Can this faggot even bench 3pl8s? He looks like crack addict and he thinks he knows science

Can this faggot even bench 3pl8s? He looks like crack addict and he thinks he knows science.

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has nothing to do with bench but have you seen his biceps? The way they jiggle when he moves his arms is mesmerizing. He lifts

poor quality bait

What the fuck did you just say about Jeff ?

He can bench 3pl8 simply by focusing on activating his rotator.

OP's faggot ass talking shit as usual, he's just like Jesse over there.

>t. internally rotator cuff ACL joint like Jesse over here

OP probably didn't even do face pulls today lmao get rekt

Stop venting on Jow Forums Jesse.

let me guess jesse you didnt do your face pulls so you got face fucked is that what happened?

this faggot has been ripped longer than some of the posters have lived on this planet
yet somehow these people think that this faggot doesnt know shit about fitness
dont even consider the fact that this faggot trains professional athletes
yet people here think that some random dudes that have 0 athleticism yet are benching 3pl8 are better
really makes you think

he is fucking dyel, what's the point of being lean with no muscle?

>this faggot trains professional athletes
really makes you think when dyel is "training" professionals

he already showed his abilities by training his butt buddy, zero fucking gains on top of being weak as piss


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post body

just leave you sad fat fuck

Lmao at least he teaches some athletes apart from your prophet Rippy the TittyToe

you are so delusional you probably call olympic weightlifters fat and strongmen fat, for being you know fat yet lifting world records. at the same time you call ripped people dyles cause they cant lift as much ?
are you fucking 14years oled ?

>train like an athlete to look like an athlete
>trains like a retard and looks like a dyel

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>he is fucking dyel
t. natty roider

>lmao guys don't do flies, you'll get hurt
Pic related

When I was a dyel, my chest stalled so fucking bad for 6 months and it's because I took this No chest retards advice, meanwhile Arnold tells me to touch the fucking floor and get the damn stretch and I start doing that shit and felt doms and saw gains after every chest workout after that for 3 months and now My chest is great.

Take what this dyel says witha grain if salt, he puts so much damn focus on "le safety" that it steals your gains and will actually shrink you if you don't incorperate other legit time tested methods.

Attached: arnold_schwarzenegger_chest_flys.jpg (800x500, 119K)

>open thread on Jow Forums app
>see this

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don't know about arnold's injuries but RC had a lot from squatting and deadlifting and leg pressing

he looks like fucking Iggy Pop and that old fag does nothing besides snorting coke

he puts so much focus on safety cause he trains athletes, who compete on daily basis and where a single injur means end of a career, fucking delusonal dudes think that they are world class athletes with their catback 500lbs deadlift

RC was taking fucking elephant steroids for a decade and deadlifting 600+lbs every other day

No argument, plus, what does that have to do with me explaining that my chest stalled cause I left out a staple of chest development cause of this clickbate makeup crackhead idiot


arnold was roiding too that's my point
with roids anything fucking works

your chest stalled because you're incompetent, staple my ass. None of the benchbros I see at the gym with good chest development even do those, all they do is bench.

Literally nobody makes it to 500dl catbacking more than 225.

You are an idiot to think you need this guys advice to deadlift properly and that he is the only one to show you basic form for basic exercises

And fly, stop being a shill for this cringy manlet

Summer fags gtfo

What is it about his frame that makes him look dyel in the thumbnail? Is it narrow shoulders? I feel like he should look more massive in a thumbnail considering he obviously has muscle when you open the pic fully.

>this faggot trains professional athletes
So does Elliot Hulse


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Wow he manages to make young, roiding, genetic freaks into stronger, slightly less young, still-roiding genetic freaks. So impressive.

Rip can get a octogenarian to throw a faggot like you over a fence.

That dude needs to hit the gym

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LMAOing at being a huge fitness eceleb who walks around shirtless but is too much of a pussy to record himself lifting or even answer when people ask how much you lift (which I'm sure he gets asked a lot).
This dude has VIRGIN written all over his face. He's a walking meme. The facial proportions, fake confidence, lack of charisma, extreme self-consciousness.. he's a walking Jow Forums meme. I bet he gets pussywhipped by his publicist (the thot fresh out of marketing school who I'm sure writes the clickb8 titles and gets youbube to spam his channel) into making dumb jokes and cutting his hair like a zoomer.

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Post your body

Post body and lifts

Bet OP doesn't know how to use his rotator cuffs correctly

Post your body.

He looks sad

You wish you gay cuck


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Outstanding job user.

Sad and pathetic.

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>takes Arnold’s lifting “advice”
>safe training restrains your lifting
>injure makes you bigger

My fucking sides. Jow Forums is filled with dyel teenager who just started

idk why people have problems with dumbbell flys i can do 65s for 15 reps.


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22 hours left for you


Of course he lifts.


Oof gimme that get

>tfw I tried to negotiate and now my rotator cuffs are fucked

>he's just like Jesse over there
Top kek

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Jeff pls go


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>skipping pre-workout athlean-x elixir

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>huh bet you can't even bench 3pl8s faggot

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Can someone start an athlean x General I think it's about time we honour this great man as well as tripcode for jesse

he is the linustechtips of fitness

mildly entertaining, reasonably successful and a major shill?

At least Jeff hasn't spent 14k on a camera to take panoramic shots of his dumbbells or done a build series on his new power rack.

Best meme since 2013 t nation one

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Easy 500lbs beltless deads for reps -

My fucking sides

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>saw gains after every chest workout after that for 3 months

Plz let me leave this horrible place

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Not quite 5 plate for a touch-and-go double. Not bad, but not great.

>samefag asking everyone to post body
Holy hell, dude. I'm not supporting anybody shitting on Jeff, but you're pretty pathetic
Why don't you post your body/lifts first if you're gonna be asking everybody that doesn't like him?

because haters look like shit

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Hey Faggots,

My name is Jeff, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pretty low effort. Actually beef up the copypasta. It has good potential.


Cocksucker won’t post body.

Arnold also has had his shoulder operated 8 times and was on humongous amounts of steroids

JESSE get off Jow Forums! (NON NEGOTIABLE)

>At least Jeff hasn't spent 14k on a camera to take panoramic shots of his dumbbells or done a build series on his new power rack.

None of that happened

Y'all just wish y'all had even an ounce of the athleanX dot com booty that he's pulling

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Vshreds pls go.

We know you're just mad you got BTFO out yet again.

>married to what looks like his fucking sister
>gets laid

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>nothing about external rotation
>nothing about Jesse
>nothing about NON-NEGOTIABLE
>nothing about making sure to do something every day
>nothing about telling you to stop doing an exercise

You've got to put at least some effort in, user.

Hey Faggots,
My name is Jeff Cavaliere at AthleanX dot com, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day externally rotating your shoulders. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any gains? I mean, I guess it's fun training like an athlete, but you all of the top 5 most important exercises you should be doing NON-NEGOTIABLE. This is even worse than not doing facepulls like my friend Jesse over here.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I am a physiotherapist, and professional athlete and celebrity coach. What exercises you do, other than "bicep curls and dumbbell flies"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just put the science back in strenght. if you found this helpful leave your comments and thumbs up below, let me know what you want me to cover in future videos.

Alright see you soon.

>pic related

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He fucked up his shoulder benching
Hell no

How can I get this mobile app I’ve literally just been using the browser for 4 years

you dont know science bro

i know science

Thats the point, he hasn't reached linus' level of dumb, a la buying RED cameras so they can shoot 4k shill videos of graphics cards or do a build series on a failing server


>he looks like fucking Iggy Pop
i bet Iggy can bench 3pl8s on a bad day

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>How can I get Jow Forums mobile app
What the fuck, do you smash head with hammer as part of your training?

Jeff here from AthleanX dot com. Hilarious thread. A lot of great posts here.

>How to deal with online criticism (DONT BE LIKE THESE GUYS)

>self admitted dyel
>only just got chest to grow
>thinks arnolds roid routine works for natty kids
>calling others summer

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What a pathetic Dicksucker you are lmao

Pretty good, let’s see if we can modify it a bit further

Hey Faggots,

Jeff Cavaliere, AthleanX dot com, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day doing the exercises wrong (5 ways they are internally rotating your shoulder). You are everything bad in the fitness industry. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten athletic? I mean, I guess it's fun training like an idiot because of a V-Shred video, but you take it to a whole new level of shoulder impingement. This is even worse than not doing facepulls at the end of every workout even though I specifically said it was NON-NEGOTIABLE.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best lift. I'm pretty much perfect. I am a physiotherapist, and professional athlete and celebrity coach. What exercises you do, other than "bicep curls and dumbbell flies"? I also get mad cash from my Fitness programs, and have perfectly healthy shoulders (Unlike Jesse over her who just snapped his rotator cuff; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just put the science back in strenght. if you found this helpful leave your comments and thumbs up below, let me know what you want me to cover in future videos.

Alright see you soon.

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Not bad. Give it an editorial pass to clean up some of the typos and grammar, maybe put in something about how you should train on your feet like an athlete, and we might very well have ourselves a pasta.

>do the exercise THIS WAY, not like this jackass hey Jesse come over here
>this iditot, look, thats the WRONG way, you've got to do it like this

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>t. internally rotated faggot

Jeff: Jesse, have you been eating gummy bears?
Jesse: oh fugg :DDD

When you say something like "Jeff looks like a crack addict" and he objectively doesn't, the only possible implication is "compared to me". So you brought this on yourself.

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Arnold tore his pecs TWICE doing flies with that form. Also, it might be worth remembering that you're not taking nowhere near the amount of roids he took.

Hi V-Shred! What muscle-tearing new exercise do you have for us today?