He doesn’t lift to turn bad girls good

He doesn’t lift to turn bad girls good...

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Once a whore, always a whore.


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op is a nigger

Tried it. Fell in love. She realized I wasn't the god I claimed to be to get her. She reverted back and left with no remorse.


then you become the god and find another

Jesus the comic got weird over the years.

op is roastie or faggot

and there's no solution

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Even worse she won't be a whore for you. That was the past and she's "changed" except for that night 3 years from now while you're home watching your child & she just wanted to have a girls night out & comes home smelling like cheap vodka and cum SHANONYOU FUCKING LLYRGING WHOOROEEE

This x1000000

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Did you eat her out for dat dere protein

Thanks for the cautionary tale

>isn't a god
never gonna make it breh

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damn that older brother face of concern just hurt my soul

You gotta wonder what turns people like him and hiimdaisy into unique and decent webcomic artists to just being another tumblr sjw shitfest you can find anywhere.

>intentionally waiting and paying for what dozens of other guys have gotten immediately and for free


Hope you got full custody

>TFW long term girlfriend said she had a dream where she cheated on me and then it 'turned into a rape' and she was hung from a tree for her crime
What do? Obviously im glad that the dream gods dished out immediate karma, but the bigger problem is that she dreamed about cheating

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dont you? retard

not a big deal, sounds like standard human

Hang her from a tree just to be safe

[X] Rape her.

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Standard humans dream about cheating on each other?

Depends how the dream actually went, which only she will ever really know.

I had a dream that started where I had already cheated, and had to figure out what to do about it. More of a nightmare, really.

The important question for OP: Was it with someone she knew, or random dream person?

wtf does that comic mean
i dont get it

This is the harsh reality of it. I would never try to get some trashy bad girl to turn into a """pure""" girl because I would still refuse her and I know that her new persona that she's adopted could fool some sorry Jow Forums sap and he'd regret it for the rest of his life. I try to look out for my fellow man.

it's a webcomic called sinfest and you don't get it because it has a continuity. Basically devil girl is in love with good nerd and she wants to be good now

That comic has got to be the worst piece of roastcope I've seen in a while
>my clothing demeanor, and history of behavior may indicate that I'm a slut, but I really am a good girl deep down
White sharia when?

back in the day the solution was stones.

Imagine getting married to a reformed devil girl in a cute Christian ceremony and then going on your honeymoon and fucking each other's brains out haha

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That's going in my "posts and quotes" folder

Sounds like it's a premonition. She'll cheat on you, then claim it was rape, and then get found out as a liar and then commit suicide

That's an excellent screen grab

user don't do this to yourself, I've fallen in this kind of trap many times I know first hand why this kind of girl is so attractive to us, you want to save her and be there for her and maybe she will like this but only for a while, this kind of girls are only good to drag you down with them and making you suicidal.
>Tfw I thought I wouldn't fall for it for second time but still fall for it blissfully ignorant the third time
Just kill me brehs

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But what do I do about it? Why is she even thinking these kind of things? Clearly she has morals, hence the hanging, but why is her mind wandering like this in the first place?