Met girlfriends sister and her husband today for the first time

>Met girlfriends sister and her husband today for the first time
>Have own squat rack at our apartment
>I can squat 170kg for 2 reps, usually do 155-160kg 3x6.
>My girlfriends sisters husband is some soldier who thinks he is a bad-ass for serving in Iraq
>Looks like a complete DYEL
>Was squatting while they were having coffees (I never miss a workout) and already met them and had a talk with them both
>Anyway while squatting hear the guy yell 'EASY AS FUCK, It probably weighs about 60kg haha'
>Rack the weight
>Tell him to put his money where his mouth is and squat it
>He actually agrees
>Gets in the squat rack, bad positioning
>Actually un-racks the bar, within seconds his back completely collapses as if it wanted to get into a fetal position
>Hear nothing but grunting and yelling to call the ambulance
>tfw past 15 minutes got yelled at by his wife blaming me for fucking his back up

Does it make me a bad person for not giving a fuck? Fuck him.

Attached: suckin1.jpg (670x489, 92K)

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Mogged by an SS Artist

Lmao if true
I only squat 2pl8LOL but one day I will be just as alpha as you

@ op

The lord is clear on the matter of ego lifting

Attached: a6e.jpg (500x428, 61K)

Nice blogpost faggot
I bet you couldn’t ruck 80lbs of gear and ammo up a mountainside
However, most soldiers are rear echelon fags

STALE fucking pasta lmao.

I’ve seen this greentext before. Kys OP

.t posting in the hospital

Military cuck detected

Wow this is fkn old copy pasta

>Does it make me a bad person for not giving a fuck?

Not at all. He deserved it.

didn't see this pasta in 6 month

Hello friends. I suggest you lurk moar so you don't fall for copypasta! It enables these weebs to shit up our board!

Can’t believe anybody hasn’t seen this before

Faggot civilians I would out lift any of you pussy boys. Zzyz wouldn’t have made it two days in the Corps!

Attached: 19A3DD0F-C7DB-4A26-989E-7B0AA4B3533E.jpg (768x768, 104K)

like clockwork

It's really POGs that get jacked, my brother was a marine and sat around watching weather reports and lifting.
> Mfw you will probably never your big brothers 680lb deadlift

My brother is a grunt in the marines and says they're all pussies now, and he just plays video games, does fire watch, and lifts all the time.

Man im a newfag and even i remembered this one from a month ago

Submitted to Jow ForumsThatHappened thanks for the karma user!
