What’s going on
I can’t help but feel cucked
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Is your that GF texting you that shit?
I feel suffocated just reading it. She must be a pain in the ass.
Your answer is gold.
shoulda of just said same
you have to say yea and how sometimes leg exercises make you feel better than she does
>say something to girl
>she replies with "haha cool"
why would a bitch give me signals and then act like that?
OP is in blue.
"Yeah thats weird as fuck"
I know I'm just sharing my own frustrations. I don't have any friends to talk to.
lol dude, you feel cucked by leg exercises?
Say something along the line of you taking care of the rest when you see her or whatever. Seize the opportunity instead of being a bitch about it.
The fact that she is communicating this to you is a very good sign and should be appreciated.
>Haha, your girl liked it bro. She said you never make her cum.
>tfw your girl mounts herself on the leg press bars
>tfw cucked by a meme machine
read the thread nigger
Yo what's your girls name my nigga I'll fuck her for you so the machines don't have to
>the virgin human bf vs the chadflex6000
because she likes the attention, duh. it's called "stringing along" and women have been doing it for longer than we've had songs or movies. how are you only learning about it now?
>how are you only learning about it now?
crippling autism. I'm learning things at 20 that 13 year olds already know. But fuck, we made eye contact and exchanged smiles for a week until SHE asked me my name and I asked for her number and now I get one message every 6 hours, if any.
Lmao bro don't worry lots of people are turbo spergs sometimes. I remember having girls come up to me engage in conversation initiate flirting and my teenage autism still fucked it up
It’s because she’s not doing SS + GOMAD
I know women don’t think before they open their mouths but did she not think to look at this shit before she sent it?
Uhh OP she was taking BBC when she sent you that.
>I hear that happens
OP is just insecure lol
kek, you're friendzoned, aren't you op?
>also 750x1334
>iphone cuck
It's not unusual for some women to orgasm while doing ab exercises. Fully serious. Google it.
Sometimes squats give me half chubs.
Engaging the abdominal muscles may also lead women to flex their pelvic floor muscle (Think kegels), which is pleasurable. If their legs are together, and they flex, this also adds friction and pressure to the clit in tandem with this sensation.
It's got a similar sensation to the "shit gotta pee" feeling but also intensely pleasurable, and it will only ever happen to you at wildly inopportune moments.
fucking lost it
>people actually believe to this day that arnold was bullshitting when he said this
s/he curses a lot. fucking dumb-ass
>I hear that happens
Holy sjit
Have you tried going out with her and talking face to face instead of through text?
Kinda sounds like she was hoping for something but she lost interest sort of
It's over for OP,
>talking face to face
yeah I'm terrified of that, and she's always surrounded by a bunch of friends, many of which are guys. I'm talking to another girl, a younger one, which I supposed would be easily impressionable and so lift some of the tension, but even then I struggle to keep the conversation going. I just don't know how to converse.
I'll be 21 soon, I shouldn't be so retarded.
"i feel cucked"
should have*
you'll only get better if you do it
I’m not OP but I don’t know how to respond to walls of text non autistically like he does. What is a less autistic thing to say than “I hear that happens”?
I have the same thing but if i cycling on bike really fast it feels like I'm going to cum
>I'm a man
It's okay to not be good at it now! That being said, you'll never get better at it unless you put yourself in that uncomfortable situation and push through it.
Rooting for you, user. You're gonna make it.
Apparently that is thing for some people, specifically core workouts
Top kek
Initially use FORD (Family, Occupation, Recreation and Dreams) as conversation subject, it's pretty easy to keep the conversation going when it cools down and very soon you'll have intimacy to stop worrying about hitting some conversational dead end. At least it works for me.
There's no way that you intended it to be this way, but that answer is actually pretty fucking solid and probably sent her to hamster land
How can humanoids even compete
>Feels like shes gonna pee
She should go to a clinic and get tested for a UTI bruh
This shit only happened to me once and it was while curling, never been able to replicate
Usually AI respond to every point they make. Even if you just send gibberish. Women are FUCKING INSANE. Why do you think we used to put them in the asylum for just having periods back in the day?
Underrated based reply is based.
my sides
Losing my shit in the library.
this kills the white race
>I hear that happens
Nigga you don't converse over text. Are you texting your boys conversations all the time? Prob not.
You use text to SET UP a date. Nothing else. Ask in person for X date, say "cool I'll text you details then" and day of say be therr at X time
Things will get boring fast over text. For both ends
Can confirm, I was sleeping with this thot who goes to the gym (not a gym thot) and she also said this leg press machine made her cum. I just thought she was weird as fuck or some shit.
Is this a common thing then?
>tfw even a 1-2 y/o machine has more sex experience than you
Humanlets btfo
Just get on Tinder, Fabswingers, Pof and Bumble.
When they message you asking what you are looking for just say "nothing too serious right now, just got out of a long term relationship, just see how it goes"
Then once you've got their trust and fucked them, bin them off and move onto the next, or keep fucking them It depends
My library has a lost and found, maybe yours does too.
What is supposed to be so funny about this? Is there a reference to something I'm missing?
I think we can tell OP is using an iphone from the picture, only a real sperg looks at the fucking resolution and recognize it's taken from an iphone
T. Samsung user
should of*
>Tfw cucked by Mr. Leg press
Carbon-based life form bois are FINISHED
I feel my tip tingle when supersetting ez skullcrushers with close grip ez press. Always and only then.