So I heard you can bench more with a girl sitting on you because it raises testosterone. I don't have a gf but I have a lot of anime girl pillows, can I just lay one of those on me while benching? I already asked my gym manager and they said it's ok, so would that work too? thanks
So I heard you can bench more with a girl sitting on you because it raises testosterone...
That tiny change in testosterone isn't gonna do shit in that short of a time frame. Adrenaline is more important if you want to lift more. Do something that gets you angry and pumped
I'm gay so I just have a guy spot me. It really turns me on knowing his balls are dangling literally inches from my face, separated only by a thin piece of cloth. You could try that.
What a stupid thread, thank god your worthless genes won't be passed on.
Dumb anime poster.
it would definitely work since its what youre into, itll raise your test. you should do it user.
do you want the extra gains or not?
> since it's what you're into
inb4 some user kicked out of gym for doing bench presses with a pair of womens' socks on his face
>I already asked my gym manager and they said it's ok
what the fuck
No because if you get an erection it drains blood away from your pecs and tris, therefore reducing the amount of blood you can use and decreasing your lift. I'll use those 250mL of blood for my lift thanks
If you're lifting heavy doesn't the blood avoid going to your dong?
Not if you're getting a hard cock it's not. Which is why you shouldn't get one as it draws the blood away from the working muscle fibers