r8 my breakfast Jow Forums
Will it help with my gains?
R8 my breakfast Jow Forums
I like the bread, where did you get it from?
Not OP but, local grocery store
I dont understand why you fucking eat cheese you stupid little motherfucking coward.
What are you a baby or something?
Change that for kale or some fucking veggie.
Cheese as breakfast, you fucking lost every brain cell nigga.
My local pricerite
Calm down you sperg
Thanks, I like small rolls since they taste good and don't leave you with tons of unhealthy bread. I'd say swapping out one of the rolls for celery or some similarly fibrous food would help with your digestion while still being filling.
Looks good
Rate mine.
>processed meat
Yeah yeah, I fucking know. Couldn't help myself.
Not bad, what did you put in it?
Not gonna like, your Bratwurst look like Penis.
chipotle Tabasco sauce, green and jalapeno peppers, onions, and shredded spinach leaves.
user confirms his own gayness by incorporating cock substitute into his meals
>still eating breakfast
>2 rolls
>not gonna make it
Damn I should do something like this. I usually just have oatmeal with peanut butter, protein powder and a banana
Fit posting their shitty made food always reminds me of this
use a spoon
my breakfast for the last 6 months
some people don't have a sense of taste
I keep my meals simple and quick, and I still enjoy this shit
Used to have boulimia, so I enjoy any food if I don't have to vomit after eating it
The BRAP diet.
i don't eat breakfast
that is another level of shit
OP actually looks edible
Shit, it's on the same level when I tried to eat rice and yogurt together
cat food? lenny is that you?
Well it certainly wouldn't help with your cut.
couldnt take a new pic?
>calls user a coward for eating cheese
>suggests switching to kale
i don't even know what i expect from this board anymore
bulking not cutting
I mixed peach Greek yogurt with rocky road whey once. Shit was disgusting but I choked it down for those sweet macros.
post more shitty Jow Forums food
shits hilarious
how do you call this type of bread in your country?
Portuguese rolls i think
"bread roll"
Not gonna make it.
Brötchen. Basically means breadlets.
when will they learn?
Shut the fuck up you autistic shitstain.
There's nothing wrong with cheese now and then.
Stop giving ANY advice on here. You are really bad at it.
Not gonna lie, you're a faggot
is that an issue?
working white european male's meal/10
I dont understand why you fucking eat kale you stupid little motherfucking coward.
What are you a baby or something?
Change that for cheese or some fucking meat
Kale as breakfast, you fucking lost every brain cell nigga.
>eating breakfast
>not lifting at the end of an 18 hr fast
semmel. it's just white wheat bread in a hand sized portion.
I dont understand why you fucking eat baby you stupid little motherfucking kale.
What are you a nigga or something?
Change that for fatfuck or some fucking brain cell
Coward as breakfast, you fucking lost every kale cheese.
That looks fucking gross
Is this you?
please tell me thats girl
I'm eating rice and yogurt right now.
If you know what you're doing, it's actually good.
Gotta use the right type of rice, and the right type of yogurt, and make sure to mix it in the correct ratio.
Try again.
Change that bread out for rice, and that cheese melted on top, then you got yourself a real meal my man.
this + 2 eggs and 4oz of yogurt
that is not me
i prefer rice for lunch or dinner, not breakfast
Is that fish food in a literal bowl of cum?
It's part of a balanced breakfast
>making it
Pick one and ONLY one.
Yes. And she has a pretty feminine penis.
based bantmaster
The only post that actually made me laugh today. 10/10
how are your farts, user?
Why the fuck would you do that?
this is either really huge fork or really small breakfast
>still eat
I was in agreement until
>Change that for kale
How can you call someone a coward and then recommend that they eat kale?
That's like calling someone a homosexual and then spending your nights watching gay porn while you shove cucumbers up your ass.
What’s wrong with kale, faggotkun?
How can you ask someone what's wrong with kale and then call them faggotkun?
That's like calling someone a homosexual and then spending your nights watching gay porn while you shove cucumbers up your ass.
what's wrong with calling people faggotkun, kale-san
>inb4 mercury poisoning
bolillos, teleras, michas
R8 brekky
>Yogurt with musli
>oats and chia seeds in milk
Do both
Too much bread.
Those are rolls
bread rolls
I alternate. You mean like both at the same time?
saupreiß detected
my zoomer overnight oats (i eat this everyday)
~250g oats, tbsp chocolate spread, some whole milk
How do you deal with all the fucking gas and bloating in the afternoon?
It's not that bad. I'm doing GOMAD too, feel just fine
is this bait or was that supposed to be funny? I dont even know anymore
>he doesn't ferment his pickles in his prostate
What app is this? I like MyFitnessPal but don't wanna pay extra for daily macro totals and can't be asked to total them up every day
i had boulimia too man shit sucks, people don't realise what it's like to live with, still to this day if i eat certain foods i throw them up
op what did you put in the scrambled eggs?
>"that's not my bratwurst, user"
This is how I cook when I have 2 per mille blood alcohol
Learn to use myfitnesspal.
With outher seasonings our on those.
de la merde
>scrambled eggs with bacon, eggs probably cooked in bacon fat
> cheese
> white bread buns
> a cup of what looks like hot chocolate
that is probably the least Jow Forums breakfast ever posted on this site
Writing that someone else lost every brain cell while using ebonics doesn't sound too convincing.
Pretty sure the eggs save it.
No bacon used, acquire better eye sight
Hot chocolate was made with a cocoa plant I bought and had no sugar
What are you talking about?