Onions make u girly

>onions make u girly
>milk from cows pumped with estrogen gud

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>american milk

LMAOing right now


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ye that's my son, not me in the pic tho

i love the idea of white girls fucking black men

This might be related
My wife is breastfeeding and her doctor had prescribed her some birth control pills for her to take about 3 months post partum. I told her not to take them because I didn't want my son to be drinking weird hormones just in case they pass into the milk. Anybody here got some knowledge they could drop?

They will. Your doctor is a jew retard.

The hormones in birth control are either estrogen, progesterone, or a combo of the two. If it's oral, it's most likely a low-dose progesterone that helps her regulate her cycle and also helps with milk production. (Or, at the least, it will not hinder it unlike estrogen)

It's essentially simulating her hormone levels as still being pregnant. There may be an exceptionally small amount of the hormone in the breast milk, but breast milk contains estrogen and progesterone in minute qualities without BC. The difference is, I believe, a 1-2% difference, and there's no recorded adverse health effects.


That's why I only get milk from male cows.

>literally getting so sucked up in memes that you ignore your doctors advice

Just bring it up to him or get a second opinion retard dont ask this shitty tawainese cricket raising forum

if milk isn't good then explain how all my lifts and muscle mass wonderfully increases when I drink 2 tall glasses of milk a day?

>his morning meal isn't a bowl of diced raw onions and milk with a little black pepper

never gonna fucking make it

Doctors are morons that just follow what big pharma tells them. Sorry, but no, I am not letting you cut the tip of my sons dick off for (((hygiene))).

yeah well guess what I don't drink either
what now faggot

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We did ask. It was just his recommendation. But I don't entirely trust doctors and their attitudes.

>i have a penis
>id rather keep my penis which means I like it
>only women and fags like penis
>im now a fag

If you dont cut your dick off youre a fag

Your Doctor's entire mission is to fuck up as many kids as he can in his host country. That's why his handlers sent him into that field.

>"swing back at the top of your deadlift!"

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Thanks for this. The wife didn't end up taking the pills and her supply was strong. My boy is 9 months old now and weighs about 25pounds. He's mogging the shit out of the other babies, even some 1 year olds.

Holy shit I think he might actually be Jewish.

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that pic makes me wonder, who is gonna be the first to say you should eat shit, like literal feces?
i would go with based Sv3rige, or maybe snake diet man

The carnivore diet dude for sure


Fuck yeah user, that’s great to hear

well, vegans have claimed you can get b12 from dirt or feces as if supplements weren't required for a vegan diet...

The estrogen comes from the lactose. You know what to do.


>mogging the shit out of other babies
idk why but this made me kek
congrats on the baby and good luck

Based and redpilled

Do not let your wife take birth control at all? I mean can you really not pull out? Is nofap causing this? I fap 3 times a day everyday since I was about 8 and My dick has only gotten bigger and thicker over times and I get hard about 2 minutes after having rough vigorous sex. Stop being a bitch and learn to pull out.

>when a chronic self-abuser tell you not to creampie your wife

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birth control (ie, estrogen and progesterone) literally do transfer through breast milk. There is literally no reason for your wife to be on birth control while breastfeeding. And actually, it's virtually impossible to get pregnant while breastfeeding anyway due to various hormonal feedback mechanisms and such.

So just lay off the birth control. Personally I'd say don't use it at all, especially if you're in a relationship and having children anyhow. There are a whole host of psychological changes that occur fro birth control that I think the medical community has completely overlooked/dismissed for convenience.

He's obviously adopted, since he's not mixed race, you absolute brainlet.

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Where do fellow ameribros even find beef liver? Do you need to go to some specialty/ethnic food store to find it? I don't see it in the meat section of any of the regular chains near me like Acme or Shoprite

I want to start getting those nutrients

>Where do fellow ameribros even find beef liver?
you can find it in a regular grocery store

>Stop being a bitch and learn to pull out.

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Find a butcher. Ask the butchers at the chains, not just the clerks. If they don't have it, they'll know where

Is it true that chicken is chicken is full of estrogen that negatively affects the consumer? And if so, is it still safe to eat other types of poultry like turkey or perhaps duck or goose?

Then again, my grandfather refused to eat any type of poultry due to growing up on a chicken farm and not enjoying the experience. He ate basically only beef and pork, and he lived to 86 with no lifestyle/cardiovascular diseases whatsoever, only succumbing to pneumonia. Anecdotal, sure, but there's that.

Of course he is.

s o y and milk are both trash. Milk is for babies

good thing i live in a country without estrogen pumped cows then

Implying you can tell if niggers are pure or just mutts,

Implying they aren't all mutts

>muh animal estrogens
Now fuck off, OP.

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