic detected