Does LSD have any negative effects on protein synthesis and general muscle development...

Does LSD have any negative effects on protein synthesis and general muscle development? Should I force down food today or is it even worth it?

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I wanna shove my cock in your ass

LSD only affects the brain

It doesnt you gigantic faggot

Also, you wont feel like eating for quite some time after taking the hit. Neither will you be sleeping for at least 10 hours. So be sure to eat and rest beforehand, not too much though, the last thing you want is feeling bloated while tripping.

this but no homo

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Last time i did mushrooms, I flexed in the mirror for like 5 hours.

This is my only day off for probably well over a month and likely more. I got my workout done in the AM and used 4 scoops in my post workout cause I knew I wouldn't be hungry later. I'll probably buy some type of wrap with fat/protein/carbs in it and that should be good for the day. My doc prescribed me light benzos for flights so I'm gonna use it to sleep tonight
thanks for assurance

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Where do you find your lsd?

yes, please let us know. also, do you have any dogs or guns at home? just wondering haha

Not OP but I get mine from dream market

eat some fried chicken. you'll never feel more primal

this but ironically

Traditional psychedelics like lsd, dmt and mushies are the most safe drugs you can possibly do. They have no real side effects unless you have a heart condition or family history of psychosis.

Noted, so I know what websites on the darknet to avoid of course :) haha

OR ur in a bad mental state, which most of the people on Jow Forums are.

I have the exact same tabs lol

last half oz pulled me out of a 3 year suicidal depression. still comes down to the will power of the person.

since i did acid i havent looked at trap porn

Good on ya big Lenny, make sure to mop your floor.

My brother once smoked LSD and pulled his eyes out with a spoon

lenny would probably watch more trap porn after an introspective trip

So he did nothing? Lsd would be destroyed by the heat yo.

Meat tastes like vomit on lsd ime
Either fast or set aside some ripe fruit OP. Pomegranates and mangoes are literal god tier on acid

I lost all appetite when I tried LSD and didn't eat for several hours. My blood sugar dipped which lead to very negative thoughts (I get tired and grumpy very fast when hungry). Then I ate a sandwhich and was back thinking happy thoughts.

you won't really be able to eat much for anything for the entire day and you'll probably be too exhausted the next day to lift, and, having done it, I'd highly advise against tripping while sore. Hence, you'll fuck your workout schedule and diet a bit, but no physical effects.

Real shit OP, go outside and listen to some music while walking on your trip. I did that and manged to walk over 3 hours back and forth from home to Downtown.

Eat a decent sized meal before you trip. I always like to cook for my friends and I right as we put the tab under our tongues (or, you could do it right after you finish eating).

Additionally, you should really smoke some pot on your comedown after the 5th or 6th hour. Gets you feeling good, you don't really get very effected by it (since you're fucking tripping on acid), and you gain an appetite.

It's worth it.

if you plan on eating on acid for the lpve of god get nuts fruit good food. processed shit will make ypu feel sick to your brain and stomach

LSD never bothers my appetite like that. But OP there's nothing better after a trip than a big country breakfast burrito from Carl's Jr smothered in gravy.