How do I reach MGTOW mode?

How do I reach MGTOW mode?

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Get super bitter over being rejected and shitpost about how western women are sluts

get rejected once and pretend all girls are like that forever

just keep at whatever you're doing now, you'll get there

>Western women are not sluts

Basically what women do when their boyfriend/guy who was fucking them leaves them

>be a virgin
>pretend you dont care


Cringe and bluepilled

Theres a lot of women on this board user

80% of men in their natural state are either incels or MGTOW in the making.

Women are psychopaths and don't deserve us.

Pro tip: Most guys who call themselves MGTOW are actually fat incels.

>50% of marriages end in divorce
>current generation of teenagers have slept with guys numbering in the 100s

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And they all have to go back. Your time has come, roasties. The boyim know

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was supposed to be for . Fuck.

remember that women are never the main focus of your life, but don't get so caught up in that you go incel. friends and hobbies come first, women second. that girl you thought was cute on the bus? well there's hundreds of thousands just like her in the world, and better, even. don't get oneitis for anyone and don't let a woman hold you back. I've seen guys throw huge job oppertunties away just to stay in the same state as their oneitis, and within a year she'll have moved on. just focus on yourself and getting better everyday and the women will come to you.

0x anything and daily servings of fast food.

>hit on girl
>get rejected due to autism
>rage on a Cantonese bread kneading forum
>find other "men" who realized how dumb femoids are
>realize life is meaningless
>an hero at 35
based and redpilled keep up the good work OP, we don't need those femoids anyways, me in pic after 9 years of glorious mgtow

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>"due to autism"
>posts picture of an ugly person just proving incel's point that it's all about physical appearance and not personality

stupid roastie, can't even pretend for a second that she's not a shallow cunt

Just come from a MGTOW bread on Jow Forums and now it’s on Jow Forums nice... mods are gonna 404 but stay mad tradcucks lmao

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Its sad guys believe this, even sadder that its not true which is one of my big insecruties; women do not find men physically attractive.

Women do not masturbate to pics of naked men, women do not watch , look at or partake in physical fetishization of the male body i.e. foot worshipping, rimming, legs, arms and six packs like men do over womens boobs and bums and legs etc. Womens sexual fetishes are based on the emotional aspects of sex and are usually based on degradation.

Numerous studies can be found if you google this subject, showing women prefer lesbian porn, are more turned on by other women than men and do not like porn with solo or gay men. Yes, women may find height and a pretrt face attractive, but they aint gonna suck of your biceps oe bemd you over amd eat your ass for ages cos they find it plump and juicy.

Tl;dr go talk to qomen you cuck but expect NEVER to have your sexual advances or desires matched nor reciprocated.