Hey user why does your left bicep look smaller than your right one?
Hey user why does your left bicep look smaller than your right one?
Unironically have this problem, also believe it's unironically from fapping for like 10 years. Not too noticeable but I can see it.
Does anyone else feel like their weak bicep/arm gets less of a workout while lifting, though?
I think it’s from jacking off
Broke my left arm some years ago and the muscle still has not caught back up.
you're telling me that cranking it is a bicep exercise...shut the fuck up, it works forearms at best
>mfw my right arm is bigger but my left arm is stronger
>Does anyone else feel like their weak bicep/arm gets less of a workout while lifting, though?
yes, when lifting, my body always puts more strain on my right side. sometimes in notice it and i try to even it out but i cant do anything about realy...
has a girl actually said that to you? I find it hard to believe
Right is my dominant so its always been bigger. It has nothing to do with fapping because I switched to fapping with my left arm pretty soon after I began fapping because I was afraid of imbalances. As it turns out my arms are relatively unchanged, but my left lat has gotten WAY bigger than my right lat, which I assume is because I tense my left lat while fapping.
Yup, idk what it is. Best guess is just body compensating subconsciously by using the stronger side more
jack with left arm and still its smaller than right
I have this problem as well but while fapping may be a part of it I am just very right side dominant.
Not op but a girl several years older than me said it in a manner suggesting fapping while my older sister was standing right next to us.
Who are you?
What are you doing in my house?
get your eyes fixed sweetie
Probably not the reason. I'm left handed and My right bicep has always been bigger than the left. The rest of my body is bigger on the left side though. Everybody is asymmetric
Fair enough. Are models then just very lucky to be extremely symmetric, then, or is it all editing post-shoot?
Yup. My right arm is noticeably bigger and more jacked than my left arm. It pisses me off because it fucks up my liftoff on bench press and hurts my left arm sometimes because it's a like fucking middle compared to my right. I blame baseball and years of fapping right handed only. And yeah I feel my right bicep burn way more than my left. I think my left arm is incapable of growing muscle because it got no work for years and years.
Put down the barbell and pick up some dumbbells you absolute mongoloids
both I think
Yep, not visibly but my righty is stronger.
Why are you lookin at my biceps?
Idk, you tell me
>left forearm unnoticeably bigger than right
>left calf bigger than right
I play guitar and used to skateboard goofy stance for years in high school.
Who else /imbalanced/ here
yeah i have the same problem, its even veiny, looks ripped but its only part i have ripped, i usually make shit up like i play tennis or someshit
Mine used to be. Same with my left pectoral muscle. I started focusing on my left side when lifting and it slowly sorted itself out. My chest is still a little smaller on the left but it's getting better.
Yes, we notice.
I have the same problem and I think it's from using a computer mouse with the same hand all these years
>be me, nine years old
>think that I'll become asymmetrical if I continue masturbating twice per day for the rest of my life
>got dad's 12 pound dumbbell
>furiously do curls until burnout not once, but twice
>eventually able to do like, one hundred curls with left arm
>number of curls = 100 + (faps per day) x 2
>do this until 16
>kinda forget about it
>later, have urge to fap to some pretty fucked up shit
>after fapping I have this panic that set in and couldn't place it
>remembered the curls
>compared arms
>they looked like pic related
>holy shit.wmv
>I came full circle from my fear of fucking up my right arm into fucking up my left arm
And I still haven't fully recovered
I'm righty and fap lefty and my left arm is still the lesser gains
Use dumbbells
My left pec is bigger than my right and I have no idea why, I think it might be slight scoliosis
because my left hand is for typing my thesis and my right is for choking you out
why does you vagina look like a sloppy philly cheesesteak
My right forearm is thicker than my left because of tennis
Definitely is a bit smaller.
Using a screw gun on drywall and 18 gauge steel with my right arm for 10 years probably has something to do with it.
tfw my left trap is bigger but my right arm is bigger.
left handed fapper here, right arm is still bigger
Just do extra sets on your left arm consistently, on bilateral exercises try to concentrate on contracting the left side more. I am starting to even my biceps out this way. I also try to do things with my left arm that I usually do with my right, like picking up my bike when going down from my apartment, carrying more bags of groceries than the right arm, shaking my whey, etc.
Maybe for you, dicklet.
Because I beat my dick harder than I beat my bitches
*flex a small 'cep*
This is fucking hilarious
Yeah, I've been picking up 45lb plates with my left arm only now, will try to do more things as well with it, and maybe add in some sets of low-weight dumbbell curls as well.
because i'm right-handed and i also broke my left elbow when i was a kid and never balanced properly my muscles
[spoiler]this is also why i masturbate with my left hand[/spoiler]
Good luck, bro. Try doing some light cable curls after every workout (4 times a week for me) til failure (NON-NEGOTIABLE)