/manlet/ general

I want to die. I am 5'11 (probably shrinking due to back problems) and every time I walk outside 60%+ of the men I see are heads taller than me. I'm 20 years old but I feel like a little boy every time I'm in public because of my height.

Google says that 5'10 is the average height for a white American male, but that's bullshit. Here at my university it seems like 6'1 at least is the average. Even most of the Chinese students are my height or taller than me even though chinks are supposed to be shorter than whites.

It's unbearable to be unable to walk outside without being bombarded of thoughts about how I'm so physically inferior to everyone else. Every time I see a tall person, even if they're unattractive, I want to kill myself.

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Now imagine being 5'4"

Thats because all the manlets are kept in their pens where they belong.

I know that feel. I’m 6’ and when I go out it still feels like people are a lot taller than

I’m 5”11, I’ve never paid attention to height and I don’t think anyone else actual does. Hasn’t stopped me from getting pussy so stop being a bitch

What I wouldn't do for just 1 inch of growth. I'm only 20 years old, someone tell me there's still a way to grow.

Grow grow grow

I don't want pussy. I want the ability to feel like a man, even if I'm a fat permavirgin neckbeard.

Get money and get bigger, works wonders

i'm 6'4" and don't have these problems

Won't matter if I'm still short.

oh this thread.

as a real manlet (5'5) i have to question several things about you guys, you are either lying about your height and or live in a statistical anomaly. I know legit barefoot 5'11 men and when we walk about in downtown cities, they (5'11) are taller than probably 80% of men... this is my anecdote which real stats shows is about right.

I am 5'4

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>I'm a fat permavirgin neckbeards
That is why don't feel like a man, you're just pushing the blame onto something you can't control to feel better about yourself. You've probably done shit like that your whole life if you're 20 years old and think your height is the reason nobody likes you, faggot

They're not lying, they're just the only people who post in these threads. Manlets and 6+.

5'4"? I'm 5'2"

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Yeah I'm 5'8 and I'd say around 50% of guys are noticeably taller than me. How this guy counted 60% at 5'11 is beyond me.

I'm 5'6, 5'7 with shoes or flip flops on, and I've had two girlfriends this year, one of which I still am with, pushing 4 months now. Couldn't be more in love with each other. Have never been rejected for my height.

Holy fuck user, as a 5'4 male I can't even imagine this kind of hell, fuck even girls are taller than me, don't get too depressed about this anyway there's a lot of other things to keep my depression strong

I'll never lift as much as a 6ft+ person but ill look more aesthetic. Funny thing is, is my cut weight is gonna be 115-120 lbs lol.

Imagine being 3'10 1/2


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Literally me

This, I put some muscle pretty fuckin fast too about the only thing good to being a manlet.
>Tfw I only doing calisthenics for 2 months or so and family and other people already mirin

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is 5'7 with above average looks considered midget status?


honestly, 5'11 is a decent height and if you are this obsessive over it you are only hindering yourself. As long as you have a good attitude and your personality is on point then you will have no issues socially.

With or without shoes?

Get some new kicks if not. It will add a couple inches.

how do we know that the woman in this pic isn't some 6'3" freak? tbf she's taller than anyone else in the picture

Where the fuck do you live? You are a height fraud cause there’s no way you’re legit 5’11 and believe this. I am your height and I am taller or close to the same height as most people I see. These threads are retarded, SAGE


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the only benefit of being a manlet... well it isn't that bad right?

Seriously. Pick one thing at a time, and develop a plan with specific, achievable goals that you can work on every day. Once you start bettering yourself, you'll start feeling like a man. Lifting increasingly heavy things is a great way to do this.

Be happy with what you have faggot. There are actual manlets that dream every night of being 5’11. You height is not what’s holding you back from getting pussy. It’s your ugly face and shit social skills.

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The manlets bounty

fuck this reality

listen mate. Girls only really care if you're taller than them. And if a girl really likes you, even if she's taller than you, she will go for it. It's a non-issue.

Lucky me, I’m 5’5

shut the fuck up, tired of hearing this disingenuous shit.

I don't care about my height impacting the way people see me or the amount of pussies I smell, what matters is how I view myself. Besides I am autistic and would fail socially anyway.

Just go gay, you'll get "loads" of "love" for being a pocket guy

5'11 with shoes, once at the doctor the nurse measured me to be 5'10.5 without shoes and I've been to terrified to measure without shoes since

Yeah I do lift, I've been going to the gym for several months now to try and lose weight and gain muscle, and it's going very well. That's something I'm in control of, and although I haven't met my goals yet I'm making progress.

I still don't feel like a man, because I'm a fucking malformed homunculus.


I don't care about pussy or what girls think. I don't have a shot at getting any because of my ugly face and autism anyway. I want height gains only for myself.

hgh can be used to add an extra inch or two if youre lucky, its used to treat dwarfism but not to too much effect

>I still don't feel like a man, because I'm a fucking malformed homunculus.

its not that fucking bad lol

You can grow up to 21 years old. Go to the doctor and get your growth plates x-rayed. If they already fused you won't grow anymore.

Sorry to break it to you bud but if you need 3 inches to feel like a real man then you got bigger issues than your height.

Not bad? Being a midget in a sea of normal men is not that fucking bad? Knowing that even if I got Jow Forums that any one of them would be stronger than me and could kick my ass in a fight? Sure it's not as bad as being 5'7, but it's still pretty bad.

>almost 140lbs

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slide thread & not fit related

Boy 2 inches isn't much difference.

I'm 5'8" and no one every said anything about my height or treated me poorly for it. Most people I know are around the same height as me and it never mattered to any women I've ever known. I wasn't aware of it until I came to this board. This place will make you mentally ill.

I'm assuming you're Asian or something.

I'm 6'1-6'2 and that's barely above average.

My best friend is 5'10 and considered short.

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Just because you have muscles doesn't mean you can fight. Pick up a martial art on the side. You have serious confidence issues.

You got mental issues bro, it’s not your height making you feel like this.

Lmao ok dude

Man height isn’t that important unless your are super short.

I’m 5’8” and The other day I was at the mall buying cologne and I saw one of the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen I mean this girl was a legit 10. She was my height but the guy she was with was slightly shorter than me like probably 5’6” but they were clearly together. The thing was the guy was actually pretty good looking like would prob be a model if he was taller.

Honestly face can trump height. This 5’6” dude was able to pull this absolute banging dime piece with just his face and how he carried himself.

Why would I lie? The average is 6' here.

Or 5'11.8 or something.

Fuck you guys, you've had a lifetime to cope with being short. Being 5'10" fucking sucks, I get angry when someone is taller than me, I lift my head up when someone is around my height to make sure I'm the taller one, I literally do back 4x/week with yoga afterwards to extend my spine. Being insecure about something you can't control sucks dick.

>face can trump height

Yep. Though being short will still be a huge disadvantage.

5'6 around here? That's.. Extremely rare.

fucking baby, are you really going to reply to 5’4” and tell them how hard your life is. I’m glad you’re insecure you piece of shit, I’m shorter than you but I’m also way happier with my life. Faggot.

you CAN gain an inch by working your back and fixing posture. Meanwhile i'm 176 and will never get to 6. YOU can do it.

Yes, I know. But if I were taller I would feel better.

How? How should I "work" my back? Special exercise?

>mfw laughing at all of the insecure, fragile manlets ITT

being a 6'5" stud with a cartoonishly large, horse-like penis, i simply can not rlate to the plight of munchkins. i can, however, laugh at your misery.

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delts and core strengthening

say that to your tiny penis LMAO

That poor poor manlet cope.
I feel bad for the little dude.

Great thread mankins

>I get angry when someone is taller than me

Unironically seek help. You must fix your mental health before the physical.