>Wearing a DBZ shirt at the gym
>Some overweight girl with glasses see's me and says "Gross" as she walks by
>Wearing a DBZ shirt at the gym
>Some overweight girl with glasses see's me and says "Gross" as she walks by
I think you animufags look ridiculous as well.
Got what you deserved, you disgusting weeb. She would have been in the right to spit on you.
You need to be extremely swole and Chad to pull off DBZ t-shirts.
This but also it's some random fat bitch so who cares
Women are repulsed by DBZ and anime in general. Never reveal your anime power level around normies. You're just asking to get ridiculed.
Better yet, stop watching anime altogether.
Sometimes I wear a Spiderman shirt to the gym and no one cares. I also see other gym goers wearing Batman and Captian America shirts and no one seems to care about that either.
What the fuck is wrong with DBZ?! It's only like the most popular anime of all time!
Bitch nigga if you don't deadlift with a suigintou daki in full view then you don't even lift
It's still anime and therefore will be looked at with disdain. Girls watch Marvel comics movies but they don't watch DBZ.
She's fat
She's wearing glasses
She's a sub 1/10.
Why in the fuck do you care that a fucking disgusting land whale who was...virtue signaling how cool she is and how beneath her you are with that comment?
That's all you had to say.
>Some overweight girl with glasses see's me and says "Gross" as she walks by
>not calling her gross back
Well she is right fucking weeb dyel faggot
One of my three gym shirts has Frieza doing lmao8pl8 OHP. Never noticed so much as a sidelong glance.
People are weird.
dbz gym fags are honestly the worst though. usually they are fake fans who found out about dbz last year.
Should have asked her if she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.
I bet you love marvel brah.
Why do you care what an overweight subhuman says?
next year DBZ will get some faggot proper western adaptation and all these dumb fucking cunts will be dripping wet shrieking about how they love dbz as the newest trend
Shoulda ended her and said something to the effect of i can take this shirt off, but you look like that all the time
I have found the exact opposite normies like anime more than ever. Every mexican anywhere loves DBZ. This is not a stereotype this is a fact. Anime Hispanic under the age of 40 likes DBZ. Normies love bleach, naruto, FMA and a bunch of other Generally popular shit.
The fuck?
No they aren't.
Not me. I've been a DBZ fan ever since I was 5 years old!