I used to smoke for a very short time (~2.5 months) I would smoke 5 a day at most. I didn't care if it had any effect on my athletic ability because I had been so sedentary for so long and compared to other smokers I didn't smoke that often. Now that I try running I have the cardio ability of a fat man and run a 10k at a 9:40min/mi pace at a hard (almost all out) effort. Can you ever come back from smoking?
Smoker's Lungs fucked forever?
Yes, your lungs will recover. Anti tobacco fear mongering is just more Jewish bullshit, as long as you aren't smoking like a chimney you'll be fine.
Lungs surprisingly enough regenerate over time. Smoking 5 cigarettes a day for less than 10 weeks did fuck all unless you have shit genes.
t. Pack a day for over 10 years
Yeah, it takes some weeks/months for things to start functioning like normal and gunk starts to come out of your lungs. I smoked for a year and stopped 6 months ago, the first month of Cardio I'd get gassed in 500 meters and would cough out slime. Now I can run 7km at a fast pace without getting winded
t. smoked way longer than you did and run a far better 10k pace than that. it's funny that you say 10k and then switch your units for your pace lol. also, a marathon-running friend of mine used to smoke 2 packs a day for years.
Yes you can. I smoked 40 a day for 12 years, I stopped 4 years ago and my lungs are fine now
>it's funny that you say 10k and then switch your units for your pace lol
Kek it's easier for me to imagine/deal with imperial units when talking about pace.
And thanks for all the replies *gives gold* It feels horrible when boomers and 99% of people are faster than you even if they outweigh you by 40-50 lbs
Just stop eating and your body will recycle your lungs as food for new cells which will grow into happy healthy new lungs for you.
this is someone who smoked for about 10 years a pack a day.
>Anti tobacco fear mongering is just more Jewish bullshit
but your führer banned tobacco
3 years clean here and my lungs are fine, but I will say life isn't worth living without cigarettes and I miss them everyday
Minorities and fags for me though the other things on the list upset me quite a bit as well
Heart disease, yea. But IIRC some dudes at my uni did a bigass survey that showed that most (60-65%) long time smokers die from smoking related lung diseases. Fucking terrifying
Your cardio will snap back in one to two weeks of training. Noob gains basically.
Lungs don't really affect your cardio.
>yes keep smoking goy
>keep big pharma profitable by buying our cancer drugs
Yeah. Long term smokers pretty much always have an increased risk of cancer or various lung diseases
There is no method to remove tar from your lungs or to undo the oxidation of your alveoli from inhaling hot smoke or undo the damage to your DNA from the chemicals.
Yes they're permanently fucked. You'll always carry the damage you did to them
fortunately you didn't smoke that long so you're likely not going to have significant problems
Jews made growing pot illegal because it's stupid easy to grow and is useful for creating your own fuels
he didn't ban it, he hated it and ran huge anti smoking ads and encouraged people to quit but he didn't ban
fwiw, those 'smoker's lungs' are fake, in case you didn't know. Google it out.
It always struck me strange that they are dirty on the outside. Turns out they take pig lungs and color them, and everyone just sorta goes along with it because it's 'for a good cause'.
Zoomers are really afraid of everything. If you live in a city, smoking is the least of ur worries, bro.
Also black smokers lungs don't exist. Look it up.
Why smoke when you can live in BC and destroy your lungs every summer for free?
nigga i googled it and it gave me back 1 result from a tard's blog with half broken links as soucers and the other half from
>An archive of 14 million documents created by tobacco companies about their advertising, manufacturing, marketing, scientific research and political activities, hosted by the UCSF Library and Center for Knowledge Management.
Why so hazy?
I have this when I run. Boomers think it's impressive they can run past you when you're at the very end of your run
ER physician here. Lol no you're fucked. Lung tissue is forever damaged. People ITT are lying to you to make you feel better.
You've only been smoking for 2.5 months? You realize people usually smoke for decades before they encounter any serious health problems?
At this point you've done no permanent damage. Your lungs will recover as soon as you stop. I don't even know how you guys start that shit tbqh
Banning it would have been counterproductive because it would allow international forces to profit by smuggling it into Germany and creating a black market that would result in more crime
gee, uh, it's like inhaling toxic shit will kill you
still sad tho
You can smoke twenty a day for a decade and still do a half marathon in two hours.
This. If you live on a busy road then with the amount of carbon monoxide you're breathing in, you may as well be smoking a pack a day.
You'll experience a small permanent decrease in aerobic capacity if you quit now
But it's probably insignificant next to untrained genetic VO2 max variation and other aerobic capacity/lung health stats
And even more insignificant next to your untrained vs trained VO2 max and other untrained vs trained aerobic capacity/lung health stats
Yeah, you definitely can recover. Unless you have had chunks of your lung removed, you're good. Deep breathing exercises paired with cardio are a godsend.
I was a shitty smoker for a few years, quit when I had a freakout and felt like I couldn't breathe properly. Now I'm at normal lung capacity and O2sats, and can do cardio just fine. Just takes time to heal, man. Good on ya for quitting.
little more than six months here and mostly craving free, last night during my walk i had the worst craving for a cigarette, like right after you quit kind of bad. just wanted the comfort of puffing one down in the quiet warm night.
Nooooo truuuuueee faggot
"Oxidised alveoli" hahaha
i smoke over 20cigs a day and drive 25km a day, 6days a week with my bike. 12,5km in 35min. stop being a pussy.
I tried to quit for a couple of years but the itch always came back. in the end i bought a pipe and smoked that instead. Changed my relationship with tobacco into an equal one instead of me getting cucked. I smoked 40 a day for years and don't miss it at all really.
I smoke cigars every so often and had one fag after a stressful exam.
>had one fag after a stressful exam
I bet you did, gayboy
i wish :(
you're more likely to get cancer down the line than if you had never smoked but your lung capacity will return
forest wild fire smoke
IIRC in ten years an addicted smoker would reduce his lung cancer-related risk to half or 25% of what it was, so yeah.
>jews literally control the tobacco industry
imagine being this retarded
>Useful for caring your own fuels
What did he mean by this?
>12,5km in 35min
That's unironically terrible. I don't even cycle and I can tell that's piss poor.
I ran alot, then went on a two month vacation where I would smoke 10-15 cigs a day. Stopped when I came home and started running again, the first two weeks were hell but I'm back at where I was before. Your lungs will regenerate.
>tfw non british
King of Norway here, don't listen to that man he killed my grandparents and was banned from practice for live.
>this generation is afraid of smoking because daddy shekelstein and his studies said so
>ignores white man's study about how weed causes brain damage and schizophrenia
Man I dont get these guys.
Reminder that smoking cigarettes raises test
Smoking (((cigarettes))) is so beta. I will never understand how people fuck themselves over so pointless.