How do I obtain this body?

How do I obtain this body?

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what body

Steroids and heavy lifting everyday

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Lots of pushups is all

Don’t masturbate

But he gets drug tested by the WWE therefore he's 100% proven natural just like all natural bodybuilders and professional athletes. You are BTFO!!!!

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20 push-ups before bed every night

Big Show said he is undoubtly the strongest wrestler he's ever known
That's right lads, Cena is actually stronger than Lesnar

hes starting to look like an old man. yikes.

Kane is also stronger than Lesnar. That motherfucker's a beast.

diet and exercize. thank me lat8r

Big Show was saying Lesnar is the most athletic person of his build and size he's ever seen which is true. Look up Lesnars combine stats they're unreal

BE a penis

Tren ageing

Oh I'm not doubting that. Lesnar's a well-known genetic freak. But you tend to hear about how Kane is a god damn monster when it comes to pure strength, even for a guy his size. Lesnar himself was incredibly impressed by Kane in the weightroom.

Although another real fucking monster is Big E. The highest record bench he claims is 575.

WWE does drug testing?
lmao I wonder where they send the results to. Chuck E. Cheese Labs inc.?

It looks like someone spilled spaghetti on him

I Can't Believe It's Not Trenbolone Ltd

What do you think of that, DALE?

lose a fight with a lightning bolt

Poor Dale. Finally turned into Shredded Cheese only to get into a car accidentally right after the Ruby. Anyone know how he's recovering?

Looks to me like he won and is now storing the bolt in his arm as a secret weapon.


also underrated post


Wasn't Stroman a former strongman? I doubt Cena is stronger than that. Also Big E is known for being very strong as well Mark Henry who are both likely more strong than Cena.

>have elite world class genetics
>do steroids

If he wasn't roiding in the first place he never would've made the WWE and never would had his career....

>roiding for that

>he thinks the WWE piss tests their guys/gals for shit like steroids

Mark Henry is without doubt the strongest.

Kane in 2001 legitimately looked like a monster especially for a guy who was almost 7 feet tall

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they do, they just let certain people know when.

the line is those who are full time contractors part timers like Cena and Lesnar don't need to get tested that's why most wrestlers now don't look as jacked as the attitude era

Attached: CesaroRollins.jpg (600x600, 185K)

Cena used to compete as a bodybuilder. He was crap.

For a guy on his ridiculous schedule to look like that he must be on insane amounts of gear - especially GH for recovery.

WWE doesn’t piss test people they just want letters from your doctors to make sure you’re fit to work. That’s all the wellness programme is - Paige and Eva Marie both got suspended for not turning in letters. Men only get in shit when they get busted for being dealers like Jeff Hardy

>Lesnars combine stats
>Brock had just arrived in Arizona to get started training for his NFL tryouts. He said he weighed in at 283 lbs, ran a 4.65 40, had a vertical jump of 35 inches, a standing long jump of 10 feet, and was able to bench 225 lbs at 30 reps.

yeah, sure.

30/60 day suspensions are for being pissed on the job.

Not a single one of those is for steroids

>Big Show said he is undoubtly the strongest wrestler he's ever known

mark henry has quite literally accomplished the following:

>1st ever arnold strongman classic champion
>1006 lbs squat, 600 lbs bench press, 925 lbs deadlift (during training, in competition records are only a few pounds less)
>407 lbs snatch, 507 lbs clean and jerk (during training, in competitions records are only a few pounds less)

i could go on, but your statement is 100% empirically, totally and absolutely horse shit. get a clue, faggot.

2000/2001 Kane was absolutely fucking jacked.

Also someone should peep Lesnar hitting the shooting star press in OVW or leapfrogging Goldberg's spear at WM 33. When he actually gives a fuck he's a killer athlete

I'll always be a little salty that Kane didn't win the Royal Rumble in 2001. He was a force of fucking nature there. Although I can't be too upset because we got an awesome Austin/Rock match out of it.

But watching him toss motherfuckers around really got across how strong he was, even with the typical assistance that the one being tossed tends to lend being factored in.


Lesnar once said that no one could beat Kane in arm wrestling. It was apparently like trying to push over a tree.

He looks like he got a stroke recently


I know the mountain had a major stroke and that's why half of his face is like that.
But Cena?

I think that's just how he looks without makeup. He's past 40 now, after all.

> he thinks both those guys aren't on gear

He definitely has that 10iu per day HGH face

> WWE says it's stars cannot use gear
> Brainlet user is convinced
Im going to take a picture of the rock in to show my PT and say i want to gear 'bear mode' and im willing to eat all the protein it takes.

>when the /asp/ mod pretends he works out

I heard he needs like multiple bicep surgeries and a few screws in his back. Shit sucks but he was literally going 90 down a back road. Think of your kids you unfunny cookie cutter

Guy's still pretty strong looking even at his age and his commitment to politics.

I met him at Axxess a couple years ago and he was still a monster in a polo shirt compared to my DYEL ass.


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