/plg/ - powerblogging general

im bak ;)

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It's before noon here in Texas aka the only time zone that matters

It's 2 in the afternoon here.

Fucking hell, so you even know what the issue is
Then get your hips sorted instead of crying to strangers online, its like you dont want to make progress

I wasnt even going to squat yesterday because my right hip flexor was so jacked up and pulling my lumbar into extension and twisting my pelvis, causing awful back pain, i spent 10 minutes pre training to sort it out then squatted a 40kg pb

Did i post in plg saying i cant squat? No, i fixed the issue and got on with it. Cunt :)


what causes shoulder tightness/pain while benching

What kind of pain? In which part of the movement? Does it persist after the bench? How much do you bench?

Post a video of your bench

Spoiler: It's probably bad form.

>40kg pb

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incorrect grip width
lack of arch
lack of upperback tightness
improper forearm alignment

yeah but you clearly know what's the issue because you have more experience. I have no fucking idea why it happens so maybe you could enlighten us plebs instead oh just going about some unrelated rants how iron lyfe you are.


Being bitter rotted Sean's spine.


see that's the thing about sean
he super fucking retarded but occasionally he super fucking right, and when he is people just dismiss him as that retard who snapped his shit up

t. sean

who's sean
t. me

Turbo autist that shitposted here 24/7 until he broke his spine. He still posts here, he just doesn't lift anymore.

>occasionally hes right

All he does is call people stupid and he calls everything garbage. That doesn't make him right. It makes him a never-was spectator.

broken clock twice a day something

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Can someone link me to blushoes youtube I lost the url

>iron lyfe

No, that would be lifting despite pain, not getting rid of it and trying to prevent further injury

Lower bodyweight and less drugs


Clean deadlift faget here. Reps felt solid, except for the last two, which I wormed a bit for a sweet +0.42kg e1RM PR.

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Nice blog

Delete your image

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Do programs based on logic and fundamental principles trigger you?

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Furry faced little child abusers who copy and paste other coaches work and pass it off as their own triggers me.

How much weight was it

>bench +1kg
lol what's the point

>mashing two opposite styles of programming together

>listening to a mentally ill 'person'

197.5, four doubles and a 7.


Reading that made me feel good.

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They're not that opposed to eachother. I don't see what's "Sheiko" about it, but they're both based on full body sessions and raising volume.

Getting to see friends this weekend makes me feel really good

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Is Louie a numale? I'm getting Marveldrone impressions from this pic

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It's those captain america armbands.
The state of them.

What do these fat boomers have to do with powerlifting

These are the kind of coaches that we used to look up to until Lord and Saviour trappy came to us and showed us the light.

the best coaches of today were the mediocre athletes of yesterday

Sheiko was never an athlete tho. He decided from a young age that he wanted to coach children and muscular young men, like trappy. Very suspicious behavior if you ask me.

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oh my fuck
i just realized why trappy was such a good coach
>programming socks

Swede is supposed to be a fantastic coach and he is a pretty strong dude.

How much have i added to my max bench if im able to do my previous max (8 weeks ago) for 4 sets of 4 reps?

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like 110% your previous 1RMishhhhh

I'm seeing friends too this weekend.

I've been super busy recently with family because my grandpa died. I'd like to chill and play video games for a bit tbqhfamalam

PS make your return to the chat.

sorry for your loss g

also seeing frens this weekend, doing go ape, an exhibit then overpriced ass london pints

Yeah, I'm visiting MA this weekend. I have an interview back in his city on Monday, so I figured I'd just make a whole weekend trip out of it.

Add me back, senpai. Sorry to hear about your grandpa

>its like you dont want to make progress

Welcome to /plg/

Does anyone have that pasta listing all the various copes flung about this place on a regular basis?

No it was good, he's been sick for a long time and he had a really good 90th birthday with nearly all his direct family, his three children, one spouse of, and five grandchildren. All in his hospice, drinking bucks fizz, eating sandwiches and cake and talking to him. He died a few weeks later and was very sick and not a little confused in the last months.

Sounds like a really nice send off man

Despite our disagreements, you actually seem committed to improving which i respect

kek your fucking faggot grandpa had a heartattack when he learned you were a weasel rat fuck

I refuse to believe Sean is this much of a jackass.

Nope I am Sean and I'm glad that old piece of shit is dead because he spawned a rodent fuck who ended up spawning THE rat rodent weasel fuck

without him George would not exist and the planet would be a better place

chances are the weasel genes are hereditary and his grandpa had it too

hopefully he had an extremely painful death that lasted years of torment

i can only hope the same happens to george himself

>All he does is call people stupid and he calls everything garbage. That doesn't make him right.


90% of everything is shit. So calling everything shit is going to lead to you being right 90% of the time. It doesn't necessarily make you smart or insightful or the slightest bit useful, but it does make you correct 9 out of 10 times.

you are literally worthless

and your cynicism is not profound or accurate

Rate my 4 day program

Squat 5x5
Bench 5x6
Face pulls 3x15

Bench 6x5
Pause/stiff leg/deficit deadlift (alternate) 5x3
Weighted chin ups 4x8
Lying tricep extension 3x15

DB/Incline/CG bench (alternate) 3x10
GHR 4x8
Weighted 3 way plank 3x30 sec each side
Reverse arches 3x30 secs
Bodyweight chin up 3xF (aim 12-15 reps)

Squat 3x3
Bench 4x4
Deads 3x3
Face pulls 3x15

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>90% of everything is shit. So calling everything shit is going to lead to you being right 90% of the time. It doesn't necessarily make you smart or insightful or the slightest bit useful, but it does make you correct 9 out of 10 times.
BASED, I'm starting to like you more and more everyday and I was the one who called you raffy everyday until you proved otherwise lol

So bitter.

-5 spine health
-10 liver health

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+450 wilks in 6 months

>and your cynicism is not profound or accurate
>He's never heard of Sturgeon's Law

It's a Law, airhead. No questioning it.

I'd say closer to 115%

Welcome to PLG.
A support group for people to make excuses for their lack of progress.
Despite not trying consistently over an extended period of time, consider using the following phrases to fit in:

>anime and jacking off keeps me up too late, but that's not why I'm weak
>the weight feels heavy, fuck this program
>my knee has a faint pain, should I take 2 weeks off?
>I'm 6'8" and 80 kg, I dont want to get fat
>that program doesn't work for me, must be the program
>my deadlift is my best lift, fuck squat and bench
>I pull 3plate sumo and I'm not improving, my cues must be off
>I bench max width every session, why can't I bench 2 plates? Bench is gay.
> I've never done sports or established any athletic base, I'm going to do smolov
>I deadlift 4 plate, bench one plate, and squat 2. Time to trip!
>your advice is gay and wrong, but I dont have any better advice and my lifts are beginner tier but why would that matter
>sumo is harder than conventinol and if i watercut 5kg and reattempt it then my 4plate dl is even better than elite
>Should I just google 'intermediate strength.' I don't want to have to lift more than 3 times a week and I don't want to have to make a spreadsheet.
>donated blood yesterday, weights definitely feel harder than I expected today
>I have to train completely different and way harder than everyone else because I am a unique snowflake
>you don't understand, MY hamstrings are tight 24/7/365
>I have flat feet what do? No, I dont try to strengthen them, they're flat.
>I'm a GDE and that's the only reason I'm not strong even though I don't eat, sleep, or train properly.
>Steroids? Ew, putting natural hormones my body is completely unnatural because I wouldn't want to upset the delicate balance of s o y and estrogen in my system
>a lifter who hits 1/2/3/4 in 6 months of training is way more impressive than a lifter who hits 3/4/5/6 in 10 years of training.
>Just started sheiko after a year and a half of lifting. 305/355/425x3

I really like the bitter meme.

>ran sheiko after a year and a half lifting with 445/265/495

12 weeks of my life I'll never get back.

>>donated blood yesterday, weights definitely feel harder than I expected today
I remember that most of these were actual quotes. This one is very funny in particular.

Thank you. Have blue board tiddies.

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>donated blood yesterday, weights definitely feel harder than I expected today
That's pretty valid complain, but I wouldn't fucking lift at all on that day if I donated blood.

Is this any good for an early intermediate? It's a 4 week program but I only run the 3rd week over and over, started with a 90% TM and I also do 25-30 LTEs and 50 rows per session

I'd only donate blood if someone in my family or a friend of mine needed it desu.

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hahaha reading Sean's posts up there actually made me laugh out loud.

Imagine not knowing love and then trying to insult me with it. It's... I don't even have words to explain it but it's actually hilarious.

haha your fucking Grandpa is dead, thanks for the laugh, lmao

Fkoff nuckcuck

I wonder what happened to that guy last time he posted all his lifts went down and everyone was laughing at him.

You're a sociopathic alcoholic who will never, ever be happy, always be lonely and although you will die soon, everyone you've ever met will wish it was sooner.

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There was another nuckcuck who did what I posted and got to 150kg bench IIRC.

Donating blood is great. KK likes to bleed out into a shaker cup for gains.

KK does it because he's a roider. I doubt there is any health benefit. It probably just fucks up your recovery short term.

I'm running 3x int bench medium for both OHP and bench, but offest by one day so I'm not doing AMRAP for both on the same day. I'm running the full 4 week cycle though. Finished my first month today.

Bench: 125kg ---> 132.5kg
OHP: 75kg ---> 80kg

It works really fucking well.

Forgot to add I am at 86kg bodyweight, and didn't gain anything during the cycle, might actually have lost a bit.

Do you press 6x/week? Frequency seems to play a pretty big role. Nuck posted a big article about frequency recently, haven't read it yet but planning to soon.
Good progress man.

Be better not bitter

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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If it's the one I think it is, beware that the average subject got something like 1.3% stronger every week (meaning they were noob as fuck).

No, I press 3x a week. OHP and bench on the same day, I just shifted the program a day forward.

I'd love to press 6x a week, but it would probably kill my elbows. I can barely keep myself off the bench on non-press days.


>On average, trained subjects in the lower frequency groups (19 exercises across 8 studies) got 1.49% stronger per week (CI=1.18-1.80%), while trained subjects in the higher frequency groups got 1.78% stronger per week (CI=1.47-2.09%).
Worse than I remembered. And those are the trained subjects. They should be pressing 3x a week, on SS.

I hate going to bed because I always feel really lonely laying here in the dark.

Thanks for spoonfeeding, I won't have to spend too much time reading it. I guessed it wouldn't be something revolutionary. Again, if the program is somewhat decent and you like it and everything outside the gym is in order, you should get good gains regardless of the small stuff.

I hate sleeping because I don't like losing consciousness, and control of myself.

I press 3x a week, though, 1st bench day 2nd bench day and OHP and delt raise for the sloots day. It just pisses me off a bit when someone tries to pass that shit as le science ftw and le objectively correct way to train.

I love sleeping because I know I will wake up rested and happy.

>21-35% stronger a month
my ass

Do OHP more often. Once a week did nothing for me.

I'll consider changing the inclines on main bench day for more ohping if my shoulders start to hurt (again).

You should try some sleeping pills.

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How is your squat and deadlift going

It must keep you up at night acting like such a hypocrite all day.

wow this is a bitter post lmao