Attached: 440lbs ohp.webm (640x800, 1.77M)

whats even the point lmao
shorter lifespan, horrible joints by the ege of 40
early death
everything he has done will be forgotten


He's a nigger so objectively he's genetic trash. I lift intermediate but have a higher IQ. Wonder what's more important in our society today.

Fuck niggers.

As a walking pharmacy, yes.

I bet you lick penises

Rip spine

Larry Wheels is proof growing your calf muscles is fucking impossible.

>404 Calves not found

why are his calves so itty bitty

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha okay buddy

Jesus christ...

Go back to your containment board faggot!

What can you do with your higher IQ? Make 15k more a year and live a shitty life with a job that you hate? Keep coping

mijn neger

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I love how super salty all the Jow Forums tards are

Calves, contrary to popular belief, are truly mostly genetic.
Plus he’s a powerlifter. Calves don’t really serve any actual purpose in that sport, so he probably doesn’t train them.

I meant this post

Good lord, not worth the risk. Snap city isn’t very far away

Literally imagine walking around knowing you can mog anybody

I'm mirin

I bet I can make you lick mine.

>Literally imagine walking around knowing you can mug anybody
Well, he's black so that's a state-of-mind in general

are you really supposed to drop the weight like that

Am mirin but he didn't even do a full extension..would be better with proper form desu

Except this nigger makes more money from sponsorships and opening up his own gym than you will ever make. Keep coping.

based and redpilled

>implying I wouldn't do it voluntarily

i can hear the fedora tipping through the fucking keyboard here.


Looks more like a standing bench press, but still damned impressive.

should I use his grip width for ohp?
I usually hold it much closer

If you wanna lift more then yes, if you wanna lift stricter and gain more over time then keep more narrow

>turning your ohp into an incline press
He's gonna snap his spine one day

based and redpilled

he is bending so much he might as well be benching

This guy's overhead press grip width is as wide as bench grip. wtf, I was always told the most efficient way to OHP was with your grip narrow, arms basically at your shoulders. Have I been memed on?

Attached: wait a sec gooby.jpg (600x578, 45K)

>200kg ohp
>genetic trash

Here's you're (you)

Attached: 1517722046152.jpg (744x509, 31K)

It just looks like that because hes like 6'5 with huge wingspan

If your a manlet with t-rex arms all of your lifts are going to look like close group.

thats how you press a lot of weight overhead though, every big presser does this

for most people that is better

there are exceptions to the rule my guy

>d-d-doesn't count he bent backwards!!!
nice cope, faggots. You're supposed to lean back with The Press™. Ask me how I know both of you probably press like 100 lbs and constantly complain about not being able to progress

larry is very wide and very large and a genetic anomoly

you are not

>It just looks like that because hes like 6'5 with huge wingspan
Nah it's not just that. Look at the starting position and compare where his shoulders are to where his wrists are.

you are not larry wheels

however you can try the wide grip and see for yourself

This is a free board and you have the right to give your opinion. Bit not this shit, man, seriously.

Attached: 16e7a128207aa1012fd6248c863d3897.jpg (500x333, 73K)

intelligence is more valuable than being able to lift heavy weights or score a touchdown

basketball americans will never understand this

Most reddit post I've seen today

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I really need to get off this website.

AlphaDestiny does an incredible lift that's really impressive for himself and shows great maturity over time. You open a thread expecting to see relevant discussion and

>lol fucking manlet coping bald manlet piece of shit hopped on gear now this faggot is on gear

Larry Wheels does an amazing lift, so good that people ITT including me probably couldn't even do half of it. You open the thread expecting relevant discussion and

>lol fucking nigger genetic trash doesn't matter he's a nigger I'm white lol niggers

And it goes on and on and on and on. It's just pathetic, I mean truly. It isn't funny and it isn't even edgy, it's not shocking, it's simply draining. If you saw Larry lifting that IRL you'd probably go "good job man!" or just stay quiet in your corner, yet you get on here and he's a nigger and trash and this and that. I'm the whitest person I know and I get offended not over the racism, but by how unoriginal, unimaginative and unfunny your garbage vocabulary is. You can guess the reactions before opening the thread, they are so predictable. It's the ultimate Jow Forums sheep response and it happens every. Single. Time.

Just imagine your fucking family members, your parents, grandparents, who worked so hard to raise you reading this embarassing vitriol you post online all day. I think it would be very difficult to feel so proud in that scenario.

The weights are fake

Cope harder

Or be less obvious with your bait

Most of what virtually everyone has done will be forgotten in time. You will most likely not be remembered, but you don't take that to mean that the things you do are worthless?

epic for the win

larry wheels is barely 6'1", stop projecting your cuck stats

>faggot janitor removes post because it says nigger a few times
Wtf kind of nigger faggotry is this?

Attached: 967.jpg (494x375, 34K)

That's a pretty impressive standing incline bench.

Calves are very active in all the lifts, but, as you said, their size is genetic

Alah desiny is not even in the same realm as larry wheels. Never compare these two again

First dude is lifting babbyweights second dude is lifting record numbers

That post broke several rules.

Attached: data_fgsfds.jpg (960x720, 192K)

When it's that heavy of an ohp its acceptable

did anyone screenshot the post?

when you can't even keep the bar over the midfoot then probably

Attached: cnj fail.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

bent backwards like that he's doing an incline bench but standing, he's going to snap city

Laughing at your life right now, and you don't even know why. Hehe.

Word, man. We are witnessing a guy who could become the best power lifter ever and people keep saying nigger and whatnot. Have some originality, at least

Larry is a fucking freak anyway, I don't know what's going on with him but it's just unreal, anybody else with the same amount of rounds wouldn't reach that kind of raw, brute strenght.
It fills me with determination to get into the gym and lift more heavy shit again

Also, doesn't anybody know what the fuck he's planning with Thor Bjornsson? A OHP contest? Classic strongman and power lifter stuff? I'm excited, also Larry said that he'd like to try strongman in a couple years

There are people here who are LITTERALLY paid to type NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER over and over again.
Especially when it comes to certain subjects.

>bouncing at the bottom
>didn't lock it at the top
Wow, he did 440 for 0 reps, literally anyone can do that.

Attached: ...that's right Mike!.jpg (1200x900, 325K)

nice trips friendo

Holy fuck
Wasn't he doing like 405 for 1RM not even a month ago

What the fuck is he on? That progress is unreal

>What the fuck is he on?
Everything. He's a living freakshow and I'm kinda sad that he will probably die before hitting 30. But atleast we'll get to see some insane lifts in the coming years seeing as strength peaks in late 20s

I mean that's extremely impressive regardless, but hardly a strict OHP. It's why they got rid of the clean and press at the olympics. People leaned back so much it almost became a standing bench.

pretty much. He also uses the same grip width as his incline bench (600 lbs PR), so it's hardly surprising he has good carryover to this style of pressing

Yeah but still, what makes me wonder is how much shit he is actually on.

Is he taking just about as many steroids as everybody else in the field, and he just responds better to them for whatever reason, genetics or something

Or is knowingly taking enormous, retarded amounts of roids, enough to kill a fucking elephant, without caring for consequences?

Impressive dedication anyway, his autistic mindset and approach tot training is going to give us some of the best lifts ever

You saw how fucking far he leaned back right, that's beyond Rippetoes Press form

>that cheating form

I press 115lb STRICT with zero bounce or leg drive, this guy could learn a thing or two from me

>urr durr Reddit
Close the lid and do your homework, kiddo.

>elbow sleeves
Check my OHP. 500kg strict press no leanback.

Attached: Manitou%20a3a88fa0-25bf-475a-a52f-dd86dcda6768.jpg (250x288, 93K)

>york 45s
>loud fucking crash when they drop
heres a (you)

>that arm twitch
yep he's dead

what removes it from being a strict ohp is the leg drive, not necessarily how much the person leans back

Full video has him standing up in a second on his own and smiling to the camera.

t. depressed nihilistic loser
go kill yourself already if you're gonna take this pessimistic perspective on life you negative fuck
let us enjoy our lives in peace without bringing that bitchmade mindset around here

this webm hurts my lower back

Friendly reminder that racism outside of /b/ is a bannable offense. You can report it with the brand new report system.

Almost every online discussion board is fucking garbage anyways.
This entire website is autistic incel trash, but you can still takeaway some valuable information.
Like I learned about PPL & cold showers from this site, which is nice, but everything else here is fucking dogshit.

shut up, nigger

>I want to live long enough to see my body fall apart
Even if he dies young he gets to die knowing that he's going to the grave with those gains.

>the post that saved Jow Forums

Nigger detected

Very much this. It's exhausting. They think they trigger people with their edginess, but they just make everything shitty and bum everyone out.

gonna make some swole worms


Not even memeing, I really want to know what you mean

I wonder what a worm would look like if you injected it with tren.

That's new.... Good

because it's not an ohp, its a standing incline press

based retard

literally this entire thread

post less

Enjoy your ban :^)

Ha, kick the recessive albinos out of here.

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unstoppably ugly, yes.

>back bend
red light, no lift