One shot at life

Decided to try becoming ottermode 9/10 instead of anorectic dyel 4/10.

>On my first day I couldnt bench a bar without plates.
>6'1 went from 60kg to 68kg in a year

>still look like a dyel and whenever I post body here everyone laughs at me holy fuck I just can't put on weight and muscle Imma kys

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No matter how much I eat (I ate as much as I could) I couldnt put on weight.

Now since I started counting it I eat 5.5k kcal daily. I feel like I am going to puke but I cant stand being a fucking stick anymore

>1 year
6 more to go, ucandoit

you dont look that bad now lool. Ive seen wayy worse. Keep on doing it bro youll make it, we all will

a thread died for this.

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fucking me...Thanks for the motivation bro

> bench only once a week
> do sit ups for abs
> never work out traps
> eat

Shave that pathetic attempt of a beard please...

You're going to look skinny until youre 175 pounds or more. I'm your height and 183 pounds and people are finally commenting on my size.

What did you when you couldn't bench the bar without plates?

that's 79 kg and 83 kg for you europoors

Aso learn how to pose

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Someone assisted me as I tried to add and add more

After ~3 months I almost doubled the weight and from there it was easier.

The beggining was a nightmare.

Don't worry I already did.
I always wanted to have one :(

>On my first day I couldnt bench a bar without plates.
I just remembered I used to "lift" 30 lbs chest press, good times man

That's the weirdest frame I've ever seen

Who cares, you look better now and are in better shape than you used to.

People in the lifting scene (this includes Jow Forums) are too body dysmorphic when it comes to bodies from looking at pictures of people on gear.

Truth is as a natty its going to take you alot more than a year to look really good. Especially if you had a sedentary lifestyle before this. Ive now trained as a natty for 4 years and I went from 57kg to 76kg. You have to be patient and be realistic about your goals or youll end up taking the test-e shortcut like many did before you

Stop comparing yourself to others, and stop looking for validation from others. Youre making progress and thats all that counts. Youll get there someday

It always blows my mind when people cant bench the bar. Like how? Your whole body cant push 45 pounds? The modern age man lmao. 1pl8 was my starting weight

don't spoonfeed them pls

Well it wasn't for the "aesthetics" reason but only for looking at the (((progress))) lmao

also my body like 1 month in if anyones interested

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pecs are pretty much useless muscles, you don't really ever use them

>tfw put on 20 lbs in 2 months
>now 172 lbs at 6’1

Still a fucking skelly but being able to finally put on weight successfully this summer has been great

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keep it up man

Is this bait?
You look pretty good, not that skelly


user, you look fine calm down. You look better than a good 3/4ths of men. Don't let the body dismorphia take hold.

dude just roid lmao

ignore this idiot. Roiding at your size would just make you look sickly

Not OP but are there any good resources for learning how to pose? Especially in candid photos. I always look like a fucking gremlin in photos. I can only find resources for teaching thots how to stick their brappers out

You did good.
Your body is what I am approaching right now, Im cutting (I was the bulky, strong fat type before).
After my cut I will start bulking with a slight surplus, that's what you should do, too. You have a good foundation to start from.

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Your pose is retarded user (assuming that is you). Otherwise you look fine.

No fucking way you eat 5.5k and don't gain weight, unless you have some digestive system disease. How do you poop look like usually?

if you are under 25, you are just naturally thin guy with fast metabolism. i was same, once you get older prepare for fat gut unless you work out.

>naturally thin guy with fast metabolism

what kind of genetic freak of a man can consume 5.5k calories and not gain weight?

>his body don't burn calories

ya, my guess is that is not real number, or actually is real but has job wear walks alot. i have shit job where i pull orders of boxes and walk about 6 miles a day... i can't gain weight for shit either

Damn op are you me here's my pear shaped estronaut ass at day 0 0% muscle 100% onions

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Here's me a year later (only worked out consistently for like 7 months), my friends say I'm looking good now but when I look at the pictures I don't see a lot of difference. I'm kinda growing into my hips but from certain angles I think they still look like a transvestites fantasy. Guys on Grindr think I'm hot tho which is a big plus

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There is no fucking way you worked out for 7 months unless you are fucking retarded or your testosterone levels are below detectable treshold.
I made far more gains in 10 weeks on an extreme caloric deficit (1.9kg/week weight loss).

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zYou have no fucking skull mass, holy fuck. You didn't eat properly growing up and happen to luck out being so tall. I see so many faggots like this

I'm 6ft and 154lbs atm. I tried bulking for a couple months and actually put in some weight, but ultimately failed.
These high calorie shakes were the back bone of my diet, but the milk ruined me; my skin, bloated all the time, etc. I don't know how I could bulk without them every.
I've gone back to my old ways; banana for breakfast, fish and peas for lunch, and whatever 'normal' dinner.

Dude, I'm 5'9 and 130lbs. You look pretty good.

It's more like in those 12 months I worked out in 1-2 month increments and then fell off for a while because I was doing bigger and better things in uni

Do you even eat?

What in the fuck is skull mass.

So you basically half assed it. How many days per week did you work out in the periods that you bothered to do so? Did you push yourself to the limit during lifts? How many reps per set?