Where did the idea of “going on a diet” come from?

Where did the idea of “going on a diet” come from?
It defies common sense if you have even a basic understanding of conservation of energy.
You can’t just temporarily “go on a diet” yet I hear people say “I’ll start my diet next week” regularly

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Spotted the chubster.

They like the idea of losing weight but dont want to commit

>can’t read

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Care to elaborate?

Because a diet requires discipline and preparation.

You have to count your calories, buy produce, cook etc. It takes time. A lot of people don't have time. I used to work 10-11h 6 days a week. I ate whatever and grew fat.

Now once I changed my job and I have time to take care of myself more I'm "good". "I went on a diet". I watch what I eat, cook myself and lift. My bad days still linger, but now I prioritize my physical and mental health over my finances. I like it.

To be successful you can’t just “go on a diet” until you reach your goal and then regress to your old habits

You're not wrong. Technically we're always on a diet. What people mean is that they're going to change their eating habits temporarily to lose weight.

Read the above.

> hey guise, did you know this tiny obvious thing is noteworthy to me? Yeah I guess I'm kinda dumb lol

Plenty of people are overweight but stable beyond that. If they lose weight and go back to their old habits they should still be at a mostly stable weight.

No. If you lose weight you will need fewer calories per day in order to maintain weight.

You're not wrong, but we're really splitting hairs here. Most people associate the word diet with weight loss not eating habits. Or maybe it's just me, idk

Okay, I get it and you are right. As I always say, it's not about a diet, it's about a change of habit. Eat different and less. You may reach a moment when when intake is near expenditure. Noe stay with the new habit.

On the other hand, a "diet" may be be a starter to a habit change because of motivation. But this only works if you know about things like water weight and other reasons for seemingly stalling of weight loss. Hell, there is a book in german called Fettlogik (aka fat logic) from a psychologist. She was fat as fuck (around 150 kgs at a size of well under 170 cm) and lost weight by eating around 500kcal a day supplemented with minerals and vitamins and under close surveillance of her gp until reaching a grade of obesity that allowed her to do sports and lifting. She went down to a normal weight and kept it.

>Where did the idea of “going on a diet” come from?
>It defies common sense
It comes from woman. No work, all result. Only a woman can come up with such an idiotic idea

Women ...
Doesn't lift heavy because "I don't want to become muscular". As if she'd turn to look like a butch lesbian overnight.

Does zumba and aerobic shit for the legs and belly because believes in spot reduction and as a gratification for her "workout" treats herself with a sugar-drenched latte macchiato.

Wonders why she doesn't loose weight.

It's the same as idea of "getting in shape". We wouldn't need that if we adapted a different lifestyle.

OP it's the exact same as lifting. You can just lift weights for 6-12 months and then stop when you reach your goal.

"I don't have time" is ALWAYS an excuse made by lazy people that do in fact have time to eat healthily/go to the gym, but are too mentally weak to do it

Yeah, but after 8 hours of office work(sitting), I just don't have the energy to go to gym or cook. You don't get it, your job is soo easy you can go to the gym every other day

I work an office job and stay at the office 10 hours a day and go to the gym or running after work every day. I’ve lost 37 pounds this year. Not an excuse

Maybe when your mommy does all the housework for you, but not when you're working the hours I did. If you add commute and housework to that there's very little time left in the day.

the fuck wrong with this niggas feet

What is irony?
>inb4 it's online, so I can be retarded

Kek how horrible are you at managing time? Is your gym 5 miles from you?

My gym is 10 miles from me, on the other side of the city. And since I am european I use public transportation. But it's the best I tried so I am stuck with it. Also my workplace is close to it, so that's a plus

Women wanting a magic bullet to stop being fat.

Man generally call it "changing my diet" or "eating healthier".

Women starve themselves, eventually break and have a cheat day, then back on the wagon. Then they cross the fad diet off the list of ones that don't work.

If anyone has an hour, this podcast does a good job of answering this question.


the basic idea behind the diet is that by definition (the normie definition - "going on a diet"), a "diet" is temporary - meaning the actual goal is to do something short-term so you can indulge again in the future, essentially learning/changing nothing.
people who "diet" have lost before they have even started.

You didn't just eat whatever. You ate the the garbage that our capitalist overlords shilled to you. And you ate too much of it. I eat fast food, I even went through a phase where I'd probably eat fast food 5 days out of the week and the heaviest I got was 200 lbs. It doesn't take that much hard work to not fuck up your body.
And even then, once you notice your size 32 pants don't fit STOP FUCKING EATING. Like seriously, how can somebody stop fitting in their pants and just say, "I guess it's time to buy bigger pants." why not just stop eating? It's the cheaper way. WHY?

>counting calories
What is with this meme? You can lose weight by just swapping carbs for veggies and cutting sugar.

How tall fatty?

It's a poor way of saying cut, you don't cut all the time you do it for a bit then bulk. Bulk to build build muscle then cut to see what you have gained; rinse repeat until you are satisfied which you never will be. Fatties just keep on bulking forget to build muscle and forget to cut at a certain weight.

An lbs of fat burns around 3 kcal a day. An lbs of muscle 50. The difference is negligible. Unless there's an enormous amount of weight loss the difference is one cookie a day. Meaning it will take years to creep back to your old weight.

6'. I was lifting through that whole time, but I got fatish mostly