Finishing my cut tomorrow. I know 2 weeks at maintenance is recommended before starting a bulk but can I get away with just 10 days at maintenance?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Also, what's your own preferred way of transitioning from cut to bulk to minimise initial fat gains?

You can do whatever you want to dude.
Who the fuck gave you that advice?


The sticky did. One of those links don't remember which

How retarded is doing Push Pull Rest? My squat and Death's Lift are above my bench and I honestly don't feel like doing SL/GSLP anymore since I'm almost out of noob gains. According to Symmetric Strength, I'm Intermediate (for my BW) on everything but Bench. So is doing a Push/Pull/Fuck Legs routine beneficial? 3x5 for the compounds and 3x8/12 for the accessories?

Something like

Bench 3x5
OHP 3x5
Incline DB Bench 3x8
Something else

Barbell Row 3x5
Weighted chin-ups 3x5
Lat Pulldown 3x10
Curls 2x8

to be done on PPRPPR. Is this sound?

Forgot to say I could throw in dips to help with my Bench, since that's the lift I'm lagging the most in.


Ive been making my own weight gaining shakes every morning with optimum nutrition gold standard. I noticed myprotein whey isolate is usually way cheaper. Is it worth switching to save money? I really don't mind if it doesn't taste as good.

Posted this on the last one and it died after that
I'm considering getting into capoeira or swiming this semester at my uni
Capoeira would be for cardio, flexibility and balance
But I heard swiming is a top tier cardio
Toughts? I want more stamina

Wow so it sounds like 2 weeks would be the minimum. Fair enough. Thanks

I did pretty much that (with some more supplemental lifts), and got good gains for the 3 months i did it.
Though you don't really need to go for symmetric strength, thats just weird imo.

is it normal to feel a bit of discomfort in the lower back after squating? not actual pain, just a little bit of soreness


whey is whey, look at protein per 100g if anything, but otherwise it doesn't make a difference. More likely than not, more expensive brands are just a scam.

I calculate my bulking diet using the TDEE+500 method and the 18*(bodyweight) method and got two different calorie counts. They are pretty far apart from each other so which one do I use? I was gonna just use the higher count but that might be over doing it

how long do you guys rest in between exercises? what if it's a very similar exercise (ie. switching from curls to hammer curls)?

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Can a calcium deficiency cause my lifts to drop?

Can a calcium deficiency cause my lifts to drop?

I've been do a 5x5 routine for a couple of months now, but I'm at a point now where I'm comfortable with my strength and I want to switch it out for something that will give me the most aesthetics. I'm 6' at about 162lbs and I think I need to get a bit bigger before a cut. I've been lifting for the better part of a year and a half now.

What routine do you guys recommend?

Buy golden syrup flavour from my protein. Its the best by far. Good for milkshakes..oats ...n tastes good with only water

Can I replace squats with snatch grip deadlifts? Squats aggravate my pre-existing knee issues unlike diddlies?

How many calories does this have aprox
Sauteed beef with fish, veggies and rice and like 2 spoons of avocado

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>Mike Israetel
No thanks

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>finally have day off
>no one to hang with
>realize how alone and how no one wants to hang with me
>ask cousin to hang
>he says hes going to be too busy fucking his ex
>it dawns on me how unhappy I am
>relaxation is immediately replaced with anxiety and depression
wat do?

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Are resistance bands a legitimate form of exercise? Also, what’s some good equipment for an apartment-dweller who wants to be Jow Forums?

How do I not cum as fast when i'm fucking?

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I'm taking a weights class in the morning, but a lot of my friends lift after school. Is it okay to train both in the morning and after school or will it slow progress/fuck up my shit from exhaustion or something?

How long does it take to get back to your former strength level after injury?

Lift your fury off, and go to /sig/ and ask how to be more social outgoing
If you're in uni get into clubs, try to seem approachable in the first place

So I've been doing bodyweight stuff based on Overcoming Gravity for a bit now. My routine is:

Diamond pushups
Pike pushups
Inverted rows.

I'm making steady progress on the 'push' side, but lacking as fuck on the pull. I can do a few pullups but I used to lift legs a lot and I'm generally a big guy so I am in fact heavy as shit. So what I've been doing is I do as many pullups as I can, then I do negatives (jump, lower myself down, repeat) to fill out the set. The problem is that after a few weeks of this it hasn't seemed to add even one full pullup.

I'm wondering if I shouldn't move to a volume/endurance setup for a bit. Since I have the strength to do a couple pullups, what I need to build is endurance. I wonder if I shouldn't switch to all negatives and try to get my negatives up to a high volume, and focus more on inverted rows to a high volume, to build the endurance in the muscles, rather than trying to hit the hypertrophy 5-8 range suggested in OG.

I dunno, maybe I should just persist and have faith that the effort is in fact helping. What do ya'll think on this?

Currently out of the gym for at least a month from hernia surgery, should I keep taking creatine or should I just start again when I can go back?

Start with the lower and adjust if you aren’t gaining at the rate you want.

Same amount of time that I rest between sets of the same exercise. Which is enough time for me to be recovered enough to hit the same reps with the same weight as I just have for the previous set. For me this is usually 2-3 mins.

Deficiency of any nutrients can have a negative effect on performance but lifts dropping sounds more like your not getting enough calories or your training is inefficient.

Anything with enough volume and frequency (each muscle group hit at least 2x per week)

Changing your squat stance often solves knee issues. Make sure your knees track over your toes and try wider stance vs narrow stance to see which aggregates your knee the least. If you aren’t going to squat pairing deadlift variations with direct quad work that doesn’t hurt your knee would be fine.

As long as your using bands of appropriate resistance eg. Hard enough that you can only get 6-15 reps of a particular exercise. However, you’d get more efficient results with a barbell or dumbbells.

Your unlikely to recover and would just be adding unnecessary volume.

Proportional to the time you took off for the injury

What's the perfect ratio for a peanut butter protein shake? I basically eyeball the ice and milk, then do 2.5 scoops of six star whey isolate and 4 spoon fulls of peanut butter. Any tips?

how long should i rest between sets?

Depends on level of fitness and goals. Tell me what you are and what you want.

How in the fuck do I get 200g of protein a day?

Not hard really when bulking. Kind of hard when cutting. Which are you doing?

I'm trans and my strength has greatly diminished since being on HRT and being out of high school for some time. I used to lift in highschool, do cardio, stretches, yoga, everything and I kept myself relatively fit, but once I left high school, I stopped following routine rather quickly. With my medication, I've lost the quintessential male ability to pick up basically anything within reason regardless of fitness level assuming healthy BMI. I would like to get back into fitness through cardio, core exercises and I want to actually be able to start doing pull ups. How do I adjust for my decreased overall strength, and what are the essential and recommended exercises to get solid core muscles and flexibility?

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Slight cut. I was going to eat maintenance, but add some cardio

Low-level bait. On the off chance true do us all a favor and kys. I'm not trolling. I'm here to help because Jow Forums helped me when I needed it/.
If you are legit just fucking neck yourself. You are a burden to everyone around you, and they just pretend to like you. Please just stop making everyone you care about's lives hard. It is painful and sad to watch from the outside.


I also jelq in the squat rack

Im currently 5’10 165lbs which is pretty light already. I just don’t know if I have enough muscle to actually look good at the %12 bodyfat range. Someone on here put me in the 14-16 range

So continue to cut for the next 2 weeks (college) or start bulking now?

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You have to switch to really protein dense foods that are easy to stomach. The honestly easiest way is smashing a fuckton of greek yogurt. Besides that eat some tuna patties, eggs with every other yoke gone, and make shakes ofc. With 2 double scoop protein shakes in water you add 80-100g a day at around 500kcal. Shakes are a crutch, but eating 100g a day is easy after that.

kek, got me

Seriously though, how do I get back into it?

death grip yourself every night until you lose feeling

Fuck you have great genetics. the bf% range looks rightish, I'd put you at 16%. If you have the discipline to do really hard bulk/cut cycles I would.

Also you traps are shit. Do heavy af barbell shrugs in the 8ish rep range.

desu I've never actually made myself a protein shake. Now that I think about it, that and the $15 pork loins from the grocery store should probably do it

What do you guys think works better for lifting weights? Doing as many reps as you xan with one exercise like curls and resting then doing more until reaching goal, or doing your max reps then switching to a different exercise and coming back to previous later.

Stop being a mentally-ill faggot denying what you are.

Whats the most amount of weight I could lose in 2 weeks while retaining as much muscle as possible? Would I be able to get visible abs or are they not bulit up enough?

I have zero fucking appetite, am underweight and just want to eat normally should I just take apetamin?

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just force yourself to eat more

you will get used to it

2 years at mainenence is preferable

What? Why are you cutting at all if you want to gain weight?

Tdee+500. Thats foolproof if you calculated tdee Remotely close

r8 my salad

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Weight or fat? I have cut 15lbs in a day to make weight.

I can't even force myself to make something to eat I dont know if it's because I'm lazy or too depressed. I tried drinking smoothies but that's usually all I eat a day

fuck you retards disgust me
>need to eat more
>takes a drug to increase appetite

i hope it kills you

haven't worked out in 3 weeks
how do i motivate my self to do so?

I'd swap the carrots for spinach

/ck/ person here, invest in a mandoline of some sort, the Japanese ones are especially useful, slice everything in your salad except for the spinach with it, it makes it easier to eat and better tasting because you generally get a bite of everything at once. Secondarily, you can add a bit of a kick with german style rough mustard. Personally I'm a fan of kombucha (the sour no-sugar kind) with salad because the sourness of Kombucha really makes salads awesome. Not sure if you're keto, or this is for fiber or what have you, but add a boiled egg to make your salad 8x better.

Sounds like good tips thanks.

Christ, dude. You don't need 200g of protein a day unless you're 250+lbs and lean
What are your stats?

I hope it does too

Honestly man, start drinking milk like it's water and eat a big breakfast. I get ~800 calories for my first meal and I'm on a cut. 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 3 slices of thicc bacon, 60g of oats + cocoa and blueberries, 12oz of fair life 2% milk, and some beans. You can easily modify that to make it 1100+ calories. Almost half your daily calories in one medium sized meal at the start of the day, assuming your goal is ~3000
Fucking kekked, we're here for you dude

Are smith machines a meme (for strength training)?
A friend of mine said doing squats on them is nothing like doing a free squat. Is he right, Jow Forums?

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Drink your calories.

>Are smith machines a meme (for strength training)?
>A friend of mine said doing squats on them is nothing like doing a free squat. Is he right, Jow Forums?

The answer to your question is: Go do a fucking squat yourself and decide for youself. Get out of the couch and go experience life.

>eat 2000 calories every day
>burn off 2000 calories every day
>do this over a long period of time

Someone asked this question in /fat/ and I didn't know how to answer... it got me thinking, how does the body see it when you are "netting" 0 calories? Does it consider it fasting? Can the body still pull nutrients from the food? Is it dangerous or fine because you technically got your 2000 calories for the day?

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Learn to dance, fight, and get flexibility and balance.
Swimming will certainly help with controlling your breathing and increasing lung capacity. It’s also very relaxing and if in very cold water, will speed up recovery.
Both will give you great cardio either way so pick based on the perks.


a cute little latina thinks im cute.
how do i get her on her back?

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Before I took a month off, I was 195 and about 15%

I was the one who asked that question, but after giving it some thought it is not really the same. While fasting you're ingesting 0 cals and still spending your TDEE, so this is basically a radical cut that would be in the middle point between fasting and maintenance

Get a scale

>Slower Metabolism
>Pretending the body can break the laws of thermodynamics

Lots of doctors are full of shit

If I'm doing heavy bag work purely for fitness, should I alternate left and right handed stances for symmetry or should I just stick to my right handed stance?

>6' at about 162lbs

Have you measured your body fat percent? 162 seems to light to me, and I'm 183 @ 14% with only working out for a couple months/cutting for a couple months

Mix fat free greek yogurt with protein powder. Shit's tasty as fuck and high in protein as all hell

What muscles work in Dumbell Press that Dumbbellfly's don't? Are they essentially the same exercise?

If I fast for a week how much weight should I lose 5'11 194 lbs I have done fasting 2 days then refeed and lost 10 pounds

Do any of you suffer from crippling depression and anxiety issues?

If so, how do you motivate yourself to work out long term? For the past week or week and a half I've barely been able to stay out of bed, but I'd made it almost two straight months of lifting before that.

Now I'm just in a depression loop, knowing I should keep lifting, which makes me feel worse about skipping to depression sleep, which makes me more depressed. How do I fucking keep motivated?

what is the correct way to tell someone you don't want form advice?

> first attempt at 2pl8 bench
> ask guy for a spot
> he starts telling me my form is wrong and I should be doing XYZ
> I just ignore him and finish my reps
> he gets pissy and starts yelling at how I should listen to him so I don't waste his time (lolwut)
> ask someone else to spot me
> see first guy staring at me for the rest of the day

Been working on my squat form. I can't feel it in my knees anymore, but now it's all up in my abs and core muscles. Is this right? Aren't squats supposed to blast my ass?

Yell him you're doing Finnish Benches or some other made you exercise. Icelandic Squats, Japanese Deadlifs, Nigerian OHP. Whatever.

Been squatting three times a week and I'm increasing weight every time(dyel gains), but I've got some sort of pain around the knee area, not the knee specifically but a little bit above it. The pain I can endure as it's not too bad and I don't have it unless I do a squatting motion. When I'm doing squats at the gym the pain disappears throughout the sets but I'll have it once I get back home again.

What's going on?

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despite the memes. Squats do hit abs. same with deadlifts.

if you're inexperienced and finally hit proper form, that would explain it

How do I make myself not last as long as I do in bed? I legitimately cannot cum, no matter how hard the vagina grips on my dick, no matter how fast I thrust. The sensation that I'm going to cum is never there and I eventually just quit out of frustration.

get out of your own head. just focus on something else and it will eventually happen.
just think how big her tits are how much fun she is to fuck. instead of psych-ing yourself out about not cumming


Is it possible to gain muscle while not gaining fat? I wanna get a bit of mass but lose belly fat and fat in general for summer body. Or did i fuck up by not doing winter bulk? 6'0 and 75kgs around 10% bf atm i reckon?

>bought 26mm discs for homegym
>my bars are 30mm

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Are wholegrain packet ramen noodles acceptable for carb loading?

is £80, about $100, a good price for squat shoes? Cheapest I can find on amazon that are not obviously shit.
Are squat shoes adequate for other lifts, especially compounds?

I have been squatting wrong for a few sessions (not below parallel). I want to fix this now, but I can't do it with my current weight safely. I squat 90kg above parallel, but when I try to do it below parallel I fall over and the bar rolls on my neck. It got pretty dangerous last time.

How do I fix this? What am I doing wrong that causes me to fall forward? Do I start over from just the bar and add a bit more each session or can I add more and more weights within the same session?

Always alternate.