Why do you struggle to find a girl, user? you seem to be a healthy young man

>Why do you struggle to find a girl, user? you seem to be a healthy young man.

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For the third time already, I told you I'm gay! Now c'mere mister therapist man and give me a kiss


>dont mind if i do!

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Extreme fear of intimacy due to years of childhood abuse by my peers.

If you don't have an open and honest relationship with your therapist, you're just feeding your ego.

Also, make sure to get a therapist that has the same gender as you.

What if I’m not gay and I want to bang a therapist? I don’t have any desire for therapy but I hear most therapists are more damaged than their clients so she should be an easy lay.

Well doc, I'm a Paki so my parents had an arranged marriage so my father was never there to teach me how to talk to girls. Everything was set up for him and he was raised in a more prude environment. Furthermore, I am somewhat socially retarded with women I want to pursue, but not with the ones I just want to befriend.

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This is what my dad said to me the other day but in a much harsher tone that made me feel more pathetic than I already am.

I fucking love this meme

I unironically only care about the gym, my upcoming fight and school at the moment.

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I hate myself and know that I could never be a good partner.

My calves are extremely small

Where do you live now?

Where does London come from?

I was born in the US. So the US. Texas to be more specific.

I'm an armlet doc, girls don't care about my bloated legs.

im autismic as fuck, dont make the first move, and always sabotage it when things start looking good.

yesterday i hung out with a girl who admitted in casual conversation that she's cheated on her current bf of 3 years, over 50 times.

even admitted to breaking up with him a few times just so she could date drug dealers and get freebies

why would i trust any woman? i dont expect you to understand mr therapist you come from a better time

She was hinting that she wanted to bang you my dude, cheer up.

> just so she could date drug dealers
I would say I'm disgusted but I've known so many whores who've done this I'm not surprised.

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I'm neither healthy nor young.

I don’t trust them, and I find 95% of them annoying.

i was one of the guys she cheated on her bf with last year, she is a good fuck, but she puts on the same innocent girl front that every girl these days puts on for social media

good luck in your fight

Why are you asking me this when you told me I have avoidant personality disorder

England obviously why are burgers so bad at geography

It's hard to find a nice virgin girl that's willing to be a housewife and raise 5 or 6 kids these days.

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switch to forefoot running

I don’t understand what you’re crying about, you’re a bad person too. Not as bad as her since she is the one in the relationship, but you could have not slept with her and better yet you could have told her boyfriend that she is unfaithful. The fact that you are friends with this girl says a lot about your own morals.

highly unethical


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y...you too

Become a monk and travel the world with nothing but some robes, a hiking stick, a rucksack, and maybe a dog and get by helping the people you meet with their problems.

intelligent conversation, great sense of humor, athletic, sexy body, high sex drive, low mileage, little baggage, monogamous, financially stable, and younger than 25. you find a girl like that you let me know. ill wait.
>be me
>be all of those things
>see a lot of guys who are
>wish to god i was gay so i could have my perfect partner
>be straight anyway
>be forever alone

No it isn't. There are virgin women all around you. You just don't talk to them and don't want them. You focus on the thin blonde whores who have fucked 100+ guys and post their ass on instagram. Start talking to normal sized girls (which this sub considers overweight) and you will find one easy

>but you could have not slept with her and better yet you could have told her boyfriend that she is unfaithful.

mm, not really my problem. i've known the girl for almost 10 years now and the guy is nobody to me. he knew she was slutting it up and decided to stick around anyway because he's desperate as fuck

>The fact that you are friends with this girl says a lot about your own morals.

i've done MUCH worse than help some thot cheat on her bf, believe me

Sounds more like woman don't trust you and you annoy 95% of them

Charles London. An old tripfag from the time of Jim Profit. He would answer questions, like Scooby but with no humor and no airplane in his shed.

I'm very picky, so while I date a lot, I don't often meet girls I want to be serious with.

>Went on camping trip recently
>4 of my oldest friends and one's girlfriend
>While my friend and his brother go hanging a bear bag, we start talking around the campfire
>I ask my buddy what his dreams are
>He tells me (won't post because it's kinda personal)
>We ask friend's girl what her dreams are (career stuff mostly)
>Then they ask me what I want
>Tell them about how I'm gonna move to Maine and settle down
>Tell them how I'd like to make furniture and do carpentry
>Tell them how I want a housewife and as many kids as I can support
>A brick house with slate or tile roofing, a green room, a study, etc.
>Tell them that I'd start my own little town/settlement if I had the money without plastics, electricity, asphalt, etc.
>Say that I'm worried about society right now and I don't know what I could actually do to change things other than stick to my convictions and raise a nice family to try and fix things
>Just kinda rambling about a bunch of stuff I've been thinking about for a while
>Her attention has been laser focused this entire time
>When I finish my spiel I apologize because I thought I was getting a bit ranty
>She tells me not to apologize and that it's beautiful because nobody really talks that way or has that kind of passion
>Smile and she actually smiles back
>Brothers come back
>Ask them about their dreams
>"lol I dunno I just wanna have a few kids and a nice house I guess"
>Friend's girlfriend looks very disappointed
Now, this girl isn't ideal by any means. She's Hispanic and I'm pretty sure she's not a virgin, but she respects conviction. Hold fast to your ideals and you will command respect. You'll get the girl, user. Just don't give up.

Ugly, stupid, bad personality... List goes on...

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Fatty detected. The fact of the matter is that hook-up culture has permeated society so far and the sexual revolution has taken such a toll that the vast majority of people will not be virgins when they are ready to marry. Besides, I'm also looking for one that knows or is willing to learn how to bake bread, churn butter, and make cheese.

I'm not sure why you think fat pigs are the virginal ones user. They still get plowed.

Your social circles is fucked

Honest answer. A girl once posted a pic of herself and a thirsty London-lad posted L O N D O N, in desperation in case she actually did live in the same city as him (and also so she'd meet up with him just because they were in the same city and also fuck him).

After that it just stuck

Nah it started as "pls be in London"

I can hook up with girls easily but I can't make it something more

I value my peace, my peace of mind, my time, and the few material possessions I have. With a girl i stand to lose one or all of those things. What do I stand to gain from her? Until I meet a girl that makes it worth it to me I'll be single.

I agree.

Im no stud, but I never had problems with girls because I grew up with a lot siblings and naturally had practice socializing with many different age groups and both gender.

I am also shocked at how many of my wifes friends in their mid twenties were incels and went to extraordinary lengths to meet guys (they hated tinder as a concept).

The misogyny on this thread is probably like "lol they lie they probably have like 10 niggers ride the train every night lol lol"

I think its because so many guys grow up bitter and believe that because Chad got girls and treated them with disrespect, then I can get girls by treating them disrespect.

For instance, my one wifes friend who was a 7/10 and rich as fuck had the hardest time with guys because she wasnt looking to be used like a shake and bake bag. One guy after a great first date literally asked her if she would do a threesome with his roommate. She told him to fuck off and the guy kept trying to worm his way back., but thankfully she had enough self confidence to stay away.

Like wtf. If you're not a Chad asking a 7/10 rich girl if she wants a threesome before the second date, you got issues man.

My point is that their are a ton of sane non skank girls out there looking for a decent guy, but just cant find them because most guys are so corrupted by porn and Chad envy they fuck it up everytime. FfS guys, act like a man.

True user nice spot bro

>Besides, I'm also looking for one that knows or is willing to learn how to bake bread, churn butter, and make cheese.

Do you know how to do any of those things?

i don't struggle. find me a tan ten without a ten so i can start a family

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