If you want to lose weight, start eating more carbs and less fat.
Carbs > Fat
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The 80's want its nutritional beliefs back
u got it backwards
Nice try (((big grain)))
I’ve lost 40 pounds eating meat and vegetables
this guy is retarded
a carb based, very low fat diet works best for me even when cutting
no he is not
t. actual master degree biochemist
I dunno, when I eat loads of carbs I feel like dogshit, especially bread and pasta.
switch to actual whole foods my dude
A low fat, low carb, high protein diet works even better ;)
not if you want to lift, not die and maintain some muscle mass
pls watch the video and just try to understand.
bruh literraly eat 50/25/25 and then see how you feel and adjust from there, protein should be 1.6g-2.2g/kg depending if cutting or bulking or maintaining so its always 25-30% of your kcal intake
on a cut maybe up the protein to 30 and lower carb to 45 or lower fat to 20 and let your carbs at 50
it depends on the individual
no need to meme with keto or low carb or whatever the fuck
a low carb, low fat diet works best for me
nothing else
>no need to meme with keto or low carb or whatever the fuck
yeah thats the whole point of the video
you need to eat like 3-4 lemons to get RDA
don't worry I'm safe I only eat like 1 or 2
i didnt even watch it, sick of pseudoscience and extremes.
high carb actually causes more higher levels of testosterone than low carb
I personally have days where I eat high carn and others high fat, depends on the appetite
the whole video is in support of a higher carb diet.
its also not about extremes or anything, its just basic biochemistry.
You need to consume about 5 grams of carbs to replenish the amount of glycogen per 1-2 sets, not exactly hard to eat a couple of apples pre/post workout. I highly doubt you're working as hard as you think you are.
You should read Berkhan's new book
>You should read Berkhan's new book
how about a biochemistry book?
I'm pretty sure there's shills in here, you can see by the vegan threads, they've tonned down but it's still here.
Then came the ketofags
this place is dogshit if you can't filter 99% of its content, just someone trying to sell something or trolling you into fucking yourself up.
I remember studies on macro ranges and those that overate on protein gained less fat than those that overate the other macros, the ones that overate on carbs gained less fat than those that overate on fat, all of it with the same kcals.
this guy is right on how you don't need insane amounts of carbs, lifting won't deplete your glycogen stores so even 40% is fine, comes down to preference.
on a cut I did low carb and this year high carb and on the higher carb I noticed I maintained my strength more easily and size too, focused my carbs around workouts too.
>how about a biochemistry book?
And which book should I buy?
You should look up the rates of DNL once glycogen stores are saturated. Not to mention carbohydrates blunt lipolysis meaning CICO still rules and protein has the highest TEF and appetite suppression of any of the three macronutrients.
Also, the fact you've never heard of Lyle McDonald makes me think you're pretty new to this.
>he rates lyte
*fat oxidation not lipolysis
>eat this less filling and less energetic substance that strains your endocrine system
And who do you rate?
>Simply, the question “How Many Carbohydrates Do You Need?” has no singular answer. The goals of the person, the amount and type of activity, their individual needs (e.g. insulin sensitive vs. resistant, whether or not they function well in ketosis or not), their individual goals all determine how many carbs are ideal in the diet.
this is what I was saying, IT DEPENDS.
a fitizen that just lifts doesnt need to meme it really high but going keto will affect lifting and theres been some recent studies on how it can be bad for your health
everyone should experiment with macro ranges or intuitively eat and see how it goes, I personally have days where I just want to eat carbs and others where I just want fat
my diet has big carb and big fat and big protein and big calorie
me a big boy
more like a sumo wrestler, really fat
but me lift biiiig weight
what you do? :)
Most of what you said is outdated flawed science like im used to hear from Lyle
I have to sleep, real amswer tomorrow
>going keto will affect lifting and theres been some recent studies on how it can be bad for your health
Then I agree, my definition of low carb is about 100 grams; keto being 20g or below - keto is also a low protein diet since high intakes beyond whatever is utilised is just converted into glucose thus knocking you out of ketosis.
Basic biochemistry :-)
>Most of what you said is outdated flawed science like im used to hear from Lyle
i got his pdf's and seems outdated
the stubborn fat loss protocol also has my doubts, theorically it makes sense but in practice it seems worthless
i ate about 1250cal today and my tdee is about 2000, but i way overshot on protein and fat is this bad?
>I have to sleep, real amswer tomorrow
I look forward to your answer that carbs are somehow magic and are immune to CICO :-)
Fat is better than carbs FAG
anyone read paleo for lifters by justin lascek?
he quotes this
Any diet which excludes greek yogurt is a stupid diet, even if he did quote Lyle.
You, him, and you, all 3 of you are wrong.
t. PhD biochemist
you faggot should jump do Ultimate Diet 2.0 then realize life is easier this way
low fat, but got both low carb and high carb days, living life on easy mode
30p/30f/40carbs master race
stick to rice and potatoes. Grains are a meme and so are fruits.
>Ultimate Diet 2.0
reading it atm and:
>While the drop in insulin mentioned above causes better fat mobilization, it causes other
problems. One is that testosterone will bind to sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) better,
lowering free testosterone levels (this is in addition to the drop in total testosterone). As well,
insulin is anti-catabolic to muscle, inhibiting muscle breakdown. The increase in cortisol that
occurs with dieting enhances protein breakdown as well as stimulating the conversion of protein
to glucose in the liver. Additionally, a fall in energy state of the muscle impairs protein synthesis
(although it increases fatty acid oxidation). The mechanism behind this is more detail than I
want to get into here. But the combined effect of these processes is
so low carb = shitty
gironda is superior for cutting
two meals per day, both red meat + eggs cooked in oil and/or butter
every 5th day eat whatever you wish
Which is why you have a 3ish day mega carb load post heavy workout. Have you read the whole book or are you just quote mining?
just started reading
no shit
what's the tl;dr, cant finish it today
im on a reverse diet right now and plan on lean bulking(~200surplus) mid september and want to do it as perfectly as possible
depletion workouts + low kcal, low carb near PSMF diet for a few days; high kcal, high carb, low fat + heavy lifting for a few days :-)
this but the goal isn't keto or any stupid shit, you feel good with alright results, can use it to lean bulk or cut
for me its best for keeping my mind sane, for fine results, and not much of "you gotta eat this everyday for next 3 month"
go on google and search for it on misc, there is tl:dr for you there
this is the dumbest shit, sage goes in all fields.
This is offensively dumb. you're dumb. anyone who beleives you is dumb
I'll keep reading it tomorrow got to 40 pages quickly but there's a lot of technical terms which seem unecessary to a recreational lifter but at least it isnt anything hard to understand
what would the ideal macro ranges for a lean bulk be?
hopefully the book isn't just for cutting but for packing mass while minimizing fat gain, and from what i've read from eric helms and team3dj or whatever its called, its just a matter of CICO, focused on whole/"healthy" foods and a monthly gain of 1-2lbs for intermediates(I'm at proficient levels according to strst)
Personally, I think its overly complicated and depletion workouts fucking suck. That's not to say it doesn't work or it doesn't rely on CICO, and irc there is a lean bulk template but Eric Helms stuff is far simpler and easier to follow IMO.
Some people do well with complicated stuff others do well with more flexible approaches ultimately you'll reach the same goal following either but one will be more enjoyable to you.
Basically stick to what works for you :-)